Disclaimer: Sorry I've disappeared for a while...I was quite busy cuz I was enjoying myself (I was on holidays!)

Kai: So...Our author off for holidays, leaving us waits...huh?

Uh...Not what you are thinking! I was plotting the story as well, okay?

Tala: Then tell me, my dearest author, which of us would be starring in this one?

Hmm...Kai, you, Johnny, Miguel! I think I'd put Enrique and Bryan or someone who's hot in this as well...But I'll decide when I carry on, all right?

The trio in mocking tone: Yes, dearest mother!


That guy's GREAT!

Great, just great...

My name is Sariel Kolvrane McGregor...And I'm the unluckiest girl in Scotland...

All of my school friends are having great time with their boyfriends during the summer break when I'm stuck at home with my strange family, which include hard-working Da, quick-tempered Ma and childish older brother( who sometimes brings very weird 'friends' home and freaks my parents out).

At the age of seventeen I'm supposed to start dating guys my age but thanks to my over protective and extremely possessive brother; I've no boyfriend at all. Scratch that, I've never have a boyfriend! People think I'm pretty with long, red hair that reaches my waist, white skin, petite frame and big, deep blue eyes; but none have balls to have a face-to-face with my brother.

So far during this summer break, I've received emails, postcards and letters from my friends those that has been to different places during holidays. They all said about how those places are different from Glasgow...Ba! It got on my nerves!

But that doesn't matter...apart from the fact that I'm bored to death now...And school will not start until day after tomorrow...

I surf through the net and went into our school's message board. Since I have no idea about any other interesting website to go in, I'll just see what's going on in our school's board.

Aha! There's a new forum posted, it says 'to St. Martha's girls'...Yup, our college name's St. Martha...Weird name, I know.

I click into that forum. The person who created this forum must be mad; you wanna know what's inside?

'St. Martha's girls,

You guys got the ugliest uniform in the world! Angry? Hahaha!'

Right...Our school got the reputation that it's a school for the rich, stuck-up arse girls only...(which I can't help it since our clan, the McGregors, is known for being stuck up and rich)...worse than that, our school got the ugliest uniform you would've ever seen in UK.

With maroon, long-sleeves coat, and knee-length skirt with tradition Scottish pattern on it, it is the most hideous uniform anyone could ever design or think of.

But no McGregor I've known back down from any insults, and I'm not going to be the one who start the record.

I thought of the reply and type:

'Dear Sender,

So what if we got the ugliest uniform in the word? Your insult means nothing to me or to the St. Martha's girls at all. You're probably the most hideous and coward sender in the world because all you can do is writes the stupid insult! You wanker!'

I press 'post' and then log out from the internet, almost singing with joy. It's weird because I always feel relieved whenever I got to throw back an insult to someone.

...I almost forget about the whole incident until that night...

"Sariel, answer your bloody cell!" Johnny snaps at me when my phone starts ringing...What's he doing in my room? Isn't he supposed to be with his weird friends such as Prince Robert or the lady-like guy; Oliver?

"What are you doing in my room?" I glare at my dearest elder brother, who happens to be sitting on my desk, looking through my stuff.

"Whatever I do is none of your business. Now answer the bloody freakin' phone!"

I answer it. "What?" I growl

"You are Sariel McGregor, correct?" an unfamiliar voice rings through.

"Argh! What the hell is wrong with you people? Is this some kind of joke, Enrique Giancarlo?"

"I am the one that post that forum." Must be a guy, you know, with the grunts, grumbles and egos and all... Definitely a male.

"Who do you think you are? Do you think you can scare me with that?"

"What the-"

"Gimme that" Johnny snatches the phone away from me. "Look, bugger. I don't know who the hell you are, but leave my sister alone!" with that he hangs up.

When my phone starts ringing again, he switches the phone off and takes out the battery.

"That's my phone!" I protest when he is about to exit the room with MY phone in his hand.

"So?" he retorts sarcastically. "It WAS your phone, but it IS my now."

"What? But you've got one!"

"Who cares? I'm the one that doesn't." with that he exits the room.

What a bloody bugger...

2 days later...

"So, how was your summer holiday?" My best friend, Mariam Frieda, asks as she flips her long, ocean colored hair backward, making other girls shooting jealous glances at our way.

When it comes to beauty and boyfriends; trust Mariam to know EVERYTHING. Hell, she even knows about what Prince William wears everyday; 'nuff said.

I grunt; earning an 'I'm-warning-you-don't-grunt-cuz-it's-not-lady-like' glare from Mariam.

