Disclaimer: The following story is based on/inspired by characters created by DC Comics. By no means do I take credit for their creation or development.

Author's notes: Reviews welcomed and encouraged!

Prelude: Up to Speed

For the past week the Titans had been tracking a string of heists across the city's banks and technology facilities. The perpetrators were clad in sophisticated black and red mechanical suits akin to a ninja's garb. They called themselves the "Akaishuen"—the "Red Death--" and they had escaped every time. Patience was wearing thin.

Luckily, after receiving a tip, the Titans were able to hinder their exit during the last robbery. They put up a great struggle; even Starfire was severely beaten, almost killed by an Akaishuen. He would have killed her, had Robin not decked him into a wall. However, when the dust cleared, the Titans found that they had not been fighting men in suits, but robots; mindless automatons. After he saw this, Robin beat the contraption into an indiscernible pile of oil and smoldering circuits with his Bo staff. Just who was pulling the strings here?

After inspecting the motherboard of one of the androids, Cyborg recovered a serial number that he eventually tracked to an old mannequin warehouse on the east docks.


The rain fell in steady sheets that night, but no one ever waits for good weather anymore.

"You gonna be alright?" Vic touched Robin's shoulder before they descended on the warehouse.

"Yeah, I'll be fine once that bastard Slade gets what's coming to him," Dick said coldly, "He hurt Kory and he's gonna pay for that."

"Heh. You really think you'll finally get to meet him, huh? What I want to know is how you can be so sure it's him?"

Even though Cyborg stood behind Robin, he could picture Robin's scowl darken. Dick's fist tightened and trembled at his side. Who else could it be? Exasperated puffs of steam flowed out of his mouth and into the cool night air.

After a stiff silence, Cyborg eventually smirked and shook his head, "You know that 'serious-all-the-time –slash-hate' attitude is getting a little old. Can't be good for you, man."

"Whatever." Slowly, a smile crept over Robin's face, "You know, you're getting a little old."

"…shut up." Cyborg signaled the "all clear" to the others on the opposite side of the docks.