A/N: Sorry this was late. I haven't been feeling well so this was pretty low on my priorities which pretty much only included sleep. And then life clamoured at my door and wouldn't go away!

Now as a warning, this fic is not beta'ed. Once this is finished I will be going through it all again to fix any mistakes and/or polish up some plot lines.

Chapter 7

"Wakey! Wakey!" Jack bounced into Daniel's room and moved over to the windows to pull open the curtains to let the sunlight in.

Daniel groaned, rolled over and pulled the covers over his head as the light fell onto his face. He gripped the comforter tighter as he felt Jack trying to pull it off, in an attempt to get Daniel out of bed faster. What came of it was an early morning tug of war.

Exasperated that he would have to deal with this in the morning, Daniel let go out the covering with his good hand and smirked as he heard a yelp and a thud of Jack loosing his balance and falling to the floor. His smirk turned into a full out grin as he heard curses coming from the bedclothes on the floor, he laughed a bit at one colourful curse involving him and a…camel? Huh, he didn't know that Jack knew the Gou'ald word for camel, must have had Teal'c teach him that one.

Jack finally escaped and stood up to glare at Daniel, who commented, "Well, it was your own fault for waking me up."

Jack's glare went up a notch in intensity, "Well excuse me for wanting to let my friend be on time to meet his cousin, and make a good impression on his aunt since it seems she is dressed and ready to go by 07:30 and has breakfast on the table to eat at 08:30!" He pointed a finger at Daniel, "And let me tell you, that when a person is not there she makes these little comments about a person sleeping habits."

"Really?" Daniel rolled over to look at the bedside clock which read 08:40, "and it took you ten minutes to get me? Usually you can last five minutes tops, this is a time for the record books."

"Yeah, yeah laugh it up. She already woke up Rory via intercom at the breakfast table; I thought you would be next. I didn't want her to be traumatized if she tried to wake you so I did myself." Jack said as he waved a hand in my direction. Daniel looked down to see rumpled boxers and imprints of the bedclothes covering me from head to foot. He didn't even want to guess what his face and hair looked like.

"Right…thanks for that." Daniel stood up and made his way to the shower, "Tell her that I'll be down in a few."

"Yeah, Sure. You betcha." Called Jack as he made his way back out the door rubbing his butt .

Daniel showered, shaved and dressed quickly, eager to eat breakfast and be out the door to Stars Hollow. The way Lorelai described the town and the people in it, made Daniel want to see it for himself.

He walked down the stairs and was about to turn towards the dining room when Rory came into the living room by way of the patio door. She smiled blearily at Daniel, "Late sleeper too?"

"Oh yeah. What's with getting up at the crack of dawn when you can languish in bed?" He replied as they walked into the dining room together, and they both stopped and gaped at what they saw. Both cousins found the sight frightening in their own way. Jack and Emily were leaning towards the other, whispering and laughing. Rory groaned as her grandmother did not need a co-conspirator for anything and Daniel groaned as he was sure Jack was regaling Emily of all of his embarrassing moments, good thing a lot of those moments were classified.

Daniel and Rory looked at each other, "Coffee?" Daniel asked with desperation.

Rory nodded vigorously, "Over there." She pointed to a side table where a carafe of the black liquid of heaven rested. They both did a fast walk and shuddered as they passed the giggling pair. Sam ducked her head to hide her laughter as her shoulders kept shaking while Teal'c raised an eyebrow and continued to eat his breakfast.

Daniel gripped his cup as if it was a life line and gulped back his first cup of coffee of the day. He sighed with deep pleasure as he tasted the fine, expensive beans of Jamaican Blue Mountain. He heard an accompanying sigh beside him and grinned at Rory as she picked up the carafe again. He held out his own cup for some more of the liquid gold.

They both turned around as a throat was cleared behind them. Jack was grinning at them, while Emily was sitting primly in her seat, "Well, now that the addicts are satisfied, how about some breakfast before you go."

Spread out on the dining room table was an assortment of pastries, breads and fruits. Daniel and Rory eagerly sat down and they both reached for a danish…the same danish. There was a brief war before Daniel let go and grabbed a different one. Rory grinned, and bit into her well fought spoils, "Mom is so going to enjoy introducing you to Luke today."

Once breakfast was done, Emily went off to get ready for her DAR meeting, Rory got into her car for her community service and the four team members were on their way to Stars Hollow.

"Jack, you've gone too far. You were supposed to take that last turnoff to get to Stars Hollow. It said so right on the sign!"

"Daniel, I swear, you say one more word and I'm going to let you off right here and let you walk the rest of the way there."

"I believe DanielJackson to be correct, O'Neill."

"Dammit! Do you want to join Daniel?"

"But sir-"

"Ahhh! Not one more word out of any of you. See I'm turning around aren't I, so no more!"

