The Lecture: Chapter 10


Only those who knew him best saw Ron's smile falter as his eyes fell upon the three people in the front row. Kim was grinning triumphantly at him, Mrs. P. was smiling with damp eyes, and Mr. P., for some reason, was grimacing in pain. Ron held his smile, passing his gaze over his second parents, as if they were strangers. "She told me," he thought, "I can't say I wasn't warned." Understanding did not prevent him from shooting a quick glare Kim's way however. Her grin only brightened.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the losers of this world are its saviors." Ron grinned widely at his audience. "How many of you would consider a man who was chased daily by tigers, climbed trees to escape them, barely escaped with his life, but returned every day to sit and watch tigers, a loser? Think about that, this fellow leaves a warm, safe cottage to hang around natural killers that constantly try to add him to the menu. A loser, right?"

There were a few chuckles and giggles from the audience, a few mumbled, "Oh, yeah, that's a loser all right."

Ron paused, looking at the group until most were nodding in agreement. "Yes, sir, that man was a loser. He was also a Shao-lin monk who invented Tiger kung fu by observing how the tigers moved, fought, and defended themselves. That allowed his order to escape from the years of being the victims and prey of every petty warlord and thug who thought the monks were hiding an extra grain of rice. Not such a loser, was he?"

The agreement from his listeners was more heartfelt this time.

"Or, how about a man who spends his whole day watching monkeys? Does nothing with his life but watch hairy fleabags climb trees and eat bugs. Another loser?"

The audience refused to answer.

"Right, another loser who thought up the defense against the tiger, monkey kung fu. He found by observing the monkeys that they consistently defeated the tiger by the unexpectedness of their moves, by the sheer randomness they employed."

The watchers were becoming captivated by Ron's talk as he moved about the stage, gesturing in emphasis or appeal. Kim was just as fascinated as the others, but her training caused her to catch a slight movement in the wings. Taking her attention from Ron for a moment, she saw Yori motioning someone behind the curtain to come forward.

Just as Ron turned his back and began pacing across the stage, three gi clad men attacked him from behind. Ron never slowed his lecture or appeared to notice the three, but some how all missed. Kim's jaw dropped, along with several others, without any effort, Ron had just evaded the strikes of three black belts, and never missed a beat in his talk.

"….thus helping to defend his monastery even more. Then there was the shy one who liked to look at birds. He loved to watch cranes to be exact." Two more attackers missed. "Did nothing but watch birds all day, another loser, right?" Ron was momentarily hidden as the five converged on him. "But a loser he was not." Ron appeared out of the scrum without a hair out of place, the attackers invisible to him. "He interpreted the cranes defense against the monks into Tai Crus, the most efficient of the Shao-lin arts. The perfect attack, only launched once, at precisely the right moment, at precisely the right target." Seven martial artists now attempted to stop Ron by the simple expedient of locking arms and blocking his path, somehow he slid between them.

"So you see, the losers were the saviors. Any questions so far?" Ron was polished, polite, and totally oblivious to the growing number of martial artists behind him.

"How…how did you do that?" The coed behind Kim gasped.

"It's not hard, you just take a deep breath and let it out as words." Ron's grin invited all to laugh with him.

The coed missed the joke, "NO, no, how did you evade all those attacks?"

Her question broke the stunned silence, questions about his abilities began raining around Ron's head. He smiled and began motioning for silence. When the questions finally ceased, he turned to the martial artists behind him and bowed. "Thank you for your assistance, but if you will please hold your actions for a moment, I have one more legend to tell." When they nodded, he turned back to the audience.

"The crane style of Kung fu is generally considered the best and most sophisticated of the three. It builds on the tiger and the monkey to best them both. There is however, one other art, Tai Sheng Pek Quar, that is known to only a few. It was developed by Lord Toshimiru to combine and combat the crane; to take advantage of the monkeys' ability to adapt to new circumstances."

"Is that the style you just used?" The dojo owner questioned.

"Partially, and some refinements that were developed by others. Now, I see I've been boring you for almost an hour, so why don't you take a break and I'll get ready for the demonstration Yori promised you."

"You mean that wasn't it?" Someone asked incredulously.

Ron's widest grin bloomed. "No, I have some more to show you. Sensei, would you like to borrow a gi?"

Kim could hear laughter in the man's voice, "Sensei? I think I'm the duty uki, but if you would be so gracious, master."

