Hey you all, I am so sorry that it has taken so long to post, but I got three days off in a row so here is a new chapter and again, GOMEN!

Flitwick: We do not own Inuyasha…

Chapter 12 Spring Formal

Sess paced back and forth, it was the day of the spring formal. He was garbed in a pure white tuxedo.

"Oh ho, my Sessy looks oh so delicious in his tux!" Koga grinned, licking his lips.

"Don't get my suit dirty!" Sess said harshly, but then said, "I'm sorry, I just don't want to go. I wish you could come with me."

"Then who would be Sango's date, Mcfluffer stuff?"

"Don't call me –" Sess was silenced with Koga's mouth covering his own. He groaned as he clutched Koga's t-shirt. "Bastard…" He mumbled as they broke apart.

"Go on Fluffy. Don't be late! Awww my parents are calling, I'll miss you babe." Sess grinned foolishly as he descended the dorm room stairs. Koga was the greatest guy in the world, and after the spring formal they were going to make love all night long! He went to the flower shop to pick up Sango's corsage. It was a deep purple in the middle with crimson carnations surrounding it. He knew Sango would love it. Since she and Miroku had planned to go together they were still matched in their outfits. She was wearing a long purple dress with a crimson shawl.

He picked up Sango at her house and she squealed in delight.

"Oh wow, my date has the hottest car! Sess thank you so much for taking me!" Sango threw her arms around him and gave him a chaste kiss on the mouth. Sess frowned, months ago he would have jumped for joy at the prospect of going out with Sango. Now he just wantesd to have Koga on his arm, life just wasn't fair.

"So Sess where are you taking me for dinner? Tell me it's the Coco Del Fleur?" She asked excitedly.

"It's the Coco Del Fleur. I even got us a booth seat!" He had gotten a booth because they wouldn't have to sit close and nobody could really stare at them. Again it wasn't fair, he and Koga couldn't go to a restaurant together.

As soon as they got to the dance Kagome and a few other girls surrounded Kagome and led her away. Inuyasha came up to Sess smirking.

"You know this won't work, don't you?"

"What won't work Yash?"

"Don't call me Yash! I mean trying to hook up with Sango! I know you're a virgin and want some luvin, but Sango's probably going to get back with Miro tonight." Sess blushed when Inu said virgin. He remembered his first time with Koga. "You don't have to be embarrsed. I just wanted to let you know. Come on Sess smile, there are a bunch of girls that would be willing to bypass the fact that you're a virgin, just go talk to some people." Inu grinned, Miroku scowled as he walked over to them. "What not having fun with Jessica Harper?" Inu laughed.

"Ugh, she's so obnoxious! Who cares if her boobs are gigantic, I want to leave already!" Sango walked over, glared at Miroku and grabbed Sess's arm.

"Come on we have to dance and show everyone that we are the best couple! We actually have competition now!" Sango pointed as they walked to the middle of the floor. Sess followed her finger and gsped in surprise as he saw Koga.

He had on a black suit with a matching brown tie. His hair was tied back and his blue eyes were just drowning Sess, that was until he saw a red-headed girl on Koga's arm. She was beautiful, she had long red hair and green eyes. She was wearing a dazzling white dress, Sess memory finally kicked into gear.

"Ayame..?" Sess's mouth went dry. Ayame was here, Koga's fiancé! His own cousin, what was he going to do? He let Sango lead him to the dance floor and numbly took her hand.

"Sess your hands are all cold and clammy, don't worry I won't bite! And who knows if your lucky youmight just get a kiss!" She winked. Sess tried to nod and smile but instead all he managed was a shakey head bob, he felt queasy and was sure his face was green.

"Oh my goodness, Sess are you alright?" Sango asked concerned.

"Yeah, just need to go to the restroom, I'll be right back." Sess rushed off, and when he entered the bathroom he washed his face with cool water. It didn't help, he know this issue was bound to come up sometime. But why so soon, they had barely been together at all. Sess composed himself and walked back out to the dance floor.

Sango took his hand and they fell into a slow dance, Sango sighed and laid her head on his shoulder.

