A/N: Hey guys, Sorry i haven't update for awhile. I'm sorry about having like no gaps between paragraphs every time i try to it won't put ingaps it's very annoying soi am sorry for that. I had writers block for like a few weeks, i was stuck with some ideas i had and when i should use them or whether i should use them at all. I also am having a hard time deciding when they should finally tell each other they love each other. I have a few moments/times they can reveal it but i can't choose just one! lol. If anyone one has any suggestions for me i would appreciate it. So here is chapter 10 i hope it is up to standard. So this Sarah is for you since you have been pestering me to update for ages. lol. No i do appreciate your reviews, i love reading them. Thanks to everyone that reviews. When you finish reading this chapter i have a time line at the bottom. Thank you all. Only a week and a half left of school. YAY!

Love Mel. xxoo

Chapter 10

Hermione sighed tiredly placing yet another file in her out box, she had been working all morning and it still seemed like the pile was never ending. Hermione was looking forward to her break; Harry was coming for lunch again. Hermione was pleased to hear that Fred and Harry had done some "male bonding" when she had been at Margot's birthday party. It had been just over two weeks since the weekend of Margot's birthday party. Hermione perked up considerably as her hands landed on a sealed A3 envelope marked urgent. In the top left hand corner was the Adoption Agency Seal. Hermione quickly opened the envelope and was ecstatic to find Janelle's adoption papers and screening results with a giant red stamp across it marked ACCEPTED. Hermione smiled excitedly, Hermione gently pulled a big thick file full of forms out of the envelope. Opening it gingerly the first thing she saw was a glossy photo of a little boy who was about a year old. Hermione's heart melted at the boy's adorable smile. There were pages beyond pages of little children's profiles, ranging from the ages of only 1-week-old to 3 years old tops. The children were from all over the place from Ethiopia to China.

All she had to do was check everything was in order and sign her approval as head of the Department and send them straight to Janelle. During the last month Janelle had been doing screening tests to prove that she was an appropriate parent and now Hermione held them in her hands, Janelle had been given approval by a unanimous vote. Hermione read through the papers, signed them and sealed the envelope back up again and decided to go straight to Janelle in person with the good news. Hermione clutching the envelope left her office, as she came out Margot looked up from her filing.

"Margot I'm just going to take these up to Janelle. I shouldn't be too long, but if Harry arrives tell him I won't be long and he can wait in my office."

"Yes Hermione I will," replied Margot, Hermione smiled appreciatively. Hermione still couldn't get over how good Margot looked, today Margot had on a very pretty black flared skirt that went to her knees and a ocean blue V-Neck top and she was wearing blue high heeled shoes. Her hair was pulled back from her face with a hair clip leaving some short strands to fall across her face and she was wearing makeup. The change was so unbelievable, Margot was more confident in herself and Hermione saw more of her beautiful personality.

Hermione thought the walk to Janelle's office seemed to take forever before she finally got to the waiting room.

"Hi Charlotte is Janelle busy at the moment?" Hermione asked Janelle's secretary.

"Just one moment," Replied Charlotte than she pressed a button on the intercom, "Excuse me Miss Jones, Mrs Weasley here to see you"

"Send her in" came the reply.

"Yes Miss Jones" Charlotte looked up to Hermione, "Miss Jones will see you now"

"Thank you Charlotte".

Hermione walked into Janelle's office and found her sitting at her desk writing away. Janelle looked up as Hermione took a seat.

"Hello Hermione, how are you?"

"Hello Janelle, I'm good thanks, and you?"

"Good but busy. So what have you got there?"

Hermione paused to build suspense.

"They're your adoption and screening results." Said Hermione slowly. Janelle leaned forward, her eyes wide.

"And?" she asked anxiously.

"And…you were accepted!"

"I was, you mean I'm going to have a child"

"Yes you're going to have a child" Hermione smiled at Janelle's excitement.

"Oh my god, I'm so happy I can't believe I was accepted"

"Congratulations. I came to give you your files in person. Possibly in this envelope is the child you will be adopting. Now all you need to do is go through the profiles of the children up for adoption and see if there is one in there you like, of course if you're having a hard time deciding, you make a stack of the ones you are considering and than you will be taken to visit each child so you can narrow down your choices. Now if none of these children are 'the one'. We have more you can look at but they will be outside of your preferred age range."

