10. A Movie Script Ending

Disclaimer: Don't own Gilmore girls…

A/N: Thanks to everyone who ever reviewed the story and thanks so much for reading it


The New York evening was passing slow and exhausting for Jess and Marissa, she looked tired and her eyes were swollen, blood-shot and fed up with all the tears that came rolling down her cheeks.

He went to the apartment with intentions of make things right between them or at least a little better but it turned the other way around. She started to complain about how things were now, and that they weren't the same as they used to, that he didn't love her.

Of course he responded to this immediately, yelling, he accused her of blowing things out of proportion, that she was overreacting.

She was tired of fighting this situation, she had spend days trying to convince herself that this might work, but it was too late. But he insisted, "Trust me…please I want to be with you" Marissa just laughed ironically, and got up from the couch she was sitting on, standing near him.

"How can I even trust you after all you've done?"

"I'm just asking you to give us a chance"

"I already did…I came here for you, remember? I moved to New York just because of you. Everyone said 'you're gonna get hurt' but I didn't listen" – she said passing around the small room

"Please…you know I regret that!"

"Regret is one thing, but erase it…can you erase it? From your soul, from your body?"

"Oh! Common! Don't start with that kind of crap"

"That leaves a mark, in here" – and she touched his chest softly –"you did that for some reason…you haven't told me why and at this point I'm not even interested"

"It was a mistake, I already told you that" – he said touching softly her arm

"You know what? I can see it in your eyes…you're not good at lying"


"You love her…you really do"

"You have no idea what you're talking about"- he said and backed up a little

"Just go, ok? I'll come back to California, to Jake, maybe this time we'll work out"

"How can you say that? He's an ass-hole!"

"Funny…he thinks the same thing of you" – Marissa said and sit again on the couch

"Yeah? I least I don't fucking hit you"- he said bitterly

She stared at him blankly, she was speechless for a few minutes until she articulate a few incoherent words, she cleared her throat and spoke again

"Whe…when did you find out?" – She said timidly

"I saw the bruises…just after you broke up with him. In you arms, in your back, I saw them cause you wore a tank top that day…we went to the beach, you were so happy, you got rid of him and you were happy"

"Maybe he changed…"

"Do you really think some jerk that is capable of hitting a girl would ever change?"

"And what you want me to do? Huh? Is it better for me to stay with you and wait here while you're screwing with your ex-girlfriend in that stupid little town?"

"Hey! I tried to make things better here, and I'm not 'screwing' her"

"Whatever…I know you want to, isn't it the same?"

"No is not!"

"I know deep down in your heart you love her, don't try to deny it"

"I don't need her…I don't want her…" – Jess said insecure, trying to convince himself –" I need to move on…I can't stay stuck with her forever"

"Why not? Don't you love her enough"?

"Is not that…is just we're the same old story"

"Then change it, I know you can…and promise me that you'll tell her…you need to tell her that you love her"

"…I promise"

Jess stood there frozen by the comment that Marissa had just dropped in their conversation. That's why he liked her in the first place; she was so empathic, she always understood to other people. And now she wasn't the angry girlfriend anymore, she was just a friend giving him an advice.

"Don't come back with him…please, do it for yourself. You could move in with Sophie for a few days, or you can stay here all the time you need to…just don't go back there"

"I just don't know what I'm supposed to do…" – She looked down at her hands and a few more tears fell. She stood up and hugged him, he responded and embraced her, and she whispered a 'thank you', looked at his brown chocolate eyes one more time and leaved the apartment.

Jess was sleeping comfortable in his bed when his cell phone started to ring, he turned and answered with a grumpy voice. It was Marissa thanking him, again, for letting her stay at his apartment until she found a place for her. After a short talk, he got up and went to take a shower. A half hour later he was helping Luke in the dinner with the usual "Lunch rush", yeah, he woke up late.

He knew that in any minute Rory would come in through the door with her mother making fun of people, arguing about Ashlee Simpson and which color of hair matches better with her face, or just talking about the latest gossip in town, and that made him so nervous, almost to the edge of insanity.