"You smell nice Sess, thank you for taking me to the dance."

"Of course Sango. I couldn't let a beautiful girl like yourself go alone." Sango bit herlip and looked at Sess with bright eyes.

"I knew this might happen, Sess you're a great guy, but I could never see you like that. You're not too sad are you? I told Kagome how I was worried that this might happen. She told me not to worry, but…" Sango looked at him anxiously.

"You can rest assured that this will go no further than tonight. I know that you and I are not meant to be a couple, okay?" Sango nodded and happily continued dancing. Sess was trying his hardest not to look at Koga, but he couldn't help but look at him once. Ayame had her head against Koga's shoulder, she had her eyes closed and a peaceful look on her face. Koga had a dark look in his eyes and Sess didn't know how to readit.

The dance went agonizingly slowly and Sess was glad when it was time for dinner. He got a call from his step mother before they enterd the restaurant.

"Hi mom, I'm about to have dinner with Sango." He frowned, "Ok, no its fine mom, I love you too, bye." Sess turned to Sango. "Inuyasha and Kagome are going to share the booth with us."

"That's great, yeah Kagome's coming." Sango smiled. While they were ordering their drinks Sango squealed and pointed,

"Look it's your pretty cousin and Koga! Oh, they're coming over!"

"Hello cousin, did your mother call and tell you we were coming?" Ayame smirked.

"You? Oh I thought she was talking about Inuyasha."

"Nope me, oh who is this pretty girl Sess? You're dating now? Amazing, my names Ayame, what's yours?" Ayame chattered.

"Sango, please sit down. Wow your dress is pretty!" The two girls fell into a conversation. They were sitting on the inner part of the booth, while Sess and Koga sat on the outer edge. Koga was trying to get Sess's attention but tapping his foot and nudging his leg, but Sess didn't dare look up. He knew Koga said he would find a solution to the situation, but with both of them there it was just too much! The waiter came again to take Koga and Ayame's drink orders. Koga cleared his throat,

"Sesshomaru, how did you like the dance?"

"It was fine." Sess said shortly, not looking up.

"Oh, he got sick at the dance, Sessy you feeling better?"

"He's probably just speechless now that he's out with you Sango! We were always afraid he was gay!" Ayame laughed. "So how long have you two been going out?"

Before Sess could open his mouth to object an angry Miroku stormed into view.

"They have not been going out! And if they've started it ends now!" Miroku glared at Sess and gave Sango a bouquet of multicolored roses.

"Miroku I was just about to say I wasn't dating Sango!" Sess defended.

"What about your big boobed date?" Sango asked.

She means less than nothing, Sango I may be a terrible lech, but really my heart is only yours!"

"Oh Miroku! Sorry guys I got to go!" Sango cried happily as she got up. "Oh Ayame get my number from Sess or Yash."

Sess cleared his throat uncomfortably, now it was only he, Koga and Ayame.

"Well I guess I should leave too." He finlly said.

"No! Stay, you must be hungry." He could sense concern in Koga's voice. Sess just nodded, hopefully with him here Ayame wouldn't try anything with Koga.

"Oh Sess, Koga is a marvelous dancer!" Ayame sighed taking Koga's hand in her own.

"Erm, not that good really, just ok."

"Don't be modest. You're great and so handsome. Only fitting for my betrothed." Sess felt his face turn green, and he broke into a sweat. Maybe he was getting sick? But it also felt like his heart was being clawed from his chest.

"I-I'm still not feeling well, I think I'll just leave, you two enjoy your meal." Sess said getting up, his bangs were plastered to his forehead.

"Sesshomaru you don't look so good, Ayame take the limo home. I think I will escort Sesshomaru home." Ayame nodded and gushed,

"Oh you're so noble Koga! I just love you more and more!" They watched Ayame leave and Koga sat back down, he motioned for Sess to sit down.

"I thought you were taking me home?"

"Sit down first ok?" Sess nodded, "Look Sess I feel awful. You didn't even want to go to the dance, then I actually show up, but with Ayame. I don't want to marry her Sess. I want to be with you, you make me happy." As Koga went to pay the bill Sess waited by the door. Koga called another limo to pick them up. Once inside Koga cuddled up to Sess.

