Title: Beg Me for It

Summary: Harry wants something from Remus, but Remus won't give in until Harry asks for it properly…

Disclaimer: I wish…


Authors notes: Thanx to all the people that reviewed so far! Sorry I kept you waiting so long; hope this chapter makes up for it though!


Chapter 2: Don't Give Up


Harry decided to bid his time before he approached Remus again. He didn't exactly know the rules of this "game", if that was even what it was, and he didn't know if he had a limit on the number of time he was allowed to ask.

Still, it intrigued him to know that he was playing such an erotic game of cat-and-mouse with Remus. He couldn't wait until he finally cracked the code and got his reward.


(I cannot fucking believe this)

Harry was lying back down on his bed, his wand in his right hand, biting his lip and resisting the urge to throw a curse at the ceiling and have it crash down on him.

He had been playing this "game" with Remus for the last two weeks, and he hadn't gotten any closer to figuring out what the hell Remus meant by 'proper'. If anything, he seemed to have taken three steps back from his starting point.

Not that Remus seemed to mind in the slightest. In fact he seemed, without surprise, to be enjoying the fact that Harry was failing horribly at figuring him out. He seemed to be waiting for Harry to come downstairs in the mornings, sitting up with his elbows on the table and his chin resting on both fists, waiting with an excited gleam in his eye for Harry to make attempt after awful attempt, only to give the same plain and clear "No" after every proposition.

Harry was beginning to wonder if Remus even wanted to sleep with him, or if he was just getting off on making him miserable.

(Well I'm sick of playing this stupid game. I'm going downstairs to tell him that I don't want to do this anymore)

/You sure you want to do that/ He thought to himself

(Why not? I don't have a chance in hell at figuring it out. It's not like he's giving me much help)

He sat up and sighed as he swung his legs onto the floor. "Damnit Remus. Getting into your pants was not supposed to be this hard."


He strode downstairs with a quick step, not giving himself any time to back, and before he knew it, he was standing behind his usual chair opposite Remus, who seemed taken aback at his speed.

He leaned back in his chair, folded his arms across his chest, arched a brow, and waited with a slight smirk for Harry's inquiry. But he didn't give one this time.

He gripped the back of his chair and spoke instead, "I quit".

Remus' brow rose higher, he waited as if expecting more, then "I see you've refined your technique".

Harry tilted his head slightly. (What? What the hell is he talking about?)

"Interesting, too bad it didn't work though. The answer is still no."

Harry put his left hand to his head. (Oh god. He thinks I'm still playing with him. Fuck)

He let his hand slide down his face. "No, Remus, you don't understand. I quit. I'm done. I give up. You win."

Remus surveyed him, as if not quite sure of his meaning. He seemed to figure it out soon enough, though, as the playful smirk dropped into a look of disgust and his arms tightened across his chest.

"I've won, have I?" Harry's eyes widened: he sounded pissed. "You have no idea what winning means." He made to get up and walk past, but something moved Harry to block his way.

His mouth took a suicidal plunge. "Well obviously I don't," he said, drawing himself up to his full height, which was still about two inches shy of Remus'. "Because you won't let me".

Something in Remus seemed to snap. He bared his teeth and took a step forward; Harry took an involuntary step back.

"How dare you" he said in a drawl that seemed to frost over the entire room. "Do you think that I'm just some common tramp?"

He was still walking forwards, and Harry, cursing himself, was still moving backward, hands out behind him. Remus was still moving as if he didn't notice, or care about, Harry's discomfort.

"Did you think I would just spread my legs for you just because you asked? What-?" Harry's eyes had widened. He stumbled on his way backwards. "Surprised? Didn't think it would be this hard? Thought you could control me with just a snap of your fingers? Didn't think you'd have to work for it?" Harry stopped walking, clearly stung. That hadn't been what he thought at all.

But Remus seemed to take no notice, and Harry thought for a moment that he would run right into him, but he stopped short, so close that Harry could smell the coffee on his breath.

He tipped Harry's face upwards with his first two fingers, staring into his eyes, voice dripping with ice as he said "Ask. Me. Properly. Figure it out, or fuck off". A chill shot through Harry as he gazed back into Remus' face, feeling his finger tips press into the bottom of his chin as he swallowed.

Then they were gone, and he was left gaping at Remus' retreating back as he rounded the corner, his heavy foot falls echoing off the wooden stairs.


An hour later found Harry sitting on the kitchen floor, in the same spot Remus had left him.

(How could I be so stupid?)

/It wasn't your fault. How were you supposed to know that he would blow up like that/

(Still, he was right. I expected too much too soon. I mean, it was surprising that he didn't toss his tea into my face when I asked him the first time. But he actually went along with it. I'm a bastard)

/What are you going to do then/

And that was a good question. What was he going to do? Surly Remus was royally pissed at him by this time, and he probably wasn't going to be all that keen on starting up the game again, because now he couldn't trust that Harry was going to play by the rules.

(But what are the rules?)

They way Harry saw it; there was really only one rule, the most important rule, the one he had broken this afternoon. And that rule was: don't give up.

(Remus had been a marauder, in ranks with Sirius and my father. When they found themselves in a sticky situation, the last thing they would have done would have been to give up. They would havegone throughany means necessary to figure out a solution)

And that's when it came to him.

"I need to pay a visit to Sirius."




YAY! Finally, I've been so busy lately, and I finally got this done.

Ok, just to clear this up: Sirius is not alive in this story.

But it isn't going to be one of those scenes where Sirius comes to him in a dream or something.

You'll just have to wait until the next chapter to find out!