Hi everyone… This is a Smallville fic I posted in another site and thought I'd also share it here. It starts off after the season finale of Season 4 and it will mainly be a Clana (Clark and Lana) fic, but not exclusively. It's an R rated fic!

I hope you enjoy


CHAPTER 1 – Consequence

Clark threw the crystal, as if something in his mind told him to do so. He watched as the crystal flew through the air and then suddenly it stopped in mid air, hovered over a specific spot for a while, and with forced drove itself into the ground, getting buried deep beneath the arctic snow.

Clark watched in bewilderment not sure of what was going on. His mind raced in many different directions. His parents and whether they had gotten out of Smallville safe from the meteors, Lana and her cryptic talk just before she said goodbye to him and the burden he carried with the knowledge that somehow the fate of humankind rested on his shoulder. A heavy burden for an 18 year old.

Silence was what followed, but it was not a peaceful silence. Clark felt uneasy and soon it became evident why. The ground begun to shake violently and where the crystal was buried, a crystal tower started rising slowly and magnificently. Clark was baffled as the great construction rose to its full height. As Clark watched it, he felt like it was calling him, so he made his way towards it, with slow and unsure steps.

Soon he found his way near its entrance. He lingered there for a while not sure if he wanted to enter or not. Then he took a deep breath and took a step towards the tower. Just as he did a very familiar voice was heard booming in his head. His father. "Kal-El. This temple is meant for you and you alone. It contains knowledge that only you should learn. You must stay in this place for a certain period of time, before you embark on the next stage of your journey towards your destiny. But before you do so, there are pressing matters that you need to attend to back at your home."

Clark now was even more confused than before. "What do you mean? How can I go back?"

Jor- El's answer was quite simple. "Just step through my son."


Lana was frozen with fear, as she watched the doors of the mysterious "ship" that had fallen near her helicopter, open. She couldn't see clearly what was coming through the ship, as the light that was coming from within blinded her. She could barely make out a figure stepping out of the ship. Instinctively she lowered her head and slowly started to creep away from the crash site, as her heartbeat begun to quicken at an alarming pace. Her heart almost stopped beating when she felt a presence behind her. She slowly and fearfully turned her head to see who was standing over her. It was then that she saw a very tall man looking sternly at her. He was dressed in black and his eyes almost gave off an unnatural glow. "I am the protector of the knowledge. You are guilty of staining one of the stones with human blood."

His voice was cold as if it was coming from an ageless void. Lana was petrified as she watched him reach with his hand to grab her. As he wrapped his hand around her neck and lift her off the ground he spoke. "The penalty for such a crime is death."

Lana sent out a silent goodbye to the world and to Clark, as tears slowly formed in her eyes, but her voice was gone. She couldn't even scream, as she was taking her final breath.

"LET HER GO NOW!" said an almost enraged voice behind them and as Lana was starting to lose her senses she thought she saw Clark there. The tall man turned his head to see Clark, and upon seeing him, released Lana who fell limp to the ground. Clark super sped to the place where they were and with one hand violently pushed the man in black away from them and with the other pulled Lana to him and sped her away from there.

When he was at a safe distance he stopped and gently placed her down. His heart was boiling with anger upon seeing her in that condition. She was bloodied by the helicopter crash, and was now barely breathing with a big bruise around her neck from when that monstrosity was choking her. He tried his best to speak but he was choking from silent sobs. "L…Lana…" he managed to utter with a broken voice, as he gently stroked her hair. As no answer came from her, Clark felt his anger swelling up and it materialized in a deafening cry.

At that moment Clark felt behind him someone charging at him at great speed. Clark quickly turned around to see the same man attacking him. As his blood boiled, Clark charged at him with all his fury, yelling in the process. He connected with a fierce blow that sent the assailant flying through the air several feet away from him.

At the state of mind that Clark was now, he didn't care whether anyone was watching him, and he didn't notice the destruction all around him. All that filled his mind at heart was vengeance. Before the mysterious assailant had a chance to gather himself from Clark's previous attack, Clark was on top of him. "WHY?" He screamed as he punched his fallen adversary. "WHY!" With each question came another powerful blow that would have certainly killed any lesser being. The man in black then suddenly grabbed Clark and from his hands, he emitted energy straight into Clark's body.

Clark had never before felt such a pain. He screamed as he was unprepared to deal with so much agony. As Clark tumbled to the ground still trying to catch his breath the man in black stood up, grabbed Clark by the throat and lift him high in the air. "You are just as guilty as she is Kal-El!" spoke the cold emotionless voice. "You have allowed the stones to fall in the wrong hands and now they are stained forever."

As the man was talking Clark suddenly realized what he was talking about. It was as his father had told him. He was the power that was unleashed due to the blood stained stone. Clark then tried to reason with him. "But the stones are united again! I made sure of that." Said Clark with desperation in his voice.

