Okay, I'm going to try and get as much of this done as humanly possible..I mean, the world can ALWAYS use more Rocky Horror fanfic writers, can't it? So here I am, with some random idea stuck in my head that I don't even kow if it will work...but if it does...yay!-Anon, The n00b With the Laptop


Doctor Frank-n-Furter was trying in vain to get his new invention to work. Frustrated, he kicked it, but of course this helped little. "Magenta! Riff-Raff! Bring me something to drink!" he was having a hard enough time doing his work as it was, he would have done anything to get the two to stop making pleasured noises in the background. The machine he was creating sparked, almost setting his leather jacket on fire. "Damn!" he yelled, so loud that Columbia rushed in.

"Frankie," she whined, "What's wrong? Is that...thing still not working right?" Columbia may have been a good dancer, but brain power was something she lacked.

"No it's not! Thank you so much for pointing this out to me!" He rolled his eyes and kicked the maching harder, a heel of his stiletto getting caught in one of the controls. "DAMNIT!" he cursed louder, trying to pry the heel of his shoe out without doing any more damage. He failed, however. The machine sparked and burst into flames. Frankie, being as smart as he was, pulled his foot out from the shoe before the flames rose. he growled in frustration. In a rage, he turned his angry gaze to Columbia, who was standing behind him with an innocent yet humoured look on her face. "Don't...say...anything!" he yelled at her and stalked off.

"Someone needs some happy pills...or...something else?" she said with a wicked grin. Frankie threw a hand over his shoulder tleling her to bug off. She didn't need to be told tiwce, she left in a huff as well.

The machine was supposed to allow one to change their body with someone else ffor a certain period of time. But quite obvously, that time would now be never as the machine busted. Frankie slammed the doors to his bed chambers, comepletely forgetting that Riff nad Magenta were supposed to be getting him something to drink. "Master..." Riff's voice came drifting through a speaker hung on the wall. "Are you still wanting something to quench your thirst?"

"No! Shut up and go away!" he yelled back at it. Riff grumbled a reply, but it was fuzzy because of the speaker. The reciever clicked and that was that. But little did he know that Riff had had a reason for asking this. He wasn't being lazy or careless, he had bettter things to do. Like tend to Magenta. Who had just passed out on the stone floor.