Sammie Nicks

Author's Note: And… the grand finale! Thanks for reading everyone! Oh, and feb04: You have the same humor as me? GASP, such a rarity! Don't worry, weirdos like us make the world a happier place... or at least a weirder place... but that's good too!

Disclaimer: Nothing of Stargate belongs to me! And the beautiful "Edge of Seventeen" doesn't belong to me... that honor goes to Stevie Nicks and company.

After the Beginning: Presently

Sam opened her eyes as she realized that the nightmare wasn't over and everything that led up to this very moment wasn't a dream either. The introduction to the song began as she decided right then and there that she wouldn't have a chance like this in a million years. She was going to take it and run with it… In fact, she thought running would be a good idea.

A steady clapping emerged from the crowd. She opened her mouth but nothing came out. This was supposed to be lip singing, not actually singing. Suddenly, she realized what Janet had done. She was expecting a very live performance.

Running. She went back to that idea. She made up her mind, she was going to run. She did exactly that as she dashed backstage again. However, as she was going down the steps, a hand grabbed her and another was put across her mouth.

Jeers and boos could be heard from the audience.

"Shhhh! Keep still will ya?" the voice said.

With Sam's quick thinking, she stamped down hard on the figure's foot and elbowed it in the stomach.

"Geez Carter! Been practicing?" Jack said as he nursed his foot and stomach.

"S-sorry, sir! What are you doing here!"

Daniel and Teal'c appeared.

"Hey, Sam… we're in a kind of predicament here," Daniel said.

"What's with the whole outfit?" Jack asked.

Sirens began to blare.

"This can't be happening! They're so upset that the police are coming here to stop a potential riot!" Sam said as she sat down on a step and rubbed her temples.

"Once again, the outfit?"

"Jack, forget about the outfit, we're in real trouble here."

"Indeed. The police are actually pursuing us."

Sam stopped rubbing her head and looked up, "They are?"

"Well, we kinda left a box of weapons in my truck and the police found it and well… Teal'c shot a deer!" Jack said pointing at his friend.

"You ordered me to O'neill."

"It was on impulse!"

"You know better than to order Teal'c on impulse. You know he'll follow it!" Daniel almost shrieked.

"Indeed," Teal'c simply said.

"So why are you in that outfit?"

"That's beside the point!" Sam said as she stood up, "I don't know why in the world you had a chest full of weapons and why you shot a deer, but I'm willing to help you out at all costs. Now, let's get the hell out of here."

She grabbed Jack's wrist and began to move when a figure appeared, blocking their path out.

"And where do you think you're going?" Janet demanded.

"Janet, we've got to get them out of here. The police are after them."

Daniel was trying to explain the situation to them but couldn't get the words out. He was staring at Janet's black cocktail dress.

"What Daniel is trying to say is that we need a way out," Jack said.

"I-I never th-thought you'd wear th-that dress," Daniel managed to say.

Janet smiled, "What are you talking about? I had this old thing in my closet for the longest time. I thought that this was the perfect time to wear it. Why? Have you seen this dress somewhere before?"

"N-no!" Daniel said as he turned around and sat on the step, rubbing his temples.

"Janet, let us out," Sam persisted. That way, she didn't have to do the stupid show.

"There's police everywhere. I don't think you can get out… unless you had a diversion," Janet replied.

"Good idea Doctor! Now why didn't you become an air force strategist?" Jack said. "How do we create a diversion?"

"Sam, dear, would you do the honors?"

Sam shook her head.

"Carter, I'm ordering you to create a diversion," Jack said.

Unfortunately, Janet and Jack were talking about two completely different diversions. Janet's version consisted of a mind blowing concert. Jack's version consisted of blowing up minds. In other words, explosives.

"Go follow orders Sam," Janet said with a wicked smirk.

"Go out there and knock em dead!" Jack said encouragingly.

"I believe we must go soon," Teal'c said.

"Alright, I'll give you guys a signal," Janet said as she pushed Sam on stage.

Once they were on the middle of the stage, Janet began clapping and said, "Now, I know some of you must go, so please leave now as we close up with our ending number featuring our very own Samantha Carter!"

The crowd began cheering again as Samantha took the microphone. The music began again and Janet went backstage.