"Koga, not now."

"Aww, then when?"

"How about after Ayame's not your fiancé?"

"Harsh Sess, you know its not my fault!" Koga pleaded.

"I know." Sess smirked as he nipped Koga's lip. "Mmm you still have pepsi flavored lips!" Sess laughed and Koga growled, bringing their lips together in a passionate kiss. Koga pulled Sess forward so that he was on his lap.

"I need you so bad Sess, mmm see?" He moaned as he placed Sess's hand in his lap.

"I need you too, I didn't mean to tease you so long, you know? I was going to try something in the morning after we went out to dinner with Kev and Beek. But Kagome called and,"

"Shh, I know, here unzip me." Sess felt that familar excited shiver go through him as he reached down and unzipped Koga's pants,

"You- you're not wearing anything underneath?"

"I was going to try and do this with you tonight, so I was prepared." Sess said nothing as he pulled out Koga's cock and broght his head down to put it in his mouth. He was surprised at how familarit felt and how easily it fit with him. Keeping a heavy suction he covered his teeth with his lips and bobbed down as far as he could.

"Ungh, Sess, Damn… Sess!" Koga moaned as he stroked Sess's hair. Sess tried to reply but only succeeded in clencthing his throat muscles. "Ahh! No more, I'm about to cum in your mouth!" Koga's back arched as he took Sess's mouth off of himself. "No more babe, I can't take it. What do you want me to do to you?" Koga asked as he laid Sess on his back, he also started to unbutton Sess's Tux.

"Umm, whatever you want?" Koga chuckled and spread his hands over Sess's bare chest. He stroked the already hardened nipples, then licked them. Sess moaned and tossed his head to the side. Koga placed a wet kiss on the middle of Sess's chest and blew, he made a lazy trail down to his navel.

"I love your body Sess, its almost like it was made for me." Koga grinned as he unbuttoned Sess's pants. He pulled them all the way off and kissed the head, licking off the precum. Sess blushed, there he was bare-chested, bare-assed, on Koga's limo seat.

"You're embarrassed still?" Koga sniggered,

"How can you tell?"

"You do this cute full body blush… Can we? Do you care that we're in my limo?" Sess shook his head, Koga kissed his way back to Sess's mouth. "Grab the condom in my pocket and put it on me, damn I'm so ready for you!" Sess swiftly took off the wrapper and placed it on Koga, who slowly guided his length in. "Mmm Sess you're so warm."

"Koga don't say thing s like that!"

"Why I'm enjoying you, aren't you enjoying me?"

"Hmm, well ya." Not liking that particular response Koga growled and flipped the tow of them over. Now Sess had one leg on the seat and the other on the floor, his ass stuck out in the air for Koga's viewing.

"Koga!" Sess complained,

"What? I told you I wanted you to enjoy it!" Koga slapped Sess's ass and thrust in, wringing a gasp from Sess. His grip on the seat became tighter as Koga started to move in motion with the car. Sess could hardly contain himself as Koga reached around and began to fervently stroke him. He pushed his hips back into every thrust, making sure Koga was buried to the hilt. Koga leaned over and kissed Sess on the neck, panting in his ear. "Yes… almost there, what about you?"

"Mmm, ungh mmm," was all Sess could say as he was getting really close. "Koga, Koga!" Sess started screaming as he came all over the seat. Koga sucked on the back of Sess's neck and gave one last shuddering push. He laughed as his hand ran through the liquid on the seat.

"Hmm, was I really that good? Next time we'll need to get a condom for you!"

"Do you have a towel? And where are we going?"

"I guess to my house, my parents are gone. You want to stay over?"

"Yeah, I'll just call my mom." Sess's step-mom was ok with everything so soon they were at Koga's mansion.

"Well Sess, you are a very dirty, sticky boy, let's shower together!" Koga grinned wickedly as he ran up the stairs.


Ok yay I finally got out the 12th chappie, all in one sitting too! So how was it?

Rashger: Yum, Yum reviews taste so good!