"Okay, oh thank you for everything you've done." Cried Janelle taking the envelope gently from Hermione holding it as if it was about to crumble to dust.

"I'm so glad things are working out Janelle. So if you have any problems or enquiries please let me know. I'm really sorry but I have to be getting back I'm expecting someone so I best not keep them waiting"

"Good bye Hermione"

"Good bye Janelle"

Hermione paused curiously as she neared her office, she could hear Margot laughing. 'Hmmm' she thought. Hermione turned the corner and spotted Harry talking to Margot at her desk. Hermione smiled secretly and walked out into the open.

"Harry you made it!" Harry turned to her.

"Hey Mia, how are you feeling. How's my little niece or nephew" said Harry hugging her warmly and kissing both her cheeks.

"Hello Harry. I'm feeling good, maybe a little tired. The little one is fine, just like the last time you asked. Are you ready to go for lunch?" asked Hermione.

"Yeah all set"

"Great I'll just get my bag" Hermione retrieved her bag and met up with Harry again. "Margot would you like to join us?" asked Hermione. Margot hesitated than shook her head,

"No thank you. I'd loved to but I have so much work to do. Maybe another time?"

"Of course Margot. All right than just don't forget to have lunch okay"

"I will"

"I'll see you later Margot," said Harry, Margot nodded and blushed but Harry never saw as he was already heading for the elevator but Hermione did. After a peaceful lunch Harry escorted Hermione back to work. When they reached the doors of her office Harry gave an exaggerated bow,

"Well this is where I leave you"

"Thank you for coming to lunch Harry"

"No thank you. I had fun and it's good to just catch up and see how you are"

"You're so sweet Harry"

"I better let you go back to work than"

"All right, good bye Harry" Hermione kissed his cheek and they hugged briefly before Hermione disappeared back into her office where the never-ending stack of files was waiting for her.

Hermione had just begun to work her way through the pile when there was a hesitant knock on the door.

"Come in" called Hermione; she looked up as Margot came in looking dazed.

"Hey Margot what's up?" asked Hermione gesturing for Margot to take a seat. Margot sat down and just sat there looking off into space for a moment.

"Margot, are you all right" asked Hermione, Margot seemed to snap out of it and she nodded vigorously.

"I'm great, I am perfectly fine," she said with a small laugh.

"That what's going on?" asked Hermione but she had a sneaking suspicion what Margot was going to say.

"He asked me to go on a date with him, he asked me of all people" she said suddenly. Hermione hid a smile at Margot's amazed and yet dazed look. Hermione resisted the urge to laugh.

"You mean Harry," she said innocently.

"Yes Harry, as in Harry Potter asked me on a date. Me!"

"But the important question is did you say yes?"

"I-I said yes. I said yes." She repeated. Hermione cleared her throat trying to cover up her mirth.

"Wonderful so when is this date"

"This Saturday night"

"Oh how exciting" Suddenly Margot bolted upright, eyes wide.

"What am I going to wear!" she cried, causing Hermione to break out in fits of laughter.

"Don't worry I'll come over and help you get ready"

"Oh thank you Hermione I don't know what I'd do with out you!" cried Margot getting up and almost crushing Hermione with her hug.

Hermione pushed open the front door wearily dumping her things by the hall closest. Exhausted Hermione collapsed on the couch deciding to have a short nap. She hadn't been lying there long when there was an almighty crash that was followed by a string of foul language.

"Fred?" called Hermione apprehensively.

"I'm fine!" was the answer followed by some bangs and the shuffle of footsteps up from the basement.

"What did you do now?" Hermione called.

"It wasn't my fault, the shelf collapsed!" replied Fred as he entered the lounge room dusting himself off.

"Are you hurt?" asked Hermione with a sigh.

"Nope" replied Fred sitting on the edge of the couch next to her absently rubbing her large stomach.


"Mmmm" replied Hermione closing her eyes.

"Was work that exhausting"

"Yep, oh hey" said Hermione suddenly remembering her interesting news.


"Margot's got a hot date" Fred raised his eyebrows,

"Really now I do have to admit she is gorgeous but she is not as gorgeous as you"

"Aww you're so sweet darling."

"So who is this hot date?"

"Harry" she replied simply.

"What our Harry?"

