Disclaimer: I do not own Strong Medicine or the characters. They belong to Whoopi Goldberg, and Tammy Ader, and Lifetime TV. Special thanks to proofreaders and editors for their time and extreme patience.

This is a short chapter, just to tie up lose ends and create some sort of ending. I hope you've enjoyed this story. I'll have another one up soon... just a fair warning, it will be another "odd" couple

The Next Morning

Marc unlocked the front door of the apartment and Isabel rushed in.

Peter stepped out of the kitchen with a mug of coffee, "Good Morning. How was..."

"Where's my Luisa?" Isabel excitedly cut him off.

"In the bedroom. She just finished nursing Josiah." Peter smiled with amusement.

Isabel quickly kissed Peter's cheek and hurried to the bedroom.

"Uhh... Dad?" Marc struggled through the door with four suitcases.

"Oh!" Peter sat his mug down and hurried over to help. "How long is Isabel staying?" he asked as he took two of the bags.

"I'm not sure," Marc closed the door and put the other two suitcases on the couch, "But she told me that two of these are filled with things for Josiah."

At The Same Time - In The Bedroom

Lu looked up and smiled as Isabel rushed in. Then returning her attention to the small bundle in her arms, she cooed softly, "There's your Gramma."

Isabel walked over and gently sat on the bed beside Lu. She kissed Lu's cheek, then looked down at the baby. "So handsome... so handsome." Isabel's voice was barely audible as tears pooled in her eyes.

Lu leaned over and gently placed the newborn in Isabel's arms, "This is your great grandson, Josiah Daniel Riggs."

Isabel smiled down at Josiah as the tears that were in her eyes now rolled down her cheeks.

"You used to sing that to Marc." Lu smiled in recognition as Isabel began to quietly sing a Spanish lullaby.

"And to you, mi amor." Isabel reached over and squeezed Lu's hand before continuing to sing.

Lu held her grandmother's hand and closed her eyes as the beautiful soothing melody of Isabel's song lulled both her and Josiah to sleep.

One Year Later

Lu and Peter stood with Josiah, surrounded by friends and family, as the room rang with happy voices singing "Happy Birthday"

Josiah's smile slowly faded and he began to cry, slightly disturbed by all of the commotion around him.

"Shh... Shhh." Peter gently bounced the fussing baby.

"Awww." Lu laughed and reached for Josiah

"You just don't know what to think, do you buddy?" Peter smiled as he handed his son to his wife.

Josiah wrapped his arms around Lu's neck and tangled his small hands in her long hair.

"It's ok baby." Lu soothed as she hugged him close and rubbed his back.

Josiah's cries, muffled by his mom's shoulder, quickly subsided and he shyly buried his face in her neck.

"Hey hey birthday boy," Lana crooned in her motherly tone, "You ready for some cake?" she asked as she placed a decorated cake on the table.

Josiah's eyes widened in amazement when he looked over and saw the huge cake, complete with four small toy trains.

Lu settled Josiah in his highchair as Andy struck a match and lit the candle in the center of the cake. "Make a wish and blow the candle out." Lu moved the cake closer to Josiah.

"Ready?" Peter stepped up beside the highchair, "One... Two... Three!"

Josiah squealed in delight as Peter and Nick leaned over and blew, extinguishing the small flame.

Isabel and Peter's mom quickly moved up to the table and began cutting the cake, then passing it to Marc, who stood nearby dipping ice cream onto each plate.

Lu couldn't help but laugh as Josiah looked up at her and smiled, his giggles ringing through the room. "I love that sound."

"So do I." Marc leaned over to ruffle his brother's hair.

Josiah's giggles rang out again, prompting Lu to lean over and kiss the top of his head. "I guess now would be a good time for me to tell your Daddy that you're gonna be a big brother." she smiled down at her son.

Immediately all noise and commotion stopped, absolute silence filled the room.

Lu looked across the room where her husband stood pouring drinks for everyone.

Peter started at her and his jaw slowly dropped as he unknowingly continued to pour the drink.

The silence was broken by Josiah's cheerful squeal, "Ba-Ba!"

Suddenly everyone seemed to snap back into action.

"Whoa, Pete!" Nick hurried over and took the Pepsi bottle out of Peter's hand as the styrofoam cup that he was filling overflowed.

Andy, Lana, and Marc burst into laughter at Josiah's delighted squeal.

Lu looked down at Josiah and laughed, "Ba-Ba. That's right. Big brother."

Still standing across the room, Peter finally found his voice, "What? Are you serious? Are you sure?" he asked incredulously.

Lu smiled and nodded, "Very sure."

A huge smile slowly spread across Peter's face. He quickly crossed the room, wrapped his arms around her tiny waist and lifted her high off the floor.

Lu wrapped her arms around his neck and giggled as she looked down from where he held her above him.

Then Peter slowly lowered his wife close to him in a hug and kissed her deeply.

A Few Months Later

Laying on Andy's exam table, Lu squeezed Peter's hand as she held her shirt up with her other hand. She looked up at Andy and smiled, "Well?"

Andy moved the probe around on Lu's stomach and watched the ultrasound machine screen, "Well..."

"What is it?" a worried look crossed Peter's face, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," Andy glanced at Peter then at Lu, "But I recommend that you start buying two of everything."

Lu stared at Andy in shock, "Twins? Again? Really?" she turned to look at the ultrasound machine screen.

"Really." Andy pointed to the screen, "Baby A." Then moving her finger over, she smiled, "Baby B."

"Oh my gosh." tears of joy filled Lu's eyes.

"Do you want to know what you're having?" Andy couldn't help but laugh at the surprised expressions on Lu and Peter's faces.

Too shocked to speak, Peter nodded.

"Y... Yes." Lu stuttered.

"Ok." Andy looked back at the screen, "Baby A is..." she moved the probe to get a better look, "a girl."

Lu smiled and wiped away tears before looking up at Peter.

Moving the probe once more, Andy announced, "And Baby B is a girl."

"Twin girls..." Peter said in amazement.

"Not just twins..." Andy wiped the gel off of Lu's stomach and pulled her shirt down, "Identical twins so it seems."

"Wow..." Lu whispered still trying to get her mind around the idea, "Our family keeps growing." She looked up at her husband as tears streamed down her cheeks.

"Time marches on." Andy remarked quietly before slipping out of the room.

"What was it that Lana called it?" Lu asked.

Peter gently wiped away Lu's tears. "Destiny." he replied as he leaned over and kissed her deeply.


A/N: Let me know what you think. If you don't like it, that's ok, tell me... just be courteous about it please. :-)