Disclaimer: If I owned ANYthing, would I be writing on here????

"Uh... we... uh... didn't... really... you... uh... what?" Ron stammered.

"I cannot believe you guys read my diary!" Hermione shouted. "That's a total invasion of privacy! I wrote stuff about you guys in there!"

"You did?" Ron asked, pulling it out of his bag.

"You still have it?" she screeched, drawing the attention of everyone in the hall.

"Well... yeah... I uh..." he stammered once again.

"You know, I would have thought you both would be more courteous. What do you have to say about this Harry?" she asked.

"Um... you're an excellent writer?" he said, uncertainly.

"WRONG ANSWER! Try again," she said, glaring daggers at him.

"You're... monkey was amazing...?" he tried.

"STILL WRONG! But thank you," she said.

"Okay, I'm really sorry we read you're diary. We just figured that, well, you know as you're best friends we probably knew a lot about you anyway and the first time we read it we both wanted to but the second time it was all Ron's idea and he made me," Harry said in a rush.

Hermione closed her eyes and in a pained voice said, "You read it... twice?"

Harry and Ron both began talking at once, trying to explain. Hermione closed her eyes, but her hand up in the air signaling them to stop and shook her head. Then she snatched the diary out of Ron's hand and marched out of the hall.

Harry and Ron just stared after her for a minute before Ron said, "So we'll go get it again tonight?"