"Yes our Harry. Oh isn't it wonderful"

"I'm glad he's finally starting to move on"

"Me too"

Hermione sighed contently snuggling up to Fred. Fred obliged holding her tightly. Fred kissed the top of her head that tucked nicely under his chin and put a hand over her stomach. Hermione smiled, Fred was always so attentive towards their unborn child and he was completely infatuated all ready. Hermione yawned widely and than widened her eyes in surprise.

"Fred did you feel that!" she said excitedly rolling over to face his equally excited looking face.

"I felt it! I felt our little girl kicking!" replied Fred looking at her abdomen in awe. Hermione smiled brightly.

"Oh look she's doing it again!"

Both parents looked as equally happy and in awe of the little unborn child that had kicked for the first time.

"I have a feeling today is going to be a beautiful day"

"I couldn't agree more," replied Hermione kissing Fred lightly. Fred adoringly rubbed her stomach again.

"I can't believe such a precious little girl is growing right here, my precious little girl, our precious little girl"

"I know exactly how you feel," replied Hermione leaning into Fred's embrace sighing contently.

"What time are you supposed to go help Margot?"

"Ummm, at about six. Harry's picking her up at 7:30 so I have to be out of there by at least quarter past 7."

"Where's he taking her?"

"Honestly I don't know but I hope everything goes okay. I don't want either of them to end up with a broken heart"

"They'll be fine love"

"I hope so"

Fred smiled lovingly down at his wife snuggled up beside him and kissed the top of her head.

'How the hell do I tell her I love her?'

"Fred have you seen my white ballet flats?" called Hermione as she searched through her closet.

"You're what?" asked Fred from the bathroom.

"You know my white shoes that are flat, absolutely no heel and look like ballet shoes"

"Oh them yeah they were under the bed last time I saw them"

"Found them" replied Hermione pulling them out from under the bed on her hands and knees.

"I would have got them for you" protested Fred coming into the bedroom. Hermione rolled her eyes exasperatedly.

"Fred how many times do I have to tell you? I'm pregnant not dieing I'm perfectly capable at the current moment of bending down to retrieve a pair of shoes. I swear I will let you know when I do need your help"

"I know, I know but you can't blame a man for his concern"

"I know and I do appreciate it, I gotta get going Margot's probably a nervous wreak by now"

"I'll have dinner ready when you get home"

"You're the greatest"

"I know"

"Bye Luv" Hermione laughed kissing Fred good-bye before flooing over to Margot's.

"Thank god you're here! What do I wear! What do I wear?" wailed Margot as soon as Hermione stumbled out of the fireplace a hand to her stomach as she swayed dangerously before she regained her balance.

"Margot take a deep breath and calm down. It's only a date with Harry"

"Only! Hermione I really like him and I just don't want to stuff this up! How embarrassing to stuff up a date with Harry Potter"

"You'll be fine. Now lets have a look at what the choices of clothing we've got. Do you know where you're going?"

"Yes, it's a fancy Muggle Restaurant called Bella Santai's"

"Wow, that's a pretty swanky place"

"I know!" wailed Margot getting hysterical again.

"Okay first things first go have a shower and than we'll find you something to wear"

Margot tried on many different outfits when she got out of the shower until they found the right one. They decided on a light blue silk dress that had thin straps, had a fitted bodice and than flared from the hips down to the knees in ruffled layers. Margot had on black stiletto heels, silver drop earrings, necklace and bracelet, her hair was up in an elegant twist and she was wearing little makeup.

"How do I look?" asked Margot twirling around to give Hermione a proper look.

"You look beautiful Margot. You are going to blow Harry away. You look drop dead gorgeous"

"Thank you for your help Hermione"

"I appreciate it"

"You're welcome. Oh look it's 7:15pm. Harry will be here soon. Good luck Margot, I want to hear all the Goss later on" Hermione kissed Margot's cheek reassuringly.

"Bye Mia" squeaked Margot nervously before Hermione flooed back to her house.

"I hate using the floo!" she grumbled brushing the ashes of her clothes.

"Is that you Honey?" called Fred from the kitchen.

"Yeah" replied Hermione walking into the kitchen to find the table set and Fred just finishing serving dinner. She sat down still feeling nauseous from floo travelling.

"Is she nervous?" asked Fred sitting down.

"When I left I think she was about ready to start hyperventilating. She's so worried she is going to muck up the date or something"

"She'll be fine, she worries to much"

"Don't we all?"

"Point taken. Are you feeling all right?" asked Fred suddenly watching Hermione concerned at her pale face.

