Here is the story that I had been thinking about for a while. In this story the Senshi will be adopting runaway orphans. This part is short and it is really just the beginning but I hope you enjoy it.
Come see my site at http/chibisenshi. I have a Halloween contest going on now.
Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon. The Chibi Senshi belong to me.

Orphans Part One: Runaway and Discovery By Angel Raye

Koyo waited patiently by the door of the Crystal Orphanage. Tonight was the night he and the other children had been planning for weeks now. They were going to run away from this place. Koyo was fourteen now and was good looking with his brown hair and violet eyes. For as long as he could remember he had lived in this orphanage. He had looked through his records one day and saw that his parents had been killed in a horrible car accident. Since there were no relatives to take care of him he was immediately placed in the orphanage. Adoptive parents came by but Koyo was always overlooked. He was ready for the day when he could take care of himself. He could now. He was fourteen and the government-supported teens that wanted to live on their own. According to the information on the Sailor Senshi one of them did live on her own when she was Koyo's age. But there was a group of children here who looked to him for guidance. Koyo found that he couldn't leave them. Tonight he was taking this group of children and leaving.
"Koyo," he heard a voice whisper. He turned and saw Sachi had arrived. Sachi was twelve and like Koyo had been in an orphanage for most of his life. He was a terrible prankster and spent many times sitting in the time out room. With his green hair and black eyes, he looked like a scamp. He and Koyo were roommates and had become inseparable. "Where are Eizo and the girls?" Koyo whispered.
"They're coming," Sachi replied. "You know Mari needs help getting dressed." Koyo nodded. Mari was the youngest child coming with them. She was only four but Koyo had always felt protective of her since she came to the orphanage a year ago. Little Mari couldn't get used to being an orphan. She already felt abandoned since her parents died and Koyo couldn't leave her.
"Here I am," whispered another voice. This time it was Eizo. He was ten and a very rough child. His parents had been killed in the Black Moon attack years ago. He had only been three and had very few memories of his family. He badly wanted to try out for sports but the orphanage didn't allow it. Koyo sympathized with him and a bond had been formed. When Koyo came up with the idea to run away Eizo immediately agreed.
"Great,' Koyo whispered back. "Now we just need to wait for the girls"
"We're here Koyo," a soft voice called. Koyo looked and saw that it was Tama, the oldest girl in the group. She had just turned nine and had a temper, which matched her red hair. Like Eizo she had lost her parents in the Black Moon attack. She hated the orphanage and jumped at the chance to escape.
Gemmei was the next girl. She was eight and was very pretty with her long blonde hair and violet eyes. She was Tama's best friend. She had been in the orphanage since she was five, abandoned by her mother. Koyo, who had come to regard Gemmei as a little sister, wasn't about to leave without her. The last two girls were the youngest in the group. Five-year-old Kimiko was only coming because she adored Koyo and Sachi. She had been in the orphanage for four years and longed for a real family. Her violet hair and blue eyes gave her an unusual look. Then little Mari was with them. She was also a pretty child with white blonde wavy hair, which was cut in a bob and deep blue eyes. Koyo hoped that someone would see Mari and just fall in love with her. The child was very delicate and Koyo wanted her to have a good home. She was the main reason why they were all leaving. Even though the children at the orphanage were well cared for there was no love. Mari had come from a very loving family and that was taken from her. Mari had begun slipping further away to a point where she rarely talked and Koyo feared that if she stayed longer she was going to be completely gone.
"Are we ready?" Koyo asked.
"Yes," came back whispers from the other children.
"Remember," Koyo told them. "We are in this together. I won't let anyone take you back here. If I have to find a job and support all of you myself I will"
"We want to come," Gemmei replied and the other children nodded in agreement. "Then let's go," Sachi declared. "We have a lot of walking to do tonight." Koyo quietly opened the door and ushered the children out into the night.

Koyo and Sachi had made careful plans. They were going to walk during the night and find some place to hide out during the day. So they had walked for several hours before all of the children began to feel tired. Mari was already asleep and was being carried on Sachi's back. Kimiko was also getting tired. "Where are we going Koyo?" Gemmei asked.
"Look," Tama gasped as she pointed. "There's the Crystal Palace. It's so beautiful"
"We need to find some place to hide," Eizo pointed out. "It won't be long before everyone at the orphanage wake up and discover we're gone"
Koyo looked carefully at the palace. Something caught his eye. "There's a tree house on the palace grounds," he exclaimed. "We'll go there"
"Oh good plan," Sachi stated. "And how are we going to get in the gate"
"Good point," Gemmei agreed. "Those gates have security codes"
"Which our Tama can probably crack," Koyo reminded them. Tama grinned. She had a rare ability to pick any lock or crack any code.
"Not the royal one," Eizo stated. "Why don't we just scale the wall"
"With the little ones?" Tama asked.
"Hey I can climb and so can Mari," Kimiko exclaimed.
"Let's take a closer look," Koyo sighed. They went to the wall surrounding the palace. Koyo gave Sachi a boost. Once Sachi was on the other side Koyo helped the other children up while Sachi helped them down. Mari was very nervous but she managed somehow. Once all the children were over they darted over to the tree and climbed up it. The tree house was small but they were all able to fit. "We'll stay here today and then leave again tomorrow night," Koyo told them. The other children agreed. They all settled down and one by one they fell asleep.