Ron walked to the edge of the stage, reaching a hand down to help the man up. "May I ask your name, sir?"

"John Stevens, sensei."

"Nice to meet you, John." Ron motioned to one of his people, "Would you please help the sensei with a gi, thank you. Everybody else, take fifteen." He turned and walked off the stage.


Margaret Possible glared accusingly at he daughter. "Why?"

"That's exactly what I asked him, Mom, and you won't believe what he told me." Kim grinned back.

Her father stared at Kim from over her mother's shoulder, still unconsciously shaking his hand, "Kimmie-cub, that was Ronald! How can that be Ronald?"


Kim turned to find Diana standing beside her. "Hi, Dee, what can I do for you?"

Dee handed cups of coffee to Mr. and Mrs. Possible. "The master requests that you join him at the house after the lecture. With your parents of course."

"All right, but when…"

Diana interrupted her, "He also asks that you not explain until you can explain together."

Dr. and Dr. Possible scowled.

"Mr. and Mrs. Possible, please, Erabareshi mono is very anxious to speak with you, but now is not the time, where someone could overhear."

The Possible's reluctantly agreed. Diana bowed and walked away.

"Is there anything you can tell us, Kim?" Margaret questioned wryly.

"Not much, except you're going to love his house, and wait 'till you see my room." Kim giggled in reply.

"Now wait a minute," Mr. Possible growled, "You have a room in Ron's house? I don't know if I like the sound of that. In fact…"

Kim stepped around her mother to silence him with a hug, "Daddy, I'm still your Kimmie-cub, but I'm not seventeen anymore. Believe me, you won't be angry when you hear the story."

James returned her hug, but muttered, "I know, Kimmie, but as to not being angry…ten years…"

Kim's eyes began to moisten as she stepped back to look at both her parents. "I think you two grieved almost as much as I did."

Margaret's eyes were also moist, "Of course we did, Kim, he was our son in all but blood."

James wiped surreptitiously at his eyes, glancing around at the returning audience. "I think Ronald may have been right, this is not the place. Let's sit back down and see what else Ronald has to surprise us with."


"All right, Mo, tell me."

Monique turned from feeding her two and four year old sons to raise innocent eyes to her husband's laughing face. "Tell what ,babe?"

Felix grinned at her, "You're hiding something. Something you can't wait to tell, so tell already."


Felix laughed, "Sugar you haven't been able to keep from spreading the news since you were in high school so what's up."

"I can't tell you," she held up a placating hand, "not yet, anyway. I promised Kim, but I think I may have figured something out."

"Well, a Kim promise, that's different," Felix smiled, "so what did you figure out?"

Monique stood up, "Get Ronnie, I'll get Jr., they're through eating, they're just playing now."

"Felix picked up their youngest as Jr. whined, "Awww, mama."

"Hush, any backtalk and no video games." Monique quieted him firmly. Jr. immediately assumed an angelic innocence. "And don't try that on your mama, boy, your daddy does it enough. Now scoot." Jr. scampered toward the den.

Felix followed him, placing Ronnie on his feet, patting him on his backside as he toddled after his brother. "Go get him tiger." Felix turned to his smiling wife, "Now, do you need a patting also before you'll talk?"

Monique looked thoughtful, "No, I'll talk, but save the patting idea for later. Hon, have you ever thought about your benefactor?"

"Who…oh, our silent backer?"

"Yep, did you or Wade or the tweebs ever try and find out who it was?"

Felix pulled her down into his lap, giving her a quick kiss, "We all tried, but no good. Even Wade couldn't track him down. The set up for the P.R.L.S. deal was done completely old style, no computer files at all. Wade got frustrated, started moaning about archaic methods and they ought to get with the times."

Mo laughed, "He just got upset because he couldn't hack them, that's all."

"Got that right, babe, but what brings this up, you got a clue?"

"Ever wonder why he insisted you call your research firm Possible, Renton, Lode, and Stoppable?"

"I always just thought it was somebody Ron did a helluva favor for. Why?"

"A favor Ron did? That big and Kim didn't know anything about it? C'mon genius, you can do better than that."

"Mo, Wade and I were too happy to get funding when I graduated from college to look a gift horse in the mouth. Yeah, Wade made money on his patents, but his parents tied it up until he was twenty one, so he was broke, and I was looking at an entry level job at some research facility if I was lucky. When Jim and Tim graduated, we were asked to offer them a partnership. When they accepted, we got more funding. You know all that, it's old news, what brings it up now."