"Yeah I'm fine, floo travel just isn't my cuppa tea at the moment"

"Maybe you should lie down after dinner"

"I might".

After dinner Fred insisted Hermione relax and he would clean up after dinner. Hermione agreed knowing he would be persistent until she gave in. Hermione had decided to watch a movie so she wandered off towards the lounge room. She settled down on the couch and checked through the TV Guide until she found a movie she wanted to watch. It wasn't due to start for another 15 minutes so Hermione watched the end of some crime investigation show. Fred came into the lounge room just before the movie came on.

"What are you watching?" he asked.

"I'm about to watch Van Helsing it's about to come on" she replied.

"Cool" replied Fred and he sat down beside her.

Halfway through the movie Hermione brought her feet up onto the couch and laid her head in Fred's laps. Hermione was pleasantly surprised when Fred began running his hands through her hair.

As the credits began to appear on the screen Hermione was disappointed as Fred pulled his hands away from her hair and he kissed the top of her head tenderly.

"Don't stop that felt really nice" said Hermione sleepily.

"I think it's time for bed," replied Fred laying his hand on her arm.

"All ready?" commented Hermione sitting up yawning.

"Come on I can see you're tired" Hermione stood up and stretched.

Hermione sleepily walked up the stairs and into their bedroom where she changed into pyjamas and than crawled into bed. Fred joined her mere moments later and Hermione immediately snuggled up to him. Hermione looked up into his eyes and kissed him lightly.

"Good night Fred" she said softly before drifting off into a deep sleep. Fred looked down at his beautiful wife watching her chest steadily rise and fall with each breath she took.

"Good night my love" he whispered kissing her temple.

Hermione hummed contently as she made breakfast late on Sunday morning. A tapping of an owl on the window distracted Hermione. Hermione opened the window and let the owl that turned out to be Harold, Molly and Arthur's owl inside. It hooted softly and dropped a letter on the table.

"Thank you Harold" cooed Hermione giving the bird a scratch under the chin. "Hold on I think I have some owl treats for you" It took Hermione a few minutes before she found the treats. "Here you go Harold" The owl gave a hoot of thanks and flew back out the window. Hermione turned over the bacon and checked on the eggs and toast before curiously opening the letter.

Dear Fred and Hermione,

As you know Arthur's 60th birthday is coming up in two months on Wednesday 5th March and I've decided to hold him a surprise birthday party on Saturday night (8th March) and I want both of you to be there. It officially starts at 6pm but I want the two of you to be here at least two hours before to help with the set up, it would be much appreciated. Fred dear please don't tell you're father about this it is meant to be a surprise and I have no doubt Hermione will make sure you don't say anything. Hermione dear how are you feeling? How is my little grandchild? Hope you are keeping rested. Hoping you will make it.



Hermione made a mental note to make sure she was free on the 8th and placed the letter on the table to get back to breakfast. Molly was certainly thinking ahead. Of course they would go it was their father's birthday, the big 60 wow it seemed so old and here Hermione was just married and having her first child. Hermione finished breakfast and was dishing it up when Fred came down stairs.

"Morning dear" he mumbled kissing her cheek.

"Good Morning"

"What's this?" asked Fred pointing to the letter in front of his place at the table.

"A letter from Molly, about Arthur's surprise party"

Fred snorted in disbelief as he read the part about not telling anyone.

"As if I would tell anyone! It's George you've got to look out for! Why are we getting this now anyway? It's still like 2 months away," he said.

Hermione gave him a pointed look placing his plate in front of him.

"I promise I won't say anything," he protested.

Hermione eyed him critically before nodding satisfied.

"The answer to your question is, your mother likes to think ahead. Don't you remember Harry's 21st Surprise Birthday? She had it liked planned 5 months in advanced,"

"That's true."

"Of course it is," she said sitting down to eat.

"So are you doing anything today?" asked Fred.

"Ummm, I don't think so, nope I've got nothing to do today," replied Hermione.

"Do you want come into Muggle London with me?" asked Fred.

"Yeah I'd loved to. Is their any certain reason why you're going?"

"Well George and Katie's anniversary is coming up soon and now that I think of it it's Henry and Dominique's birthday in a couple of weeks. Bout time we got cracking on finding them something don't you think?"

"That's an excellent idea"

"Are you ready to go?" called Fred from the bottom of the stairs.

