Disclaimer:I do not own Fire Emblem: Seima no Kouseki, or any of the characters used thus far.

Who am I?

I face that question everyday, ever since it started happening. Ever since I started hearing voices that weren't my own. Ever since I released the Demon King of Legend. I feel like I am losing myself slowly, but it doesn't matter, because I can't remember who I was. I know I wasn't who I am now, but who was I?

I see faces, remember names too clearly, but none of them are the same. Something is different about those faces, but I don't know what. I can't remember what is missing, or what is wrong. I remember less of what is right every day, and it slips past me too fast. I became someone else before I knew what was really me.

It was a thick, deep, disgusting infection that seeped into my bones, and ate my heart away to shreds. It ate me, devouring me whole, and changing what was me. If there was a different me before what was now; if there was someone living before the infection ate them. If that person was me. I don't know anymore. All I know is what I am now, and what I have to do.

Ephraim sighed, and listened as Seth continued to explain exactly why he couldn't go scouting with Forde. Ephraim knew the reason why he should not be allowed to go, but sitting around was never one of his strong points. He also knew more about the countryside of Grado then Forde, but his duty was to lead his men, and not scout out terrain.

'Maybe I can get Forde to do a sketch of the land around Grado Keep.' Ephraim mused idly as he listened to Seth's exasperated speech. He knew he was going to give Seth a grey head of hair before the man turned forty. He appreciated the man's advice, and knew Seth saw it his personal duty to make sure his liege was safe, but it would be much simpler if he could just see the land around Grado Keep for himself. Reports were all very well but...

"General Seth, I value your advise on these matters, but I don't think a report will be good enough. There are some things that just can not be told through a report," Ephraim began gently. "I will take Forde with me, and we'll be back within the hour. We will take no chances, and I will even take Kyle if it will put you more at ease."

Seth frowned, his disapproval evident. He did not like what Ephraim was saying, liege and lord or not. "I don't think it would be very wise to endanger yourself so," Seth reasoned. "We are in the heart of Grado now, and anything could happen."

"It will be fine Seth, do not worry." Ephraim stood, and grabbed his spear. "I trust every report that comes, but I feel I must see the land for myself. Something...something has been bothering me, and I would rather see with my own eyes today."

Seth sighed, looking at Ephraim through a shadow of red bangs. "There isn't anything I can say to dissuade you from this I see. You will go see for yourself today. I ask you take Kyle, and Forde with you-just in case."

"I will take them both." Ephraim smiled slightly. "Don't worry Seth, we will be back before supper, and right as anything can be."

"I still don't think this is a good idea," Seth said looking around at the dense forest.

"I know you do not, but everything will be fine." Ephraim reassured the man, and then hefted his spear over his shoulders. He wove his way through the white sea of tents, and ducked into is own. He rifled through a small stack of papers and pulled out the appropriate map. He scrutinized it, and then grabbed the leather case for it. Ephraim walked form his tent, still rolling the map up, and attaching the leather case.

Several of the more awake people bowed, calling good mornings to Ephraim, and their other comrades. The air held a very cold snap in it, and the leaves were fading into bright fall colors. Ephraim wove his way to the horse corral, attaching his leather map case to his belt. He was unsurprised to find Seth lecturing Kyle, and Forde on the importance of their mission. Kyle stood at rigid attention, but Forde seemed to be only vaguely listening.

"Ah, Prince Ephraim!" Seth turned around sharply, and Ephraim noticed Seth had his horse tacked. The large white war horse snorted, but stood perfectly still. He was an excellently trained beast. "I ask that you ride my own horse for this outing." Ephraim smiled slightly. He had expected no less from Seth really.

"Of course, Seth, I would take no other," Ephraim replied, keeping the humor from his tone. Seth took his job of guarding Ephraim very seriously, perhaps too seriously at times but he had managed so far.

"Don't worry General Seth, Prince Ephraim is in good hands, the best right after your own," Forde said, snapping off a salute, and a bow to Ephraim. Probably to annoy Kyle with his almost flippant attitude. Seth nodded, but he looked skeptical. Ephraim let a small smile slide onto his face, and he took the reins from Seth. Seth's horse was as tall as Ephraim's eyes at the shoulder, and a massive work of muscles, and heavy bones. He was a very intimidating horse.

Ephraim pulled himself into the saddle, and sat steady in the saddle. Kyle was already on his bay of a similar build, but, oddly enough for a knight, Forde rode a little chestnut mare with quick feet. Ephraim settled himself more in the saddle, and nodded down to Seth. "We will be back in an hour-two in the most," he promised, and turned Seth's horses away from camp.

People made way for the horses as they walked through. Some of the people of Renais bowed before hurrying on, but Ephraim was thinking too hard to notice them. Something was bothering him. He couldn't decide what it is. He usually got the sick feeling something was wrong when he made an error in his tactics, but he hadn't planned any battles recently, and the feeling had started before his decision to ride out and scout for himself.

Ephraim knew the land around Grado keep fairly well, and he knew exactly where to guide Kyle, and Forde so they would be undetected. Seth's charger's feet crashed into the falling leaves, accompanied by heavy, and lighter steps behind him. Ephraim twisted the reins, pulling the stallion left, towards Grado Keep. He knew a ridge where they would be able to see most of the land around Grado keep, and keep out of sight. He and Lyon had spent much time there, watching the land below them, and talking about what would be.

Lyon, the Prince of Grado, had always been worried for his people's future, and shaky in his own leading abilities. Thoughts of his friend brought dulled pangs of worry to Ephraim. Where was Lyon in all this mindless blood shed? Lyon-kind, caring Lyon would have never said anything to suggest war with Renais, but whether he could have stood up to his father was questionable. Ephraim did not want to believe that the Emperor of Grado would have declared war on Renais, but it was easier for Ephraim to believe then Lyon having a hand in it.

"Prince Ephraim, do you know where we are going?" Forde asked, more boldly them he should have, perhaps, but that was Forde's way-borderline respectful. "If we continue this way we will be very close to Grado Keep." Forde's mare danced, her ears swiveling back and forth quickly. Perchance the mare was picking up on Forde's nerves.

"I know Forde," Ephraim said, glancing around. He knew how close the path to the ridge would take him to the Keep, but it shouldn't be guarded. Only himself, and Lyon knew about the winding trail. No one else had been told, not even Eirika. It was one of the few things Ephraim kept from his sister. "Very few people know of this place," Ephraim explained.

Forde shrugged, "If you say so Prince Ephraim." Ephraim heard a loud 'thump', and a muffled 'ow' from Forde. Kyle was no doubt giving Forde glares for being so insolent, and the blond would be getting a verbal tirade from Seth when he heard. It never seemed to bother Forde that Seth spent more time berating him then any other knight, and it never changed his ways.

Ephraim smiled slightly, and turned his horse up the next hill. Despite his smile the feeling something was going to go wrong, still hung over his head.

"Ephraim!" Kyle's shout, devoid of any honorific, sent every nerve in Ephraim's body on alert, and he tensed. A sick scent floated to him, making his head spin, doubling any thought back on itself, and making him feel sick.

A/N:Oo-hoo, fun joys! Oh, hello! Nice to see you. This is my new story, and it's very different from the other story I posted. The italics at the beginning are thoughts of a certain person at any given time, and they will be there at every chapter beginning. See, that was Lyon at the beginning of this chapter.

Well, if you liked it/hated it/are indifferent towards it, Review. Jaa ne!