Disclaimer: I don't own Code Lyoko or any of its characters.

Onono: Thanks for the review. I'm actually reading Eragon4Life's story right now. I'd love to talk sometime through IM, or E-mail. Anyway thanks for this story's first review.


Chapter II: Xana Attack

The night passed and it was the next day, Aelita had gotten up early, Jeremy could not tell Aelita what he had found out about Franz Hopper. Jeremy decided to go look for Aelita at breakfast, he went down the stairs, but he only found Odd and Ulrich eating their breakfast.

"Hey guys have you seen Aelita?" Jeremy asked Odd and Ulrich.

"No," answered Odd and Ulrich.

"Oh, well I found something by reading the book Zaik gave us." said Jeremy.

"Anything on an Anti-Virus?" asked Ulrich.

"No, this book was written long before a computer existed, but…" said Jeremy

"But?" asked Odd.

"It had various references to a virtual world," said Jeremy.

"Lyoko?" asked Ulrich.

"Yeah, I guess… it never gave a name." said Jeremy.

Yumi walked into the cafeteria and saw Ulrich, Odd, and Jeremy and walked over to them. "Hi guys,"

said Yumi.

"Hey Yumi," said Ulrich, "Jeremy was just telling us about the Franz Hopper book."

"Really?" asked Yumi, "what'd you find out?"

"Well, maybe we should wait for Aelita." said Jeremy.

"Oh yeah where is she?" asked Yumi.

"No one knows," said Odd taking a bit of his breakfast,

"Maybe she's at the factory," said Ulrich.

"She could be," said Jeremy.

"But why would she be there?" asked Odd.

"No sure," said Ulrich.

The bell rang for their next class to begin. The students started leaving the cafeteria to get to their first class of the day.

"Well we'll see Aelita in class," said Odd as he got up with Ulrich to get to their next class.

Jeremy sighed and got up to head to class with Odd and Ulrich. They entered the room the teacher hadn't shown up yet, he saw Aelita sitting down reading some random book.

"Hi Aelita," said Jeremy as he walked up to her.

"Oh, hi Jeremy," said Aelita looking up from her book.

"I didn't see you this morning, where were you?" asked Jeremy.

"Oh, I had breakfast early and went by the Hermitage."

"What for?" asked Jeremy.

"Well I had another dream last night it was really weird, so I thought I could find something at the Hermitage."

"What was it about?" asked Jeremy.

"It was…different," said Aelita.

"How so?" asked Odd who was listening in on the conversation.


Aelita was interrupted by the teacher entering the room. He had a stack of papers in his hand and he placed them on his desk he stood up facing his students.

"Well students," he started, "the quiz yesterday didn't go as well as I wanted."

The student started looking around picking out names of people who they thought failed. The teacher started to pass out the quizzes when he got to someone's name you passed he praised them.

"Jeremy good job, Aelita nice work, Zaik a first quiz well done." He must have called out only ten names. He got to the final quiz, he seemed very surprised when he passed it to Odd. "Odd, you passed…good job."

"Really?" asked Odd as he looked at his quiz, he turned to Aelita "Thanks Aelita, studying with you really does help."

Aelita let out a small laugh, Ulrich sighed as he went back looking over his quiz. The teacher went back up to the board.

"Well let's go over the quiz, so you can see where you got problems wrong. Let's start with number one-"

Jeremy's laptop let out a ping and he opened it, the super scan had discovered an activated tower. Jeremy looked up to everyone else. "Xana," he said quietly.

"I'll stay here," said Ulrich, "to look out for Xana's attack you guys go deactivate the tower."

Everyone nodded in agreement and put their plan into action. Aelita and Jeremy both stood up asking to go to the infirmary.

"Oh, sure," said the teacher as he went back to his explanation.

"Uh, sir can I go with them to make sure they get there." asked Odd.

"Fine go Odd," said the teacher. "But hurry back."

"Okay, sir," Odd got up and left with Aelita and Jeremy.

"Should we get Yumi?" asked Aelita.

"No," said Jeremy, "we'll be fine; Xana has been quiet so he might be planning something big."

"Yeah well let's go before Jim, or someone finds us." said Odd as he started to run.

They made it through the forest easily and went down the man hole. Odd found his skateboard and Aelita and Jeremy got their scooters. They made it to the end of the sewers and came to the factory. They swung down the rope and went into the elevator and dropped Jeremy off at the computer while Odd and Aelita made it to the scanners.

"Okay guys your going to the forest region, so far there aren't any monsters around but be careful."

"Yeah, yeah Einstein lets just go." said Odd.

"Okay, scanner Odd, scanner Aelita," said Jeremy, "…virtualization."

Odd and Aelita appeared on Lyoko ready to find the tower. "Okay Jeremy where's the tower?" asked Aelita.

"Its south west from you, watch out some Hornets are coming your way."

Meanwhile, Ulrich and Yumi had just gotten out of class. Ulrich went out to find Yumi and tell her about the Xana attack. He finally found her talking to William.

"Uh Yumi can I talk to you for a second?" asked Ulrich.

"Sure Ulrich, see ya William," said Yumi.

"Yeah bye," said William.