"I'm coming" called Hermione. A moment later she appeared at the top of the stairs. No matter how many times he saw her, she always took his breath away. Hermione had her hair up in a high ponytail with strands falling out framing her face. She had dressed in a knee length pale lemon yellow skirt, a white shirt and a matching yellow cardigan. She wore small silver hoop earrings and flat black sandal type shoes. To him she looked beautiful.

"So how are we getting there?" asked Hermione.

"Apparation. There's an apparation point near Main Street in inner London"


Fred took Hermione's hand and they apparated together into a small alley off to the side of a very busy Muggle street. They walked out of the alley and began to walk down the street hand in hand.

"Do you have anything in mind for their anniversary gift?"

"Well I want to give them something they don't have"

"Well that narrows it down," replied Hermione sarcastically.

"I was thinking something electrical, they already have a TV but that's about it"

"Maybe a stereo system? A toaster? Microwave? Dishwasher?" suggested Hermione

"All great ideas. Come on let's have a look in here" Fred pointed to a shop up ahead called Garry's Electricals.

"This one looks good," commented Hermione showing Fred a stereo system with surround sound; it was a flash system in black and silver.

"It's nice," said Fred. Hermione sighed; He'd said that about every thing they had looked at in the store.

"Fred there must be something here that they would like!"

"I just want to get them the perfect gift!"

"Fred honey, there is no such thing as THE perfect gift. They'll love what ever you give them, it's the though that counts"

"You're right but still…" said Fred slinging an arm around her shoulders.

"We'll find something" reassured Hermione as they walked out of the shop.

"I've found it!" declared Fred as they stared up at a huge extravagant flashy stereo. Hermione raised an eyebrow at the stereo.

"Are you sure this is it?"

"Yes this is it. It reminds me of George. He'll love it"

"What about Katie"

"Yes of course she'll like it, she married George after all"

"Well all right"

"Good Afternoon sir and madame, Is there anything I can help you with?" asked a male store clerk.

"Yes I would like to know more about this System," requested Fred pointing at the right one.

"Ahh yes excellent choice sir. Surround sound with three 160W speakers and 1 Klipsch Subwoofer, FM/AM programmable Radio, 6-disc changer, Dual Cassette Player, Recording options, Head Phone socket, Clock with Alarm Functions, Track programmable, random & repeat CD play modes, Remote Control, It comes in silver, black or metallic blue unit with the same colours in speakers and a Computed Multi Function Display System," said the man admiring the stereo system.

"Awesome, We'll take it"

"Lovely, I'll just get this packaged up for you"

"I hope George and Katie appreciate this expensive gift," said Hermione as they walked over to the counter.

"My dear wife, right now Money is no object, this is my lovely twin we're talking about he deserves the best, just like you do"

"You can stop trying to flatter me Fred, I don't fall for that"

"Of course you don't dear," replied Fred paying the clerk for the stereo.

"Pleasure doing business with you" said the clerk happily handing over the humungous box to Fred, "Will you need help with that sir?"

"No thank you my good man. Good day"

As soon as Fred was sure no one was looking he shrunk the box and placed it in his pocket.

"Now we just have to find presents for Dominique and Henry"

"Well why don't we get them something Muggle too?" suggested Fred.

"An excellent idea darling. Oh look Kiddyland, let's have a look in there" suggested Hermione. Fred agreed and soon they were browsing through the four-storey building dedicated to children's toys.

"Why don't we get them some learning books?" suggested Hermione eyeing the children's books.

"Umm no. We're not all avid readers like you dear. I think maybe something they can you know play with"

"Well than," Hermione looked around the shop. "How about for Henry get him a train set? With all the little people, trains and things"

"That's a good idea"

They both wandered over to the train sets and finally with the help of a store clerk picked out one perfect for a three year old. Henry was going to be a very spoilt little boy this year. The train set was monstrously huge and made noises and the trains could actually move around the track if you put batteries in them.

"Now what about Dominique?"

"Dolls? Every little girl loves dolls. They just bought out a new cabbage patch dolls range and you adopt them and get these little papers saying you own the doll. It's quite cute"

"And yet another brilliant idea from Hermione Weasley"

Another 15 minutes later and they were paying for the train set; two new cabbage patch dolls from the adopt a doll range with some new accessories for the dolls.

"These children are going to be awfully spoiled"

"That's the fun of being a kid. We never got many presents as children so I want all my little nieces and nephews to have the best birthday's, christmas' and whenever else they get presents."