"What'd she say?" Jack asked.

"That was the signal Jack. C'mon!"

"It is the most opportune time to leave," agreed Teal'c.

"Hold on… I think she's gonna sing."

Daniel and Teal'c were walking away but stopped and turned around. They squatted down next to Jack who was at the edge of the stairs.

"She sings?"

"Samantha Carter is indeed very talented."

"Talented indeed…" Jack muttered.

"You know, we're going to get caught if we stay here."

Jack pondered, "Leave and be safe from the police or… watch Carter showcase her hidden ability…"

Sam's voice began to settle across the whole room:

"Just like the white winged dove...
Sings a song...
Sounds like she's singing...
Whoo... whoo... whoo...
Just like the white winged dove...
Sings a song...
Sounds like she's singing...
Ooo baby... ooo... said ooo…"

The police began to intermingle with the crowd who were mesmerized by the performance…

"And the days go by...
Like a strand in the wind...
In the web that is my own...
I begin again--
Said to my friend, baby...
Nothin' else mattered…"

The sirens stopped blaring as the music began to take over…


Carter had gotten into the groove of things. She was on fire! Dancing and singing coupled together with the energy of the audience made her shine all the brighter…

"Well I hear you in the morning...
And I hear you...
At nightfall...
Sometime to be near you...
Is to be unable... to hear you...
My love..."

Sam looked backstage to see if anyone was there. The crowd was roaring and cheering. The police were enjoying the show, even forgetting why they were there in the first place. Sam was getting to the last verse of the song and everyone was singing with her…

"Just like the white winged dove...
Sings a song...
Sounds like she's singing...
Ooo baby... ooo... said ooo…"

Soon the music ended and audience erupted with applause, cheering, and howling. Sam bowed, smiled, and waved to her adoring fans. Janet came up to her and hugged her.

"I knew you could do it! Now that wasn't so bad was it?" she said as she gave her another hug.

"You were probably laughing the whole way through!"

"Yeah, I was but I loved every part of it! I hope that camera recorded."

"You didn't!"

Janet replied with a mysterious smile and turned to go backstage. Sam shook her head and began to feel her cheeks turning red again. She seemed to remember that she had stage fright. She hurried to get offstage.

"Well, looks like the guys are gone. Good distraction Sam."

Sam felt a tinge of disappointment at this but she too was glad that the guys got back safely. She didn't want them getting into any more trouble.

The manager appeared and applauded, "Crazy show blondie! You should come back sometime!"

"I doubt it…"

"Where's the General, by the way?"

"Hammy?" the manager asked with a hearty laugh, "He is still riding the bull."

"I'm pretty sure he was a good distraction too," Janet slyly said to Sam. "C'mon, I'll give you a lift home."

"Actually, I need to pick up something on the base."



The car pulled up to the SGC. Sam got out of Janet's car and hurried inside. She headed straight for her lab and tried to avoid the look people gave her. She forgot she still had her 'rocker' attire on.

She got to her lab and got what she wanted. As she was about to exit the base, she noticed something peculiar. She didn't see any of the guys around. The base was big. They were probably out there somewhere.

"Hey Janet, let's get going! I need some sleep. I just might wake from this nightmare."

"Sure. But you have to admit it, you were sensational out there."


Sam got into her house and plopped down on her couch. She didn't even bother to turn on the lights. In the dark, she saw the red beeping emanating from her answering machine. She sat there deciding between getting up or sleeping.

Finally, she decided to get up and check the thing. At least the annoying red light would disappear.

She pressed the button.

"1 new message."

She yawned as she waited for the message.

"Hey Carter. In case you're wondering, me and the guys are doing just fine. Yeah, we actually got the biggest cell in this place. Nobody goes near us because we got good ol' Teal'c by our side!"

There was a short pause.

"Oh yeah, you did a great job Sammie Nicks. It was worth it."

The beep came on to signal the end of the message. Sam smiled. Suddenly, the night didn't seem so horrible after all.

And the curtains fall to end the show… The End.

A/N: The song excerpts were taken from Stevie Nicks' "Edge of Seventeen". I don't know how it inspired me to write this story, but I'm glad it did. It always seemed to me that Sam would be a Stevie Nicks fan... maybe it's just me, though. Thanks for reading!