"Babe, that would have to be the BFIH, do you know how much that 'benefactor' has put into your hands."

"Not really, Wade keeps track, I guess I could ask him."

"Don't bother, I check pearls books now and then, and the four of you have received something in the neighborhood of fifty million in the last six years."

Felix whistled softly, "Man, that's some neighborhood."

"Too true, lover, but don't worry about it, the Momo will keep you four delinquents on the straight and narrow."

"That's comforting to know," Felix grinned, "but what's all this got to do with our benefactor. Our obviously filthy rich benefactor."

"I found out something today I can't tell you yet, but I think that Ron set this up before…"

"Oh, c'mon Mo, yeah, Ron got a lot more naco royalties after that first check, but his parents controlled it all. Besides, Ron was eighteen when he died, do you really think he was thinking that far ahead?"

"All I'm saying…"

"Mo," Felix interrupted her sadly, "Whenever I think of Ron or get reminded of him, it still hurts. He was the first real friend I ever had. The first friend who looked at me and saw me, not a freak in a wheelchair to be pitied. On top of that, if it weren't for Ron, I probably wouldn't have got to know and love you. So, please…"

Monique leaned down to kiss her husband's head, "Ok, baby boy, no more. Just remember he was my friend too, and I'm just as thankful he got us together as you are."

The two sat in silence, remembering.


Ron strode on stage chatting with John. Glancing around he gave an exaggerated start, "Oh, man, John, you make thirteen, not good." Turning from the smiling teacher, he looked at Diana, "Dee, you want to suit up and join in here, make it fourteen."

Diana smiled from her place in the wings, "No, sensei, I think I'll bow out tonight."

"Well, can't be helped I guess. John, you want to join the others?"

"Is that the robe?" Kim heard the whisper behind her.

"Yes, but it looks different somehow."

Kim had been staring at the blue robe Ron was wearing, but now she began searching for details. There were two jeweled monkeys on the back, just as she had overheard, but the one with brown eyes didn't look rejected, he looked happy. The other monkey had emeralds for eyes. The pose of both figures was happy and confidant. "I wonder if the robe is telling me something." She marveled.

Ron finally turned back to his audience as Yori and the others finished rolling a practice mat over the hard wood stage. "All right, this is the demonstration that I think some of you came for. When this is over, you may leave, but next week, meet here and then we will go to my home for the session. Transportation will be provided, or you can follow in your own vehicles. Thank you."

Ron turned back to his thirteen opponents. "Now, this is simple, you have five minutes to decide. You can either all attack me at once, or separately, or at the end of five minutes I will attack you." He bowed and turned to speak to Yori.

Margaret leaned into Kim, "He's joking, right? I only see two brown belts, and there are thirteen of them."

Kim could feel herself tensing up. "I don't know, Mom, this isn't what I was expecting. These odds…"

The two women stared intensely at the group huddling to one side of the stage, planning their attack.

"Kimmie, do you think you should…"

"I can't Mom, Ron would never forgive me." Kim whispered back.

The murmurs around the two women grew until, "Chosen One." John stepped forth from the group, "We have a request."

Ron turned to the group, nodding, "Yes?"

"With your permission, we would like to do this three ways. First, we will attack en masse, then defend your attack, and finally attack in separate groups and individually."

Ron turned to Yori, "Do we have time?"

"If you hurry, Sensei, and don't goof off too much."

Turning back to the group, Ron grinned brightly, "We have time, so…" he stepped to the middle of the mat. Ron bowed to his opponents, "Whenever you're ready."

John returned the bow, glanced at the group and nodded. With no more warning, the thirteen attacked.


In the total silence of the drop jawed room, Kim watched Ron help various people to their feet, murmuring encouragement, assuring himself that no one was hurt. He finally reached a recovering John Stevens. Kim watched as the dojo owner stared up at her lover in total awe.

"Master, may I become your student." She heard the dojo owner ask quietly.

Ron offered his hand, helping the man to his feet. "We'll discuss it later, John, after the next session."

"Can I ask a question?" The coed behind Kim spoke up.

Ron turned to the audience, "Of course, if you're quick."

"I couldn't see much, but did any of them touch you?"

"Ask them." Ron grinned

The various fighters shook their heads, John however, looked doubtful. "I think I got a finger on the master's robe."