"In that case buy them as many presents as you want, that is really sweet of you," declared Hermione.

It was late that afternoon when Hermione and Fred got back from Muggle London. Not only were they laded down with the gifts but also Hermione had gotten Fred some new shirts and some new clothes for her, as she wasn't fitting as well into her old clothes. Not to mention they had stopped off at Diagon Alley so Fred could get some more potion ingredients and Hermione had gotten a book she had been waiting on. Hermione had gone straight upstairs to dump their new purchases.

Fred placed the presents and the stereo in the closest until they were needed and Hermione dumped the rest of the purchases on the seat in the corner of the room.

"Well that was a fun," commented Hermione sitting down and taking of her shoes.

"Are you tired from our little trip? Maybe you should have a lie down," suggested Fred hovering next to her.

"I'm fine. You're so sweet you know that"

"I am, am I?"

"Yes you are, so considerate, caring and as an added bonus, you're cute too" said Hermione reaching up and wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Mrs Weasley, I do believe you're trying to come onto me," said Fred teasingly.

"Am I? I hadn't noticed" Hermione said and kissed him lightly on the lips.

Fred smiled and kissed her back passionately. Hermione grinned and pulled Fred down on to the bed.

They were getting so caught up in making out that they almost didn't hear the loud,

"Ahem" that came from the doorway. Fred groaned inwardly pulling away from Hermione to hover above her. He looked towards the door to see his Twin leaning n the doorframe with an amused look on his face.

"Yes?" Fred said.

"Hello George" said Hermione breathlessly her hair coming out of its band and her clothes messed up.

"Hello Hermione. How are you doing?" he said with a mischievous smile.

"I'm very well thank you" she replied breathlessly.

"What do you want George?" asked Fred irritated.

"What can't I come by to see my dear twin?" asked George faking a hurt expression. Fred sighed; he kissed Hermione gently on the neck and whispered into her ear,

"We'll finish this later" and than he rolled away from her. He straightened his clothes and walked over to his brother.

"Of course you can come see me George, how about we go down to my workshop?" suggested Fred,

"Right you are Fred, See you later Hermione"

"Bye George" said Hermione with a disappointed sigh.

Later on that evening Hermione and George were getting ready for bed.

"So what was the real reason George came by?" asked Hermione.

"He wanted help planning something to do for Katie for their Anniversary," replied Fred as he changed into his boxers.

"So what is he planning to do?"

"Something along the lines of a dinner and some really nice jewellery as her present. He mostly wanted help picking recipes"

"That sounds nice"


"Yes Fred"

"Don't get mad okay? But I told George that we'd look after Kyle and Sampson so he and Katie can have a real romantic dinner and anniversary" Said Fred waiting for Hermione to yell at him for not consulting her first instead she was grinning.

"Fred! I don't mind at all, why would I be mad. I love Kyle and Sampson," replied Hermione hugging him tightly.

"I Just thought you would be mad because I didn't check with you first"

"I really don't mind looking after our little nephews. That's so generous of you and sweet," said Hermione kissing him soundly. Fred eagerly kissed her back.

"So, where were we?" murmured Fred against her lips. Hermione giggled and let him manoeuvre her towards the bed.

MY TIME LINE OF EVENTS- i confused my self and i may have confused some of you with my time line of events so i have done a quick timeline for you all to get you back on track. I made some changes but it's pretty easy to follow THIS timeline.



March- Fred and Hermione got married March 18th






September- Got pregnant

October- 1 month pregnant

November- 2 months Pregnant

December: 3 months Pregnant-

21st (Tuesday)- 4 days before Christmas, Ultrasound.

25th (Saturday)- Christmas Day

January: 4 months Pregnant-

11th (Saturday) - Margot's birthday

25th (Saturday)- 2 weeks after Margot's Birthday

February" 5 months Pregnant-

8th (Saturday)- George and Katie's Anniversary

14th (Friday)- Valentines Day

20th (Thursday)- Dominique and Henry's Birthday

March: 6 months Pregnant-

5th (Wednesday)- Arthur's 60th B-day

8th (Saturday)- Arthur's birthday party

18th (Tuesday)- Fred and Hermione's 1st Year Wedding Anniversary

April- 7 months Pregnant

May – 8 months Pregnant

June 3rd- Baby Due

please review! PLEASE