It's me again. It's been a while since I've started another story. First of all, I'm pretty glad you guys liked that one shot I made, it wasn't the best but at least you liked it and I'm glad. This story is probably the first non-one shot stories I've ever written. I hope you like it. It's called "I never knew". I hope you like it.

Summery: They have the title as husband and wife. They live in the same house, but not in the same room. They both have feelings, but not for one another. So when they find out about each other's counter parts, they won't be jealous… right?

Sakura: age 29

Syaoran: age 31



Chapter one: Prologue: Us

As the golden sun rose upon the world, birds chirped as their mothers lifted off for food. It was a normal day in Hong Kong, China. Couples awoke from each other's embrace, some having a full night sleep, and some had an exciting night.

Li Sakura awoke from her bed, her auburn hair a mess. The first thing she saw the blasting light of the sun. Groaning, she started to sit up, looking around her large bed. At the age of 29, she was married to the one and only Li Syaoran; Owner of the Li Company, son of Li Yelen, head chairwoman, and herself? She was the wife of Li Syaoran, the daughter-in-law of Li Yelen, supposedly Li Syaoran's love of his life.

Big understatement.

They were not in love. They were never in love, and if she had anything to do with it, they never will. Her maiden name was Kinomoto Sakura, and she had wanted to keep it. She was the daughter of Fujitaka Kinomoto and Nadeshiko Kinomoto. Sister of Touya Kinomoto and the eye sore of many men. Before she was even born, without her consent, not even caring if she loved another, she was betrothed to Li Syaoran since they were little- or in her case before she was born.

"Mistress, breakfast is ready." A voice called from the outside the room. Moaning, she got out of bed, dressed in a short denim jean and pink t shirt. Opening the room, Wei stood outside, grinning. "Morning Mistress Sakura." Sakura smiled, trying to stifle a yawn.

"Good morning, Wei." She greeted back, "Is he downstairs?" she asked, referring to her 'husband'. Wei nodded,

"Yes, he is. He is about to go to work." He replied. Sakura nodded, heading downstairs.


Li Syaoran sat in the kitchen, newspaper in one hand, coffee in another. His grey suit rested against his body neatly, without a single wrinkle. His chocolate hair, even if it was unruly, sat handsomely on his head. His blazing amber eyes scanned the news, the stocks. Hearing foot steps, he only glanced up for a second to see his so called wife come down.

"It's about time you woke up." He stated like he was making a contract, not even looking at her. Sakura rolled her eyes, getting her orange juice before settling down across from him.

"And good morning to you too 'honey'." She responded dryly, cutting up her pancakes. Syaoran's eyes flashed slightly, though his face showed nothing.

"You are expected to be ready by 6 pm tonight. We are going to the Anderson's ball. Your dress will be picked up by Alicia, have, what ever you need to be done soon; I do not accept tardiness, understood?" he ordered, still not looking at her. When she said nothing he continued, "Behave yourself tonight, and be courteous. There will be many high ranking people there." He finished, standing up and placing his coffee down. He looked down at her with his fiery eyes. Her ruffled auburn hair, slim figure, emerald eyes, she wasn't bad looking, but it doesn't mean he had to like her.

"Keep staring at me like that and you'll be late. I don't want to be called a nagging wife that won't let her husband work." Sakura responded, "Don't worry about tonight, I won't go rampaging around like an uncontrolled elephant. Even if you don't, I have a pride too." Syaoran glared coldly at her, before exiting. Rubbing her temple she muttered,

"What did I do to deserve him?"


Entering his office, all his employees went silent, none talked and all looked at him, standing. Syaoran acknowledged none of them as he swept silently by them, an aura of extreme authority radiating from him. He shut his door with a snap and his employees came back to life.

Inside, files were stacked neatly on his desk, those that needed to be signed, and those that needed to be completed. A ring came from his phone, grudgingly, he picked it up.


"Xiao Lang! There you are! I was worried you may not be back."
A feminine voice came on the other side. He smirked,

"Gwen, I've told you many times I go to work. Is something the matter?" he asked. He could almost picture her face in a beautiful pout.

"I need something to be wrong only to call my boyfriend?" she asked. Syaoran chuckled, "Are you going to the Anderson's ball tonight?" She asked eagerly.

"I am, but I'm going with Sakura." He responded, knowing she would be upset.

"But Syaoran! You've been married to her for half a year all ready."

"I'm sorry Gwen, but I have to. My mother says so. It's to show politeness and I have to bring her out once in a while or people will talk." Syaoran said. "I've got to go, I'll see you tonight."

"I better see you tonight. With or without that woman." And click and the dial tone sounded. Syaoran sighed, closing the phone as well. He just didn't understand his mother. Just because she was friends with Sakura's mother, it automatically made him in love with her. Well the only thing good was Sakura's feelings towards him were the same.

Utter dislike.


Sakura sat on the sofa, twirling the phone cord around her finger.

"But James, I want you to come!" Sakura whined on the phone. Her boyfriend chuckled,

"There's no point in going if you're going as a Li." James said on the other side. Sakura pouted,

"I'm not going as a Li." Sakura said proudly, "I'm going as Sakura." James laughed at her childish voice.

"All right, don't get your pretty face mad." He responded. Sakura laughed,

"See you there then." Sakura said. Jason laughed,

"All right, make sure that Li dude doesn't get too close to you." James warned. Sakura laughed,

"I promise."



A/N: so first chapter. Tell me what you think.

Next Chapter: Sakura comes out stunning, and the two has the most passionate night of their life… except in the next morning, they're anything but happy.