Gee, I hope Bowser didn't put any water monsters in here to guard the moat, Peach thought as she took a deep breath and went under the surface. The water was surprisingly clear and clean, so she could see where she was going and what was at the bottom. She couldn't see any Bloopers or other water-dwelling creatures, except for the occasional harmless Cheep Cheep. She kept swimming (again, with some difficulty due to her broken arm) and soon she saw something gold glimmering at the bottom of the moat. It was the key! She swam down to get it, but as she picked it up a giant Blooper saw her and came after her! Frantically, she swam towards the surface with the key in her hand and headed towards the shore on the castle's side of the moat.

"MARIO!" she shouted, "HURRY UP WITH THAT ROPE! A GIANT BLOOPER'S AFTER ME!" As she shouted, Mario sent the rope down the side of the fort and held on to one end, bracing himself so he wouldn't accidentally drop the rope when Peach tried to climb it. The dangling end of the rope was somewhat out of her reach, and she couldn't grab it with her broken arm. So she tried holding the key in her right hand (she succeeded, though it hurt to grasp anything with her right hand), and jumped as high as she could, grasping the end of the rope with her left hand.

The Blooper poked his head out of the water, and used one of his giant tentacles to try and grab Peach. Peach shouted at Mario to bring her up to the window by pulling her up with the rope, since she couldn't climb with one hand. Mario pulled her up and helped her get back in through the window right before the Blooper could get his tentacle around her.

"Wow, that was close!" Peach exclaimed, panting slightly, "Thanks, Mario!"

"No problem," Mario replied, "You got the key, right?"

"Of course!" Peach said, showing him the key.

"Great!" Mario exclaimed. He took the key and used it to unlock the cell door. "Ladies first," he said as he held the door open for Peach. She thanked him and exited the cell. Mario followed her out. "Do you happen to know how to get out of here?" he asked once they were both out of the cell.

"Umm…" Peach said, trying to remember which way Bowser had taken her to get to the cell, "I think it's that way." She pointed in the direction that she and Bowser had come from in order to get to the cell. They walked in that direction and soon found the exit.

"Well, that was pretty easy!" Mario said as they exited the dungeon.

"Yeah, easy for you!" Peach laughed sarcastically, "Next time, you try swimming and climbing with a broken arm!"

"Well hopefully there won't be a next time, right?" Mario said as he pushed the main entrance door open (the halls were surprisingly unguarded).

"I hope you're right…" Peach sighed, and they made their way out of Bowser's fortress. It was a nice day outside, and a cool breeze blew through the trees. The breeze made Peach shiver slightly since she was still wet from swimming in the moat. Mario put his arm around her waist and held her close to keep her warm as they walked back to the castle.

When they returned to the castle, Mario stopped Peach at the gates. "Umm, Peach?" he said, "I have something to ask you."

"Really?" she asked, "What is it?"

"Do you want to come with me to the Plumbers' Convention?" Mario asked. He felt kinda embarrassed asking this, since he thought that someone like Peach wouldn't be interested in going to a convention for plumbers.

"Mario, I would be honored to go to the Plumbers' Convention with you," Peach replied.

"Seriously?" Mario asked, unable to believe it.

"Yes!" Peach said, "Actually, ANYTHING would be better than staying in my room, bored all day… Just let me go change into drier clothes first."

"Ok," Mario said, "I'll just wait out here then."

"Oh don't be silly," Peach said, "You can come inside. Besides, I'll need someone to help me explain to Toadsworth where I've been this whole time. He's probably worried sick…"

"Okey dokey!" Mario nodded, and he followed Peach into the castle.