Of course he didn't notice when the silently sat at a window table, it wasn't usual for the Gilmore girls to come in so quietly to any public space.

Lorelai looked to Rory and whispered…

"Rory, I don't know why you're so determinate to be away from him. You two love each other, you haven't realized that? – Lorelai said and lowered her head trying to get closer to Rory so nobody could hear their conversation

"Is so not the point…he already said he doesn't love me"

"That's before he broke up with Marissa" – Lorelai said in a normal voice now- "Isn't great that I'm Luke's girlfriend? Oh! All the benefits that I get"

"Luke told you that? Wow…I never thought Jess would tell him about his love life"

"He had to, Jess I living here while Marissa finds an apartment, she is moving out"

"Oh…wow I missed a lot while I was in Hartford, huh?" – Rory had been moving her things from Logan's apartment to her new apartment, it wasn't as big as Logan's, but it was enough for her and her books. But since she still didn't find a job, Christopher was paying the rent

"Sooo…what are you going to do now? Throw yourself to his arms?" – She said dramatically

"I don't know….hey! Why didn't you tell me this when we spoke on the phone? When I beg for you to help me move out"

Oh…I forgot"- she said with an evil face –"yeah, ok! I wanted to see your reaction…is so different in person"

"I guess I'll talk to him…but isn't it too desperate? I mean now that we're both single is not necessary to be together"

"Are you insane? I know you've waited for this to happened"

"Maybe is too soon"

"Hun, I can't say if it's too soon, you have to decide that"

Rory stared at Jess while he moved around the diner, placing plates in the customers table, and she felt like 17. But not in a bad way, she felt happy again and remembered those days that they had spent together.

A mid-fall rain fell from the dark sky, it was already night when she decided to go and speak with him. She walked unsure but quickly to the diner, she didn't want to get all wet. Luke was obviously with Lorelai at their house, Rory convince her to get Luke out of the apartment so she could talk freely with Jess, but obviously Lorelai put an 'Ew' face and said 'ok! I'll do it, but I don't want details of that!'

She knocked twice but there was no response so she used the hidden key, even though it made her remember that night when she thought for the first time not getting married. She went upstairs and when she got to the top she knocked once and heard noises and Jess appeared in front of her.

"Hi…I was wondering if-"

"Come in"

"Thanks. I didn't know if you were busy or something…" – She trailed off nervous

"Oh…don't worry I was just listening some music"- He said and looked at her –"Hey, you're soaking wet, do you need towels or clothes or something?"

"uh…wow I didn't notice…yeah…I'll just go in the bathroom"

They were both nervous, and the tension was tangible. The bed, the room, their presence was enough to make them remember the bad times but also the good ones. When she finally got out of the bathroom, he was sitting on the couch and she sit near him.


"Rory, why are you here?"- He said softly not trying to be mean

"I need to talk to you"

"Oh…well, what about?"

"Is just that…this is hard, you know? It might sound stupid, but I don't care anymore, Jess…" – the words slipped from her lips and that the last thing she said before kissing him. He kissed her back and deepened the kiss, but then he broke it abruptly and looked at her

"What? What's wrong?" – She asked worried

"Nothing…but are you sure about this?"

"Of course I am, I wouldn't have come here in the first place" – She said honestly

"I…I won't screw up this time, ok?" – Jess said and put a hand in the back of her neck

"I know you won't…I love you Jess" – Rory looked at his eyes, she truly meant it this time

"I love you too"

Now he lead her to his bed, once again, but this time everything was different. They're not lost anymore they found each other in the right time and place. All they needed was time and of course each other's love, and the only way he knew to prove it this was making one thing he hadn't done in a while, love, it might sound ridiculous but how could he describe something that is more than sex? He couldn't hold back the need for her, he needed her like air in his lungs, and he decided to not let her go this time.


A/N: Oh my god! I know that's so lame! I never meant to make it so lame but I'm short on inspiration, and I have some kind of fluke plus is late….ok, I really don't know why it turned out so weird, but at least I finished my first fan fiction! Yeah! Good for me! Ok, please leave a review if it sucked, if you loved it, I don't mind the reasons