"You did, John." Ron agreed, "But it wasn't my robe, it was my pants as you went down. Now, are we ready for part two?"

John walked over to the fighters before turning to answer Ron. Bowing low he began, "Master, I think we all agree," the others nodded, "that we have had enough defeat for one night. If you attack as swiftly as you defend, we would learn nothing except how to apply liniment, and I think we all already know how to do that." The others laughed and nodded, then bowed deeply in unison to the master.

Ron returned their bows, slightly less deeply, "All right, if you are all sure. But next week I want you all to come prepared to work." He turned to the audience. "and that includes all of you. If you have gis, bring them, if not, we will provide."

One tall slender strawberry blonde stood, "Sir, what if we are more into the legends than the fighting? I really came for the oriental legends, I'm not a fighter."

Ron's smile caused Kim's jeal to begin, "Don't worry, Miss...?"

"Sennett, sir."

"Miss Sennett. We have a collection of scrolls that an expert can help you study. Some are over a thousand years old. However, I don't believe anyone should be defenseless, so you will learn some basic defense while you are there." The blonde started to protest, "Miss, believe me, the exercise will help you study, and if that is what you want, our archivist will have you studying harder than you ever have. Any other questions? Fine, I'll see you next week." With a short nod, Ron walked off the stage into the wings.


"What is this place?" Meg Possible wondered when Kim pulled in the gate of the Spanish mansion.

"This is Ron's home, for the moment." Kim replied.

"A home with gate guards?" James growled as a man in dark blue walked up to the car.

'Long story, daddy, but I promise answers are coming."

The guard looked closely at Kim, suspiciously at her parents, then smiled and waved her through. Kim rolled down the window to ask for parking directions, then drove to the indicated area.

A man in crisp pressed overhauls walked up, wiping his hands on a rag. As Kim and her parents exited her car, she had a thought. "You must be M…, I wanted to thank you for the work you did on my car."

M smiled, "And you must be Kim. No thanks necessary, but it's a shame the way you treat this fine piece of machinery."

Kim smiled in embarrassment, seeing her father nod in reluctant agreement. "I'll try to do better, promise."

M took her keys, shaking his head, "No need now, Ron-san asked me to take care of it, and I will." He got in, and drove off.

"And just how long has 'Ron-san" been ordering your life?" Meg grinned at her daughter.

Kim blushed and scowled, "I have to have a talk with Ron-san."

"Yes, we do," James spoke up, "not that he isn't right about your car, but still…"

"Dad, I thought we agreed about no more lectures on abusing precision equipment?" Kim sighed.

A older woman whose name Kim didn't remember approached them, "Kim, if you and your folks would follow me to the study, the master will be here shortly. He was detained at the college."

"What happened?" Kim asked.

"What usually happens when that young idiot shows off in public," the woman huffed, "people demand or plead to be his students, or young women attempt to become his…" she stopped herself as they entered the library where Kim was held the first night, "anyway, he'll be here shortly."

"What women?" Kim's eyes looked red around the green.


"In a minute Mom, what women? I want names."

The woman looked worried until Meg put her arm firmly around Kim's shoulders. "Thank you for guiding us here. Will we see you later?" She asked politely.

Looking relieved, their guide backed out the door, "Probably not, perhaps next visit." She quickly slid the door shut.

Kim whirled on her mother, "Mom, I wanted to…"

"And what were you going to do if she knew the names, Kimmie?" Meg laughed, "Go out into the night hunting for young women to beat up?"

Kim grinned back, reluctantly, "No, just a few select ones."

Meg looked around the room, "This is a lovely library. Someone has excellent taste."

"A very inquiring mind, too." James glanced at his wife, momentarily stopping his intent examination of titles. "A very eclectic collection, but all noted experts. Very little fiction."

"I think the fiction is somewhere else, Dad. I think this room is more for research. Look." Kim went to a bookcase, pressing a switch she had found. The bookcase split, moving forward, then turning to slide back as a state of the art computer station slid forward. "This is a better set up than the one you have at the lab, Dad. Wade would kill to get his hands on it."

James walked over. He had just begun to examine the set up when a sharp rap at the door caught all their attention. After a short pause, the door slid open and Ron walked in, dressed in jeans and a loose shirt. He shut the door behind him, advanced, and then halted, looking at his once second parents.

Margaret broke the tableau by rushing over to clasp Ron in a tight hug. James followed her, grasping Ron's hand, and placing his left hand on Ron's shoulder. Kim watched with moist eyes as her parents greeted their long lost 'son'.

