Valentines Present Drabble

Fandom: Fantastic 4 (movie based)

Pair(s): implied Reed/Johnny, Reed/Sue

Rating: K+

Warnings: same as the last chapter.

Disclaimer: I still own nothing. I still make no money off this.

A/N: 100 words exactly. Yosh.


Sue read the card attached to her Valentines Day present with growing wonder. Between the "To my perfect Storm," and the "love, Reed" lay paragraphs of romantic sentiment she'd never dreamed her was fiancé capable of.

Ecstatic, she unwrapped the present, though still meticulously saving the wrapping paper. Inside lay a shiny, new… motorcycle helmet? Her good mood evaporated.

Reed's voice cut through her growing suspicion.

"Did I give you the wrong…." he trailed off and gulped at her baleful glare.

"The wrong what?" Sue asked, crisply enunciating each word with bitter satisfaction. Reed swallowed again.

"The wrong, um, size?"