The Trinity Sitch – Book 1: They Say Everyone Has a Twin

Chapter 18 - Epilogue

"Okay, explain to me about this 'special powers' thing again." Neil said as he lounged in a chair in the Trinity's main parlor. He had Jimmy's ring in his hand once again, considering the lightly glowing purple stone there.

Jimmy was seated across from him on an over-stuffed couch. In his lap was a thoroughly miserable cat. He was using his tactile telekinesis to slowly, carefully remove silver duct tape from her puffy fur. It was slow going and every so often Gossamer would growl at her human, despite the care he took.

Every so often Widget would go gallivanting by, obviously playing. On her shoulders rode a tiny pink, hairless animal. Jimmy wasn't sure, but he could have sworn he heard the Naked Mole Rat squeak "Good kitty." He shook his head and turned his attention back to Gossamer and Neil. How the little creature had managed to befriend one cat while wrapping the other in the sticky tape he had no idea. Guess it's better than them eating the kid's pet, he mused.

"Okay, I had to assume that since you are essentially me, that means you should have access to the same powers I do. When we got here, our powers were almost gone, since we were cut off from its source. Even when Dona hit on the idea of trying my ring to focus my power, it didn't work. This universe just basically didn't recognize us. You, on the other hand, are part of this universe, so when we gave you the ring, it awakened your latent abilities just like it did with me. Once you connected to the power, we were able to access it ourselves, though not to the degree we can back home."

"So I can do all this stuff, pull swords out of thin air, create my own armor?"

"That trick of mine is mostly just for show. It takes a whole heck of a lot more power to transmute the properties of matter. I can influence stuff on the molecular level, but I don't have the control to change lead into gold, or Kevlar into Pentronium."

"I was thinking more of the stuff Gary could do."

"Heh, no. See, we're part of what's called the Trinity of the Effurien. I have the so-called 'Wisdom' or 'Heart' powers. Psychokinetic healing, tactile telekinesis, extra-spatial awareness, that sort of thing. Gary has the invulnerability and he's not really pulling swords out of the air, that's just how he manifests the 'Silver Knight' armor. His brother looked a good bit different when he had the powers. He just used them a different way. Dona is basically in control of the Sword of the Effurien, or as we say for short, the Sword of the Fury."

"So if I'm part of this Trinity of the Fury, who are going to be the other two. There were two people with me in that vision thing, I just couldn't tell who they were."

"I don't know. Maybe Shego is one of them, since Dona became one after we lost Richard. Thing is, Gary and his brother were the other two avatars of the Fury and they won't be born for hundreds of years. It may come down to one day taking this ship into the future just like I did in my world. I don't have any answers for you. The rest of the Trinity may reveal themselves to you in this time, they may not."

"So I'm keeping this ship?"

"I don't see why not. It's effectively your only way of dealing with all of this. Just be on the lookout for a guy by the name of Arcus Oray. He'll have more answers for you. Now, as far as this ship, we've pulled a template off of the Valkyrie's AI. It'll take a while to mature, but that will provide you with at least a working star-map. For one thing, you'll know ahead of time where Arkonia is. One of the worst problems during the war was we didn't know its location. This isn't a warship like my Phantasm, but it could serve as the basis for a leap ahead in technology for your world. You already seem far more advanced than I'd have expected."

"I think I'd be best off hiding it for the time being until I get more answers. You sure all that stuff is out there?"

"I don't know. Somehow the history of your world is slightly different than mine. Part of the population of Arkonia came from a lost colony ship from Earth – they were the ones who introduced modern technology to the planet and almost ruined it, giving rise to a sort of demi-god called the Podondrin. If they don't leave Earth in about two hundred years, there might not be an Arkonian War. You might even have to take on Podondrin in some other way. Take for instance this ship. It doesn't have the heavy weapons mine does. That tells me that it came from a gentler future than my world had. Take hope from that, but always be ready for what might come."

Ron entered the room, with Kim close behind him. He took one look at the softly glowing ring in Neil's hand and asked "Can I see that a moment?"

Kim rolled her eyes and said "You might as well let him get this out of his system."

Neil acquiesced with a nod from Jimmy. Ron held the ring up to the light, looking through it's center, then hunching down, caressing it like it was his lover.

"It's mine, all mine, my…PRECIOUS!"

Neil and Jimmy just groaned, putting their faces in their hands.

Dona was headed up the spiral staircase when she heard the familiar sound. She wanted to finally have a face-to-face chat with her own doppelganger. She wanted to know, in her words, just how a person who was essentially the same being as her could turn down a path of such evil. She also wanted to know if there was any chance she could turn to a heroic path like she had once done in her teens.

She knew the moment she heard the 'whomp-woosh' sound she would never have the chance. She reached a porthole just in time to see the escape pod sailing away from them, towards Earth. Somehow she knew the her green-tinted twin was aboard that pod.

Even Kim was surprised she had not taken Drakken with her. Wade had already contacted GJ and they would be there to take him into custody when they landed.

She hung her head slightly, upset at missing the chance to actually meet Shego. She wanted to ask about her real name and to tell her about her real mother. Now she wouldn't get the chance.

It was almost time to go home.