Finally Meg raised her head to gaze reproachfully into Ron's apologetic eyes. "Why, Ron? Why did you let us think you were dead for so long?"

James seemed to have lost his voice for a moment, as he only swallowed convulsively.

Ron smiled and hugged the Possible's before loosening his hold. "I'm sorry, Mrs. P, Mr. P., but a lot happened at the time, a lot of which I couldn't control." His arms tightened again, tightly, "I've missed you both so much." He bowed his head into Meg's hair.

"Ronald," James cleared his throat, "Ronald, perhaps we should all sit down and you can tell us what happened."

Raising his head, Ron nodded in agreement. The three walked over to a couch, Meg kept her arm wrapped around Ron, as if she were afraid he would disappear if she let go.

"Hey, Mom, he's my BF you know." Kim teased mock angrily.

Meg grinned, "I know, but you've had him for a few days now, just let me have him for a few more minutes."

James looked into his wife's damp eyes, aware his own were still moist. "Harrumph, should Kim and I be jealous?"

Meg laughed as she sat Ron and herself down. "Of course not, well maybe. Ron, tell us what happened. Why you never came back or let us know. Where have you been all these years."

James pulled up a chair in front of the couch. Kim walked over and took Ron's free hand, sitting beside him as he blinked at Meg's rapid fire interrogation.

"I want in on this," Kim teased, "he still hasn't told me very much." She looked at her father, "Maybe with daddies' black hole face he can be persuaded to talk."

James tried to scowl threateningly but gave it up as his smile kept escaping. "All right, Ronald, do you want us to ask questions, or would you rather just start talking?"

"I'm not really sure where to start," Ron began slowly, "there are still a lot of things I can't tell you, or even Kim. Sometime soon, I hope, but not yet."

"How about you start with how you escaped Bueno Nacho?" Meg asked gently.

"I'd like to Mrs. P., but I can't." He held up his hands to stop their questions. "I really don't remember. I left Kim safe and under cover in the woods, and then went back in for Eric."

"Eric!" Mr. and Mrs. Possible chorused. "Why on earth would you go back for that…that…thing?" Meg protested.

"Mom, Ron didn't know Eric was a syntho until I told him just the other day."

"Why…never mind," James broke in, "that thing had us all fooled."

Seeing the remorseful looks on their faces, Ron hurried on. "Anyway, the bombs began falling about that time, and I couldn't find Eric or Drakken. I did find Shego and managed to get her out, but then I went back in. I'd kinda promised KP I'd save him."

He almost missed Kim's whispered, "Sorry, I am so sorry…"

He rushed on, "So, there I was with the building coming down around me, and no pretty boy. I remember a loud noise and something hitting me upside the head, and I have flashes of walking through flames, but how I actually got out? Haven't a clue."

Kim spoke up when Ron paused. "I think you left out a few details there, Ninja master."

Ron looked at her, making surreptitious shushing motions with his hands, "Nothing important."

"Really?" Kim's brows rose in loving derision. "How about the little detail that when you were getting me out you took two bullets from the guards. Maybe three. Plus the fact that you had a nasty head wound and were bleeding all over me before you left me in the woods."

Her parents stared at her in shock before transferring their gaze to a blushing Ron. "KP, that's not…"

"Uh huh, and now I understand why Shego kept repeating 'Why?' She was almost unconscious, but she kept asking. I thought she meant why the plan failed."

Ron's flush deepened, "KP, I…"

"You may be embarrassed to be a hero Ronald Dean Stoppable, but don't you dare pretend you're not one in front of me. And next time you tell this story, get the details right." Kim's arms were folded across her chest as she glared at him.

Ron's mouth opened and closed speechlessly once or twice, before James saved him. "Ronald, what happened after you got out? Do you remember anything?"

Ron glanced at him gratefully, "Not really, I remember this bald headed guy in saffron robes bending over me, and then it all goes blank."

"Saffron robes?" Meg wondered.

"He was a member of a Shao-lin monastery not too far from Upperton. I never knew it was there until he found me and took me to the temple. His name was Master Lo. He and Master Kane nursed me back to a semblance of health, but it took about four months before I really knew what was going on. I was delirious and unconscious most of the time." He turned and looked at Kim, grinning. "KP, your Nana always said I was too skinny, she would have fainted if she'd seen me, I'll bet I didn't weigh eighty pounds when I finally came around.