The three members sat back in their seats and watched with some amusement as Jack sat grumbling the rest of the way to meet Lorelai. Once they got into the town and passed the town square with its gazebo, he glanced over at Daniel, "Which way to her house again?"

Daniel smirked, "Just passed the square and turn right at the rooster, she's at the end of the lane."

"Right. Rooster. How can I forget that?" Jack mumbled, while Daniel grinned and kept his mouth shut.

Just as they parked in the drive of a pretty two story house that was under minor construction, Lorelai ran out of the house to greet them as they were getting out of their rental car.

"Thank God! You're here!" She grabbed Daniel's arm and started dragging him towards the street and the centre of the town. "I really need to get away from hammers, and drills and the cursing of strong, swarthy men."

Sam grinned, "Swarthy men huh?"

Lorelai grinned back, "Believe me, you think it would be a women's fantasy come to life, and I myself have a swarthy man, so I know all about those fantasies, but after seeing all the scratching, burping and farting of several men, day after day, you get sick of it really fast."

"On behalf of all men, I say this," Jack said, "Hey!"

Lorelai stopped and raised a finger, "Ah, but you're not swarthy! So you don't a voice in that."

"Ah Honey! He doesn't need to be swarthy with a tush like that!" A voice said behind them.

Jack whipped around to see a small, middle aged blond woman smiling and grinning at his, Daniel's and Teal'c's butts. He heard Sam stifle a laugh as he gave her a glare. Both he and Daniel shifted a bit not used the lecherous stare of a middle aged woman in a small town. A woman on a different planet, yes, small town, no. Teal'c just lifted an eyebrow.

"Lorelai, sugar! Who are these cuties? And where have you been hiding them!"

"Babette, my cousin Daniel Jackson, and his friends Jack O'Neill, Murray Teal'c and Sam Carter." She said as she pointed out each person, "everyone, my neighbour Babette."

"Cousin?" Babette asked, "Why I never seen any of your relatives around here other than your parents. It's a pleasure to meet ya sugar." She held out her hand for Daniel.

"You too." Daniel answered as he shook her hand, and had to pull his hand to get away from her grip and her tugging it to get him closer to her.

"May I inquire as to the purpose of a noose in your front yard?"

"Wha?" Babette turned around and looked at her front yard. "Oh hun, that's for Halloween! My Morey will put that around his neck and scare the kids. We do it every year."

"Would that not be harmful to…your Morey?"

"Ah don't worry sugar, he just dangles there a bit so that his eyes can pop out, then he gets out of there and does it again." Babette smiled at the large man with a strange gold tattoo on his forehead, "The kids love it, we've been doing this for years now."

"I see," Teal'c said.

"Well, we would love to stay and chat Babette, but we have places to go, people to see." Lorelai started dragging Daniel again by his arm, "I'll talk to you later okay?"

"Okay, sugar!" She stood there waving and smiling until they turned the corner towards the square, then she ran into her house to call Miss Patty and Taylor. They're going to love this little tidbit of gossip.

Lorelai stopped and turned to the group, "Okay, just to warn you, Babette is probably on the phone as we speak spreading the news that you're here. So be prepared for stares, whispers and from some, interrogation."

"Lorelai, don't worry," Daniel moved to put his arms around her shoulders and steered her back to the town, "I think we can handle some small town snoops."

"Oh, I'm not worried. I'm all for laughing at your discomfort at a later point in the day." She smiled at him, "But I thought I would at least give you a heads up before throwing you into the lion's pit."

"Well, then, is there a place we can fortify ourselves with coffee before we face the masses?" Daniel asked as he looked around the town. They were just walking by Doose's Market, where a older, balding gentleman in a sweater vest was talking on the phone and eyeing them with suspicion. Then there was an older, robust woman in a purple flamboyant dress at Miss Patty's Dance Studio, who was also talking on the phone but eyeing them like she was the lion and they were her prey.

Daniel shuddered and looked at Lorelai with wide eyes, "Please?"

She laughed and steered them to Luke's Diner, "A man after my own heart. Here we have the best coffee on the east coast made by my fiancé, Luke Danes."

"Best coffee huh?" Daniel slid a glance over at her, "Better than the Jamaican Blue Mountain that your mom has?"

She nodded, "Yep, and don't get me wrong, I take my coffee very seriously. There is no way to survive without coffee, and Luke makes the best stuff." They stepped into the door of the diner, while still arguing what made the best coffee.

Sam leaned into Jack, "I thought Daniel was bad, but then we saw Rory at breakfast, now Lorelai. Think it's genetic?"

"It's got to be. No one person loves coffee that much let alone three." He looked at Sam before they followed Lorelai, Daniel and Teal'c, "Maybe we should be glad Janet is not here, she would go into cardiac arrest just thinking the amount of caffeine that's being pumped into those three."

Sam laughed, then pulled Jack along into the building, "Come on, I don't want to miss the show."