It was like someone had taken two of the most plush first class airline seats imaginable and mounted them by themselves in the small cabin in the nose of the X.S.S. Trinity. The carpet was just as plush as the rest of the ship and the curving walls were paneled with the same honey colored wood as the bridge and main parlor. It was smooth to the touch and almost soft feeling, almost waxy. Kim wasn't sure if it was teak or some more exotic wood imported from some planet that was yet to be discovered by the human race.

"I think you two could use a little personal time." Dona said after showing them in.

"This is my favorite place on the whole ship." She gave Kim and Ron a smile that actually bordered on wicked. It was the first time she had seen such an expression on the woman and it hammered home the fact she really was the same person as Shego. She turned down the passageway that led back to the parlor, deliberately leaving the hatch open.

"She is definitely the mother of girls." Kim said, watching her go. She considered shutting the hatch herself but there would be plenty of chances to have more privacy with Ron when all this was over and they were safely home.

The two seats faced a large clear-alloy dome set in the very nose of the ship. Discreetly off to the side was a series of monitors, though all were in a standby mode showing an line drawing of the ship. They had Ron's full attention. "I wonder if they've got any games on this computer system. Just think what Badical graphics they would have in five hundred years!"


"Look at this KP, there's a joystick built into the console. It looks like the whole thing can be swung into place in front of the seats. I bet you can even fly this thing from up here!"


He started pushing buttons, hoping to bring the screens to life. Jimmy's face popped up on one and he smiled and gave him a big thumbs up before cutting the feed to the remote piloting console."

"Ron!" she said a little bit more insistently, a tiny shading of aggravation creeping into her voice.

He finally looked back at her. She was sitting in the right seat, her legs pulled up under her, working a small control panel set into the armrest. The rests dividing the two seats silently lowered until it was flush with the cushions, essentially making the two over-padded acceleration lounges one large leather upholstered loveseat. She patted the cushion to her left.

He stood there a moment more, looking at back at the triple plasma screens, then back to her. A smile slowly spread across his freckled face. In a flash he was sitting beside her, taking her small hand in his much larger one. She smiled almost shyly and leaned toward him. They kissed briefly, tenderly.

"Ron, look." She gestured with her forehead, working another control with her free hand.

The armored leaves that protected the forward dome irised open slowly. At first they could see the inky blackness of open space, dotted by the millions of stars that could be seen from Earth's orbit. Everything was so much clearer, so much more defined than it could be from the ground. Once the iris opened completely they could see everything. The clear-alloy dome was treated so there was no reflection inside, making it seem like they were actually standing there in space. Below them spun the planet Earth in all it's blue-green glory, wispy clouds dotting the surface.

They had been in space before, but that had been a mission and that time they had been confined to bulky space suits, with very little time to take in the sights. They knew that soon the Arguses and their friends would have to return to the surface and climb aboard the Valkyrie, never to be seen again. Somehow they would find a way to hide the Trinity, at least until Neil could come and claim it. It had to be done well, because there were other evil men who would try to unlock the secrets of the fantastic craft. At least this time he would be the only one to activate it without destroying half of her capabilities by smashing the security systems. Dona had her security access deleted so Shego wouldn't be able to get in again if she found the yacht.

They sat there for a long time, awestruck by the beauty, the majesty of their home from high orbit. Ron was the first to break the silence. "I thought at first Dona meant this was hers and Jimmy's make-out room, but now I see why this is her favorite place."

"Um hmm." Kim purred, sliding up next to him and putting her head in the hollow between his shoulder and collarbone. He finally tore his eyes from the dome and looked down at her.

"Space is really beautiful KP."

"Um hmm." She repeated.

"But it's nothing compared to you." This time she just smiled wider, closed her eyes and wrapped her free arm around his chest, squeezing his hand with the other. "Uh, KP, I just thought of something."

"What's that?" She said with a soft voice.

"It's probably pretty late in Middleton. I…don't think I want to make a trip back up here in one of your Dad's rockets. I don't think it's quite this comfortable."

"Shhhhh. Until this ship lands, we're still on the mission. Besides, Dad trusts us. I won't have a curfew again until school starts back up." She moved her lips closer to his.

"But isn't that…oh!" he said, his mind finally comprehending her meaning as her lips met his.

Moments later he got up and shut the hatch himself, rejoining her, the magnificent view of Earth from high orbit forgotten for some time to come.

Goodbyes had been said. Neil was already on a train, headed for home, new possibilities awaiting him, his body and part of his soul restored.

Kim and Ron held hands, watching as the small red starship rose into the night sky, taking its five passengers home to another universe, never to be seen again.

"I wonder if your Dad's going to have to answer a bunch of questions about something launching from the space center at night." Ron said, straining to see the receding Valkyrie.

"Oh, he'll probably just say he leaned on a button again, no big." She said, her hand over her eyes. Even the tiny point of yellow light was gone now.

There was a faint flash of light deep in space, the only outward effects of the snap-back effect as their new friends left their universe behind.

"I don't suppose the two of you know how we're all getting home?" Justine asked, her hands on her narrow hips.

Ron answered for them. "A very wise woman once told me, it'll be our honor to walk."

A/N While the story has remained fundamentally the same, I went back and made some corrections on some errors and some continuity problems.

The Trinity Sitch continues in Soulmates of the Fury, but first, the story of Kim and Ron goes on in Our Place in the Food Chain.

Kim Possible and all related characters © Disney. All Intergalax Characters © Nelson Binch