Margaret looked both furious and worried. "Ron, in the kind of shape you must have been in, why didn't they take you to a hospital where you could get proper treatment?"

"They're a healing order, Mrs. P., and I don't think they really trust modern medicine."

"You might have died!" Dr. Possible fumed.

"Yeah, about that." Ron rubbed his neck in worry. "Kim, you remember saying I hadn't died?" She nodded. "According to Master Kane, I did die for a little while. He described it as my tchi leaving my body."

Mrs. Dr. Possible looked enraged now, "If your heart stopped, and you were dead, how did you survive? What did those 'medicine men' do?"

"I'm not sure exactly Mrs. P. Master Kane said he joined his tchi with mine and brought me back. All I remember is some very strange dreams."

"Anyway, after I got healthy again, I…"

"It was you!" Margaret burst out.

"Huh? Me what?" Ron asked in confusion.

"The phone call. It was you. Oh, Ron, why didn't you tell me it was you?" Tears began to leak down her cheeks.

Ron reached and handed her a tissue. "I'm sorry, Mrs. P., maybe I should…I didn't…things were…"

"Ronald, what are you trying to say?"

"He's trying, like always, to keep from hurting someone." Kim said softly. "He called the night I went out with Josh."

Mr. Possible slumped back in his chair, his face pale. "Oh, my god."

"It wasn't your fault, Daddy," Kim rushed to hug her father, "You were only trying to help."

James put his face in his hands. Kim barely heard his whispered "the road to hell…"

Ron was beginning to look panicked. One Dr. Possible was crying softly into his shoulder, the other Dr. Possible was hiding his face and possibly also crying. Ron sent an imploring look at Kim, hoping for rescue.

As always, she came though for him. "All right, enough of the pity party, it all happened a long time ago. Ron, if you can manage to take your hands off my mother, go get Daddy some coffee, and mother and I will have diet colas."

Gently easing the crying woman from his shoulder, Ron jumped to his feet. "You got it KP." He rushed out the door.


When Ron returned twenty minutes later, the arrangements had been changed. James and Margaret were sitting on the couch, clasping hands. Kim was sitting on the arm of the chair her father had vacated. Their heads turned to him as he pushed in a cart holding a silver coffee service, with porcelain cups, a silver ice bucket with four diet colas in it, and a covered platter.

"I thought every one might be ready for a little snackage," Ron explained, removing the cover to reveal delicious looking petit fours. "And Mr. Dr. P,. if you want, I remember that you occasionally enjoyed a good scotch. So I brought this." He pulled a bottle of single malt scotch out from the curtained shelf, turning it so James could see the label.

James couldn't help the smile that grew on his face. "Ronald, I do indeed, and that is one of the finest whiskeys I've ever heard of. If you don't mind, I think I will have the scotch instead of the coffee."

"Not a problem, Mr. P., why not have both? The coffee is Jamaica blue and you'll enjoy that too."

Margaret leaned forward, "Ron, make that two if you would. I don't have surgery tomorrow and tonight I think I need it."

Ron reached under the curtain again, pulling out two heavy rock crystal glasses. "Sure thing Mrs. P. but you'll have to serve what you want Mr. P., I don't know anything about scotch."

James poured two fingers of whiskey into one glass, glanced at his wife, then put two fingers in the other. He added one small ice cube to each. While he was doing the honors, Margaret poured their coffee.

Kim took the soft drink Ron handed her, then patted the chair cushion beside her. "Sit here, Ninja boy, I think those two need to be together right now." When Ron sat down, Kim placed her hand on his shoulder, leaning over to whisper, "And I need my husband beside me."

Ron almost snapped his neck as his head turned to stare hopefully into her emerald eyes. Kim smiled back and nodded, squeezing his shoulder before mouthing "Later."

James eyes lit up as he took an appreciative sip of the scotch. He looked at Ron and began, "All right, Ronald, thank you, this is very good, the best I think I've ever tasted. But please continue your story. We're all waiting with bated breath."

Margaret nodded beside her husband. "Yes, please go on Ron."

Ron tore his eyes from Kim's, "All right, let's see, I spent about nine months with the monks before I was strong enough to leave. Master Kane suggested I go to a temple in Tibet, so that's where I went."

"Didn't you have trouble with the Chinese communist occupation?" James questioned.

