Genre: Humor
Disclaimer: Didn't own anything last year Don't own anything yet.
WARNINGS: Risa bashing. Not that anyone really LIKES Risa…

Thirteen: Daiki and Risa

Before Dark appeared, whenever Daisuke went off to school, his grandfather always thought the same thing.

Please don't fall in love with that Risa girl.

Daiki had grown up around girls that Harada Risa, and he had never liked them. They cared only about how they looked and had standards that only the biggest dickhead could reach.

He regretted thinking this when he discovered that Risa had fallen in love with Dark. If his old friend ever found out that his former tamer had called him a dickhead, there would be hell to pay.

When Daisuke first started middle school, Daiki gave him one of his famous speeches.

"Dai, when life gives you lemons make apple sauce."

"What does that mean, Grandpa?"

"...I really don't know. But if you ever meet a snotty girl, kick her when she's down."


Daiki was never any good at speeches.

When Daisuke came home one day going on about a girl in his class, Daiki feared the worst. And when he was tidying up his grandson's room one day ("Daisuke is such a slob sometimes," he had complained.) he had found a picture of a girl. It was a terrible photo, but he could at least tell that it was the younger of the Harada twins.


That evil little girl who was always at the park with her sister when Daisuke was younger.

She must die! Daiki thought savagely. Then, upon hearing the opening song for his favorite television show, he hopped down the stairs and forgot all about his threat to Risa.

A year later and Daisuke had still not confessed to Risa, though he had become close friends with the ditz. Daiki did not like this at first, but after some time he had finally gotten used to the idea that his grandson was completely hopeless.

Completely and utterly hopeless.

"Grandpa! Mom! I'm home!" called Daisuke.

"Welcome home Dai – " Daiki turned to greet him, but stopped short. Behind his descendent was none other than evil Harada Risa.

"You have a lovely house, Niwa!" she squealed. Daisuke blushed, looking pleased with himself.

Daiki was not pleased at all. "Daisuke, who is this?"

Daisuke started as if just noticing that his grandfather was there, having been too distracted by the fact that the object of his affections was in his home. "Oh! Grandpa, this is Harada Risa-san. Harada-san, this is my grandpa."

Risa giggled. "Hi!"

"Hi." Daiki said tersely. Daisuke gave him a perplexed look, but it disappeared when Risa jumped down on the couch.

"Oh, this is my favorite show!"

Great, now I can never watch it again without PUKING MY INSIDES OUT, thought the former thief bitterly. Luckily Emiko made her entrance just then to save Risa from Daiki's urge to strangle her. Unfortunately, Emiko's entrance also led to Risa staying for dinner.


Risa would not shut up during dinner. Daiki just did not understand how someone could talk so much – and that was saying something, because he had lived with Dark inside of his head for years. And he thought Dark was the most talkative thing in the world!

"So, Mr. Niwa," Risa asked suddenly, "what did you do before you got old?"

...What? This girl really was awful! And blunt too. Terribly, rudely, blunt. He was not that old! ...Was he?

"Um..." What could he say really? "I stole famous artworks from museums?" "I killed little girls like you?"

"He tested security systems," said Emiko swiftly.

Daiki almost cried at how clever his little girl was.

"That's so cool!" Risa said, even though it was obvious she had no idea what they were talking about, and probably was not even listening.

Daiki glared at her with such ferocity that she must have noticed, because she looked up at him. Her eyes widened, and she quickly looked away and did not raise her eyes for a very long time afterwards.

He overheard her and Daisuke talking on the doorstep before she left to return to her own house.

"I had a nice time, Niwa."

"G-great! I did too. I mean... Um..."

"But your grandfather is strange... I felt like he was glaring at me the whole time."

"Who, Grandpa? Oh no! It's just his eyebrows. They give him that look that – um... well..."

"All right. Well I'll see you tomorrow!"

Not if I kill you in your bed first, you little twit. And what's wrong with my eyebrows?

Daisuke sighed contently as he walked back in the house. Daiki was there waiting for him, tapping his foot.

"What was that about my eyebrows?"

"AUGH! Grandpa! Don't eavesdrop!"

"Well what about my eyebrows! I think they make me look sexy!"

"Ew! Grandpa!"

"I bet Phantom Thief Dark would have eyebrows like this when he gets old!" Dark would kill him for that comment, even though it was technically true.



Author's Note: Don't ask. :D Review please! Reviewers get bubble wrap. :D

Heka, your DarkRiku drabble is coming soon. :D