"Indeed you have Kal-El. But the crime has already transpired, and I am here to carry out the penalty. The ones you call Lionel and Lex Luthor, along with the one called Lana Lang will have to die."

Clark felt his anger swelling again. He wouldn't allow this to happen. It was his fault that things came to this and he would not let anything happen to Lana because of this. There were no two ways about it. He used his heat vision on his enemy, but it seemed to do little good, since the man did not release his hold of Clark's throat. Mustering all of his strength Clark grabbed the hands that were choking him and tried to remove them from his throat. Slowly but steadily Clark's determination started to show, as he managed to be freed from the choke hold of his enemy and immediately hit him with all his power.

Not wanting to let him get a chance to gather himself, Clark charged on him again. The mysterious assailant though reacted quickly and also charged at Clark.

The impact of the two men charging each other was great, and it released a small shockwave. As both of them fell down, Clark started to pull himself together, but found it difficult as he was still dizzy and disoriented from the impact. His enemy though was up on his feet quicker. He stood for a second looking at Clark and then a wave of energy came flowing from his hands straight into Clark.

Clark fell back down on his knees once more, as the energy kept hitting him with a force he'd never experienced before. He tried to resist it but felt his defenses slowly crumbling. As any hope of overpowering his opponent started to abandon him, he instinctively reached his hand forward to the direction of the energy that was pouring towards him.

At that moment he felt as if time itself froze. He saw the crystal once more materializing in his hands. The crystal glowed brightly and it spoke to him. It spoke in a voice very dear to him. His mother's. "My son… you are not ready yet for the challenges that you must face in your life."

"So was this another test of Jor- El to see if I'm ready?" asked Clark in an angry voice.

His mother's voice answered to him in a loving and soothing tone as always. "No my son. This being you now face, is a precaution taken by our people to protect the ultimate knowledge of our civilization. But it is beyond your powers still."

"So what can I do?" asked Clark, his voice not hiding the uncertainty and the guilt he felt for all of this.

"Do not worry about this my son. It is already dealt with. But use this event to realize that you must prepare yourself, before something that even you can not prevent happens. I do not want to burden you any further my son, but the truth is you have avoided your destiny for far too long. This can not continue. You have to do what you must for all humankind. They will need you my son and you will have to be the beacon to show them the way in their darkness."

Clark seemed a bit distraught. The burden he would have to carry never seemed heavier. Then his mother spoke once more.

"I know that it seems like too much of a burden to carry my love, but that's why you are so special. And don't worry, even though it will seem very hard at first, I promise you that one day you will find your balance and your peace. And remember that I will always be with you." With that the light from the crystal washed all over Clark and it felt to him like his mother held him in a warm and loving embrace, that put his heart at ease.

When Clark came around, he saw that the being was not there anymore, but the effects of their battle were evident. Then his heart dropped once more. "Lana" he said as he super sped once more to her side. She lay still just where he left her. He was not sure whether she was alive or… No, he thought. He was not going to even consider it.

With tears in his eyes, he picked her up gently, and immediately sped off towards the hospital hoping to find someone there. It was then that he noticed the destruction for the first time and his mind turned to his parents. Did they make it out of Smallville in time?


Jonathan tried to move, but felt something stopping him. He realized then that he was covered with debris. He remembered feeling the meteor destroying a part of their house, and then… nothing. His mind went to his wife. "MARTHA!" he yelled as he tried to pick himself out of the rubble. There was no reply. As Jonathan started to get very worried for his wife's safety, and found himself unable to move, he felt someone help clear the rubble from around him.

"Don't move Jonathan, you might have broken something. I will get you out." His heart soared when he heard his wife talking to him and it seemed like she was fine.

"Honey be careful. Where is Jason?" said Jonathan as he made another effort to pull himself up.

"I'm not sure but I think he's dead."


Chloe opened her eyes and realized that she was in the caves. Her mind was still a blur but slowly the memories of what had happened started to return to her. She remembered seeing Clark standing before a blinding light and then nothing. What had happened? She must have blacked out right then.

Her trail of thought was interrupted, when she heard someone groaning just behind her. She turned around to see Lex groggily stand up. Lex looked at her a bit confused. "What the hell happened here?"

"Lex I…" Chloe started to say, but Lex cut her off, as he abruptly grabbed her arms and spoke menacingly.

"That's it! I'm sick of playing the good guy, and always being in the dark! Chloe I will ask you once more and you better answer me this time. What happened here?"


As Clark reached the hospital, he saw with dread that part of it was destroyed, and of course no one was there. He looked down at Lana in his hands and he saw that she was very pale. He panicked, he thought of speeding to a hospital in Metropolis, but somehow he felt like she didn't have much time left. So he decided to change his destination. With almost a thought, Clark was once again at the caves. He entered the room behind the cave wall with Lana in his hands.


To be continued