"Not really, the old paths are still there, and the temple is very old and very well hidden. Anyway, I studied there for a year, then went to Yamanouchi to see Sensei. He sent me to an ancient monkey sect in India, and from there I just kind of roamed from temple to temple. And that's about all, I guess. My life's story."

Just out of curiosity," Kim began, her hand unconsciously kneading Ron's shoulder, "what was so important in Tibet?"

"I learned some things there," Ron held up his hand, halting Kim's immediate question, "and no, I can't tell you what I learned or the name of the monastery. I can only give you a hint." Ron began to laugh in a peculiarly frightening, bone chilling manner, "the weed of crime bears bitter fruit." He finally finished in a deep menacing voice.

James almost jumped from the couch in his excitement, "You mean he was real? It wasn't just a story?" Ron gazed at him in silence. "Oh, right, right, you can't say." He sat back down, chuckling to himself, "I'll be…"

Both redheads stared at their men in frustration and curiosity. Their arms snapped across their chest in identical indications of demand.

James glanced at Margaret, his chuckle continuing, "Later, hon."

Ron glanced up at his love's demanding eyes, "Can't tell you, KP, I promised."

Twin "hmmphs" of frustration answered them, along with matching whispers of "We'll see about that."

James and Ron grinned at each other; a brotherhood of silence.

Margaret finally relented, "Is that all you can tell us, Ron? What about the other years, and what about this place?"

"Just roaming around Mrs. P., not much to tell." Ron shook his head at Kim's exasperated grimace. "As for this place, this is the Lotus foundation. Kim can tell you everything I can when she visits you tomorrow."

"Right," Kim laughed, "like you've told me so much. Wait a minute, why am I going to visit Mom and Dad tomorrow? And when did I decide this?"

Ron smiled ingratiatingly, "KP, I just thought you might like to have some parent daughter time while I'm gone."

"And when were you going to tell me you were leaving?" Kim's temper was beginning to heat.

"I was going to tell you after the lecture tonight, but then you sprung this unexpected, admittedly very welcome, reunion on me."

"Right," Kim grinned in remembrance before turning to her parents. "Assertive man here couldn't make up his mind if he should tell you or not, I made it up for him."

"That's my Kimmie-cub." James smiled back at her.

"You didn't want to see us?" Margaret asked Ron reproachfully.

"I did; really, it's just that…there are things…I…I…" Ron began floundering.

Kim leaned down to kiss the Ron's hair before turning to her mother, "He really did, Mom, he was just being as decisive as ever, that's all."

"Oh, I understand then." Meg smiled graciously.

Ron tried to make up his mind whether he should be insulted or grateful when Kim suddenly broke into his thoughts.. "How long are you going to be gone? And when are you coming back?" She looked worried for a moment, "You are coming back, right?"

"Of course I am, KP," Ron reassured her, "but I have to leave early in the afternoon, and I won't be back until late. Well, actually sometime the next morning, but I just thought you might like to spend some time with your Mom. You know, girl talk."

Kim looked like she was on the verge of pouting, "I can come back here tomorrow night and wait though, can't I?"

Ron took her hand very gently. He looked into her eyes with all his love shining in his own, "This home is yours for as long as you want KP, just as I am."

Kim definitely had tears in her eyes as she squeezed his hand tightly. "Then don't you think you're forgetting something?"

Ron looked at her, puzzled. Kim held up her left hand, wriggling her fingers.

"You're sure?" Ron breathed.

"So sure." Kim whispered.

Ron stood quickly, gave Kim a quick kiss and rushed from the room.

"Ah, would you mind explaining what just happened, Kim?" Margaret puzzled.

James looked confused.

Kim looked at them with a very self satisfied smile.

Ron returned a few moments later to stand in front of Kim. He looked at something in his hand before smiling into her eyes. "Kim I've carried this for a very long time. Will you accept it and me?"

Kim choked up, nodded and held out her left hand.

Ron took her hand, knelt on one knee, then gently kissed her fingers. He held her hand for a moment, then separated her fingers. One more kiss, and he slowly eased a gold ring, banded with emeralds onto her ring finger. "I love you, Kimberly Stoppable."

"And I love you Ronald Stoppable." Kim reached for her husband, only to be distracted by the sounds coming from her parents. Ron and Kim turned to face them together.

James was standing, red faced as he tried in vain to form words. Margaret sat staring incredulously before she managed, "Is that what I think it is?"

Kim looked at Ron with love and happiness before turning to answer he mother. "Yes, it is. A wedding ring from my husband."