Faith was up early that Sunday morning. It was a beautiful spring morning and she wasn't going to waste a minute in bed. So leaving Hope sound asleep in their room Faith left a note for Michiru and Haruka and left the chambers. Once she was out in the hall she broke into a sprint. It had been two weeks since Taylor, Sydney and all the other children had gone back home. Faith had to admit she missed them terribly. It had been so nice having Taylor and Sydney here because like Faith they were tomboys and loved sports. Now they were gone and Faith was stuck with girly girls again.
The morning sun shone down on Faith as soon as she got outside. It was going to be a warm day. Maybe later she could get some of the other Chibi Senshi to come to the park with her. Right now she wanted to go to the tree house. So she ran to the tree and climbed up it. When she looked in a surprise waited for her. "Nani!" she shrieked. There were seven children in there ranging in age from about four to about Usagi's age. "Who are you and what are you doing here"
"We're sorry," the oldest one said. "My name is Koyo and these are Sachi, Eizo, Tama, Gemmei, Kimiko and Mari. We ran away from the orphanage and hiding out here for the day"
"I'm Faith," Faith replied. "I live at the palace"
"I've seen you on TV," the girl named Kimiko squealed.
"You've probably seen all of us on TV," Faith told her. "Why did you run away?" Koyo quickly explained and Faith's surprise was turned to sympathy. "I guess I just have to remember that not all of us are as lucky as my sister and I were," she stated.
"That's right you're both adopted," Sachi exclaimed. "Yes," Faith replied. "We were adopted by Haruka-papa and Michiru-mama. They're best friends. I got Haruka's last name and Hope got Michiru's. So we're twins but we have different last names.
"I wish I could be adopted," sighed Tama.
"Well listen you can't stay here," Faith told them. "I can find you a guest suite in the palace to use. No one is up yet so I can easily sneak you in. Then I can bring food to you"
"What do you say Koyo?" asked Eizo.
"Please Koyo," pleaded Gemmei. "This tree house is so uncomfortable and I would like to get some decent food. We don't have much money"
Koyo thought for a moment and then consented. "Okay," he said. He turned to Faith. "That would be great."

Faith had no problem slipping into Haruka's office and getting a key to one of the guest suites. She then led the runaways up the back stair. The suite she chose had three bedrooms in it so there would be plenty of room for everyone. "Oh this is great," Tama sighed sinking down into the sofa.
"Thank you so much Faith," Koyo exclaimed. "This is much better than any place we could hide out"
"You can stay here a few days," Faith told them. "I'll bring you food. You'll just have to be quiet because this is near Saturn's and our chambers"
"We'll be quiet," Sachi promised. "Now we've been up most of the night so we need to get some sleep." Faith bade them goodbye and left. She was delighted to have a secret but she knew it was going to hard to keep.

Over the next couple of days Faith enlisted the help of Maggie and Hope, whom she knew she could trust and the three girls quietly slipped food to the orphans. Unfortunately some of the other Chibi Senshi along with the Senshi were getting very suspicious. "I know those three are up to something," Michiru told the other Senshi. "The twins keep leaving at odd hours of the day and they are always in the palace kitchen"
"Gary told me it's the same with Maggie," Makoto reported. "I think we should see what those three are up too"
"Well Gloria is going crazy trying to find out," Minako sighed. "But they know her so well that they are staying clear of her"
"I suggest that we keep a close eye on the three involved," Ami suggested. "We can follow them to where they are taking the food"
"Right," the others agreed and the plan as set in motion.

The next day Makoto had gotten back from her restaurant. Just as she walked into the main hall she saw Faith and Hope sneaking up the stairs with their arms full of food. Makoto immediately started following them quietly. She was surprised when the girls stopped at one of the guest suite doors. "What are those two hiding in there?" Makoto asked herself. She waited until they went through the door and then walked up to it. She tried to listen through the door and heard voices she didn't recognize but they all sounded like kids. Just then the door opened and the twins came out. "Hello Girls," Makoto greeted them.
"Aunt Makoto," gasped Hope in alarm.
"Care to tell who you have in there?" Makoto asked.
"Nothing," Faith said quickly.
"Then you won't mind me going in there," Makoto announced and before the twins could protest she pushed open the door and walked in. She was shocked to see seven children of different ages sitting in the living room looking frightened. They were well cared for but their clothes were old. A couple of the children had hostile looks in their eyes. "Who are you?" she asked.
"Aunt Makoto we can explain," Faith replied. "But it will take a while."

To be continued...