Hey i'm back with a new story. soz i ain't updated any of me other stories if u enjoyed them. will do soon.

Anyway i don't own beyblade and R&R

Chapter 1 – Hidden love and broken love

Hilary watched as the Bladebreakers trained. They trained every morning to keep their skills up for more tournaments. Hilary only watched, didn't see the point in playing the game herself. She enjoyed watching.

Once training was finished and they were just relaxing, she decided to leave.

"I'm gonna go, I got loads of homework to do," Hilary said.

"You out tonight?" Tyson asked.

"Might be," Hilary replied with uncertainty

"No one picking you up today then?" Ray asked.

"Nope. Walking home," Hilary replied.

"I'll walk ya home," Kai said starting to walk over to her.

"See ya later guys," Hilary said as they left.

They took the back alleys seeing as that was the only way home Kai would walk her.

"They did better today," Hilary said.

"You looked bored today," Kai said. They stopped, looking at each other. Kai put his arms round Hilary's waist and pulled her close.

"When are you gonna leave Matt you'll just end up getting hurt again?" Kai asked.

"I dunno. But my mum and dad are splitting and neither of them can afford to keep me," Hilary replied.

"Come live with us," Kai suggested.

"Could. Means I get to see you more," Hilary smiled as she put her arms around his neck.

Kai kissed her, pulling away after a few seconds.

"I'll talk to Matt tonight then meet you at the beach about 9 yeah?" Hilary asked.

"Yeah," Kai replied as he broke the hug but held her hand instead.

They reached Hilary's and said goodbye, without a hug or a kiss and went different directions.

"Matt we need to talk," Hilary said as the blone spikey haired boy stood at the door. He let Hilary in and they sat in the lounge.

"What?" Matt asked already in a bad mood because Hilary had been with Kai and the others.

"I'm not in love with you anymore," Hilary said preparing for the worst.

"Why?" Matt asked in an angry tone.

"I don't have a reason. I just don't," Hilary replied again preparing for the worst.

Matt stood up and grabbed hetr arm and squezzed tightly making the bone crack as he led her to the kitchen. There he picked up a knife and made a thin but long slit on her left cheek. Then he chucked her out off the front door.

"Tell Kai i'm gonna kill him. You'll regret this Hilary," he yelled then slammed the door shut.

Hilary walked to the beach but was too early . So she waited and waited and waited, blood dripping down the side of her face. Eventually 9 o'clock came and Kai turned up with Hilary's back turned to him but blood driipping of her face slowly and blood stains unseeable in Hilary's black baggy trousers and red silk like sleeveless top.

"Hilary?" Kai said as he approached her. She turned showing a red and swollen arm and a slit on her left cheek.

"Hey you came!" Hilary smiled.

"Matt did this i take it," Kai said whilst he was checking the slit for signs of infection.

"I think he broke my arm too," Hilary moaned.

"You'd be screaming in pain if it was. He's only cracked the bone," Kai said once he'd checked her arm, "No writing anythin for a week. Come on let's go get some of your stuff then go back to the dojo!"

xxx Tyson's DoJo xxx

"Wonder what Hilary doing?" Tyson said to Ray

"She'll probably be here soon," Ray replied, "Stop worrying!"

"How can i not! Matt's always hurting her. Remeber when she tried to leave him before coz he wouldn't let her see us. He nearly killed her," Tyson said.

"Yeah but Hilary wasn't more affected Kai was. Remember?" Ray asked.

"Yeah Tyson replied remembering thenight Kai had run out after the phone rang.


The phone was ringing but only Kai answered it.

"Hello...speaking...what?..." Kai had run off leaving Ray to take the phone. Ray soon told the others what Kai had been told and had raced off to the hospital an hour behind after Kai.

When they arrived Hilary was in intensive care, with tubes helping her breath. Kai was sitting in a chair, watching Hilary.

"What took you so long?" Kai asked miserably. He wasn't himself. Seeing Kai this miserable made beyblading a stupid thing to worry about.

"You like her aswell don't you?" Ray asked.

"Yeah but she'd never like me that way back. Why do you care?" Tyson asked back.

"I was just wondering," Ray replied.

xxx Hilary's house xxx

No one was home except Hilary and Kai. So they raided the house looking for the first aid kit for the slit on Hilary's cheek. Once that was sorted they wen upstairs to Hilary's room closing and locking the door behind them in case Hilary's mother came home.

"Thanks Kai," Hialry said.

"For what?"

"For helping me find the courage to dump Matt and saving me from he's beatings," Hilary replied as she turned away to look through the wardrobe for some clothes. Kai sat on the bed and watched Hilary, where she was reaching up het top lifted showing a stab wound on her back. 'I'll never forgive myself for that' Kai thought to himself.


Kai had run to the hospital after beeing told she was in intensive care. He found one of the doctors who led him to her room. He's heart broke when he saw her unconcious on the bed with tubes down her throat to help her breath.

"What happened to her?" Kai asked the doctor.

"She was stabbed in the back and cut one of her vital organs. The stomach i think it was but she was dumped outside the hospital. The guy ran before we could see his face. But we've operated and she'll be awake in a day or two," the doctor replied.

"Thanks," Kai said as the doctor left.

He sat down in the chair next to the bed.

"I'm so sorry i let Matt do this to you Hilary. I promised you i wouldn't let him hurt you anymore and he's nearly killed you. I'm sorry," Kai said to the sleeping form.

"How often were they?" Kai soon asked after sanpping out of the flashback.

"Everyday. they were starting to get worse," Hilary replied, sadness the only emotion recognisable in her voice.

"He's done worse," Kai said.

"Yeah i know," Hilary said.

Kai saw tear drops fall off her cheeks. Kai stood behind her, wrapped his arms round her waist lightly and kissed her on the cheek.

"I've never forgiven myself for letting you get stabbed by Matt. Never. I always feel like i let you down that day," Kai said.

"No it was my fault i should never off gone out with him just coz we had an arguement and broke up," Hilary said.

"Yeah but that was my fault," Kai said,"I shouldn't of let Emily kiss me!"

"You were drunk," Hilary reminede him.

Silence feel between the two.

Until Hilary Broke by saying "Matt said something else aswell!"

"What?" Kai asked curiously.

"He said he was gonna kill you and that i'll regret dumping him," Hilary replied.

Kai let go off Hilary and turned her round then held her again.

"I'd like to see him try" Kai said, "I promise you your safe now and i'll never let him touch you again."

Hilary smiled "I love you Kai"

"I love to too Hilary," Kai replied and kissed her. The kiss deepend as they slowly moved towards the bed. Soon enough they fell back onto the bed, Hilary on top. They stared at each other for a whule then suddenly Kai filpped them over so he was on top. But before they went any further, Kai resisted the urge to rip Hilary's clothes off.

"Do you want to do this or wait?" Kai asked not knowing if Hilary wasa virgin or not.

"Now," Hilary replied.

"I'm not pushing you into this i never will," Kai said.

"I know. i want this," Hilary said.

Kai smiled.

Hope you all enjoyed the first chappie of my new story.

PLZ don't forget to R&R