James finally overcame his shock enough to begin sputtering, "Now…now…wait a minute now. You can't just say you're married and move on, there's more to it than that!"

Margaret pulled him back down by his sleeve, "Hush, Jimmy, I think it's sweet. We can get all the formal details done later. After all, they've waited ten years for this."

"I know that, Meg, but it just isn't done this way. He hasn't asked me, they haven't had a ceremony, they…"

"Yes we have daddy." Kim interrupted his rant.

Margaret looked deeply hurt, "Kimmie? And you didn't tell us, or let us be there? Why?"

"And I want to know when you had this ceremony and where." James growled out his own hurt.

Kim giggled, "Eleven years ago, in Tokyo, Japan."

Both her parents gaped. "And you didn't tell us?" They chorused.

Kim laughed harder, "Ok, Mom, Dad, here's the sitch…"


Margaret was still laughing hours later as she and her husband lay in bed in the guest room Ron had insisted they use.

"I still say I should fit him for a trip to a black hole." James grumbled.

"Oh, Jimmy, stop bluffing, you know Kim would be heart broken. Besides, you have to admit, that was very creative and…and noble of Ron."

"Maybe a round trip when he thinks it's a one way?" James asked hopefully.

Margaret giggled, "No, bad boy, Jimmy."

"All right," James sighed in resignation, "but he's not getting off that easy, I'll think of something."

"While you're planning it, remember how happy Kimmie is, Jimmy." She suddenly sobered, quick tears starting, "When I think of all he did, all they went through, I just…"

James gathered her into his arms, holding her close, stroking her hair in comfort, "Shhh, Megaera, my love, shhhh, it's all past now, and I think their happy ending is in sight."

Meg cuddled closer, "Ours, too, Jimmy, ours too."


Heavy lids blinked open on sleepy, satiated, supremely happy emerald eyes. Kim stretched her arms above her head slowly, sensuously. She turned to embrace…"Ron?" Where could he have…she heard a low humming coming from the bathroom.

"Ummmm….lover…husband…now I really know what all the shouting has been about. The things we…" her cheeks reddened in memory as she listened to the sounds her man made.

"I know that tune. I've heard it somewhere, but where?" The shower started and words were added to the tenor tune.

Pale hands I loved beside the Shalimar

Where are you now? Who lies beneath your spell?

Whom do you lead on rapture's roadway far,

Before you agonize them in farewell?

She lay still, listening to the haunting plaint, still half asleep, luxuriating in the certain knowledge that love can last and even be reborn better. The scent of her man and their joining surrounded her.

Oh, pale dispensers of my Joys and Pains,

Holding the doors of Heaven and Hell,

How the hot blood rushed wildly through the veins,

Beneath your touch, until you waved farewell.

The regret and pathos of the song began to sadden her. She never knew Ron could sing with so much feeling. The pain of the song drew her from the bed, easing her across the floor to join him.

Pale hands, pink tipped, like Lotus buds that float

On those cool waters where we used to dwell,

I would rather have felt you round my throat,

Crushing out life, than waving me farewell.

Kim stepped into the shower, wrapping her arms around her husband. "That will never happen. I will never allow you to feel that loneliness again."


Lying on Ron's chest, replete, gazing into his loving chocolate eyes, Kim began to remember. "That song, what is it? Where did you learn it? I could swear I've heard the melody before."

Ron reached to lightly kiss her lips. "An old archaeologist in Afghanistan taught it to me. He said he learned it from an American professor of his."

"Does it have a name?"

"He said his professor called it 'Nan's Song'."

Returning his kiss, Kim brightened, "That's where I've heard it, my Nana hums it sometimes."

"Weren't you named for her, Anne?" Ron grinned.

"So not funny, tickle boy." Kim wiggled her fingers along his ribs in warning.

"Truce, I surrender," He smiled, "but weren't you."

"Yes, but Nana never used it, she preferred Nan, and I don't like it so…anyway, that's a little strange; you don't remember the professor's name do you/"

"KP, that was six or seven years ago. I remember it was kind of different. Iowa? Illinois? No, it was Indiana. I never heard a last name."

"I'll have to ask Nana about it."

"You do that, but don't we have some unfinished practice right here?" Ron grinned at her wickedly.

"I believe you're right, Mr. Stoppable." Kim reached for her man with love in her eyes.

When she woke, he was gone.