"What is it Ulrich?" asked Yumi.


Ulrich was cut off by someone screaming off in the distance.

"Xana?" cried Yumi.

"Yeah he started his attack," said Ulrich.

They rounded the corner and found a group of kids being attacked by some huge slime.

"What is that?" cried Yumi.

"I don't know but its Xana alright," replied Ulrich.

"Yeah, okay I'll get those kids out of there." said Yumi.

"And I guess I have to fight it," said Ulrich.

Before Ulrich and Yumi could get to the Slime it lunged into the air and went through a window.

"After it," cried Ulrich.

"Yeah," said Yumi.

They both ran into the school to find that the students were being evacuated.

"It's upstairs lets go." said Ulrich.

They ran upstairs to find the door was ripped off Aelita's room, and the room it's self was covered in slime.

"It must be looking for something," said Yumi, "I'll call Jeremy and tell him to hurry up."

"Yeah it must be going into all of our rooms." said Ulrich, "I'll check our rooms."

Ulrich ran down the hall to see the same thing happened to Odd's and his room. When he got to Jeremy's room the creature had just gotten in.

"Okay you big slime thing, time to stop," yelled Ulrich as he approached the slime.

The slime roared and lunged at Ulrich he ducked as the slime slid out of the room. He quickly got up and chased it. It was heading for the stairs. The slime was faster than him and got around the corner faster. When Ulrich rounded the corner he found the slime had stopped and in front of it was Zaik.

On Lyoko Aelita and Odd got on their vehicles and started for the tower with hornets firing behind them.

"Jeremy is Ulrich or Yumi coming?" asked Aelita.

"Yumi's coming and Ulrich's handling Xana." replied Jeremy.

"Well things are getting complicated Einstein the hornets are coming Xana really doesn't want us to deactivate this tower."

"He must be planning something just hurry up I'm sure Yumi will be here soon."

The hornets took a few more shots, they hit the vehicles and they were devirtualized. Aelita and Odd landed on their feet and started running. All sorts of monsters started to chase them there was no time to turn around and fight.

"Aelita you run I'll fight them." said Odd.

"No you'll be devirtualized Odd, just keep running." said Aelita.

Eventually they made it to an intersection and from all the other sides Mega tanks were coming.

"No now we don't stand a chance," cried Odd as the monsters all prepared to attack.

"No! Odd Aelita!" yelled Jeremy.

Jeremy slammed his hands on the keyboard and a window opened and all these numbers started flashing.

"What is that?" asked Jeremy.

The numbers finished and the window closed as the monitor showed a new monster appearing on Lyoko.

"Guy's look out another monster is coming."

"Another monster?" said Aelita and Odd at once.

As they said that a huge white fierce dragon appeared from the virtual sea.

"Did I make that?" asked Jeremy.

"What's that?" asked Odd.

Aelita stood wide-eyed starring at the dragon. "Dergonu…" Aelita said under her breath.

At the School Ulrich yelled at Zaik, "Get out of the way!"

Zaik didn't seem to flinch when he saw the slime. He smiled and threw a book he had in his hand up in the air. "Catch," he said.

The slime jumped after it. Ulrich then realized the book was the Franz Hopper book.

Of course Xana didn't want us to find more about Franz Hopper. Ulrich thought to himself. Zaik still hadn't moved from his spot, he hadn't even twitched he just stood there smiling. The slime then tried to strike Zaik down but he stopped in mid air.

It was Aelita on Lyoko she had just deactivated the tower.

"Good job Aelita lets get back to the school," said Jeremy as he started to devirtualize Odd and Aelita.

"Zaik, what happened?" asked Ulrich. The slime was just a pile on the ground.

"Well it killed my book," said Zaik. "Also we were lucky."

"How so," asked Ulrich.

"If he hadn't had got there we'd be dead, and Aelita, well…" Zaik turned and left a puzzled Ulrich behind.

It had been several hours since the attack. Everyone seemed to have forgotten about it like it never happened. The gang was up in Aelita's room discussing the day's events.

"So you met this dragon?" asked Yumi.

"Yeah it was totally weird," answered Odd.

"But I feel like I met him somewhere before like Mr. Puck." said Aelita.

"Also Zaik he wasn't frightened by that slime, like he was prepared for it or something." said Ulrich.

"That is strange what else did he say Ulrich," asked Jeremy.

"Well he said 'It was lucky he came in time' or something, like that and something about Aelita." said Ulrich.

"Think he meant the dragon?" asked Odd.

"Or my memories," said Aelita.

"I don't know." said Ulrich.

"Well think he's connected with Xana?" asked Odd.

"No," said Ulrich. "The slime attacked him, why would Xana attack an ally?"

"He could be against Xana," said Aelita.

"Or it may be a coincidence," said Jeremy.

"Maybe," said Yumi.

They talked for a little bit longer and decided to go to sleep. It had been a long day almost everyone went to bed quickly except Aelita. She lay awake in her bed thinking about Dergonu.

"I met him," she said to her self. She fell a sleep thinking about the snow white dragon, and its owner. She couldn't remember clearly all she could see was silvery hair and a white cloak.