"Not that good, John took my mobile again. Some stupid wanker decided to prank called me 2 days ago, still haven't got my phone back since. Probably he'd flushed it into toilet like he always did." I scowl; screw the big pompous brother of mine. Now I need to buy a new phone again and Da will be pissed.

Hm... That's quite a record: 5 new phones in 2 months! Can you believe that? Well, believe it.

"Ooh...Got a chance to ask his name? Don't scowl; you'll get early wrinkles if you do."

"Hell fuckin' no! What makes you think I'm going to ask a name of a sodding git who can pull pranks on only girls?" I growl threateningly, but no avail. Mariam knows me too well, more difficult to scare her off when I need time alone.

"Aww...Too bad. Who knows you may get a boyfriend from internet? Why don't you try for once? You know I met many of my exes via chatroom, don't you, Kol?"

I smirk "Anyone that can outfox me I'd reconsider. Oh, and the guy has to be able to withstand my brother's temper as well."

"Hmm... That's pretty hard. So, are you on a celibate campaign or something?"

"Shut up, 'Riam" I give her a wolfish smile.

"Love you too, Kol." We laugh at each other; walking hurriedly towards our class when the bell rings as signal of the end of break and to start moving to classes.

After school...

"Sariel Kolvrane McGregor! You come here right this instant!" Great... Johnny and his friend again. Personally I don't mind his friend because I think the guy's cute, but being able to hang around Johnny requires a GREAT patience, I tell you.

Ignoring whispers and giggles the girls send at my brother's direction, I shoot the girls nearby a glower; sending them scamper off with fears. McGregors aren't known for our temper for nothing, you know?

I brighten up immediately as I see who is standing next to my brother: Miguel Fylmus! My brother's best mate and probably the only person who can actually understand him. "Migu!" I laugh happily as I am pulled into a tight embrace "Long time no see! Hehe, how's your uni's first day?" I disregard Johnny's disapproving glance, giving Miguel a brightest smile.

Miguel Fylmus; a Belgian heartthrob with short, spiked sandy hair, pale grey eyes and tanned skin. He moves with grace and I'd kill just to see him in his swimming trunks again.

Why? He's got those lean, rippling muscles underneath that bloody shirt of his! Not to mention his heartbreaking smile! (Compare him to Johnny; I'd say he's the most perfect living organism that ever graces this planet.)

He grins cheekily "Not so bad, how's your summer holiday with John?" he swings an arm casually around my shoulders.

I growl at my brother's hiss. "Stop being such an ass, Johnny! It's Miguel, all right?" I smile at my Belgian friend. "You know my answer, Migu, as bad as it can get. I need to buy a new phone today. You wanna come with me?"

"You're not going anywhere. Go home, NOW." I'm going to shove a stick up the jerk called my brother's arse someday. God! How uptight can he be?

"Jonathan Bradley McGregor, I'm seventeen years old and am very capable of taking care of myself, thank you very much!" I feel my evil self threatening to come out; kicking, screaming and wreaking havoc inside my thoughts. Trust me; she's not that friendly once she's out.

"I am your older brother, listen to me, Sariel." So, now we're back to the first name basis huh? Where's that "hey you!" and "oi you!" go?

"Johnny, I'm a seventeen year-old, for God's sake! Miguel's your best friend, all right? No harm of your lil' sis to hang out with your best friend, ain't it?" I snap impatiently.

My brother's not-so-handsome face twitches slightly into an unmistakable scowl. I wish his rabid fangirls could see him right now; they'll probably run away with their tails tuck in between their legs! (Author: THEY'RE NOT DOGS! And I'm a Johnny's FAN too!)

"Back to the house no later than 7pm sharp, got that, gargoyle?" he snaps grumpily before turns on his heels and walks away; his attitude returns to normal state. Yeah, and the 'thou-aren't-worth-the-air-thou-are-breathing' look is back in his eyes.

Miguel whistles "You sure know how to deal with him" he teases playfully.

I mock-glare at him "You shouldn't let him boss you around that much, Fylmus. You're getting more feminine everyday even with those cool muscles of yours." I sigh "You know Johnny, Miguel, he's gonna get right into your nerves whenever he feels like doing so."

"You talk like you're not a McGregor yourself."

"Shut up, let's get going now. You got your own car?"

"No, I came with Johnny."

"Walk home, then" I turn on my heels; approaching my baby that has been parking in the college's car park the whole day.

"Fine, be that way then!" Miguel huffs then follows my pompous brother out of the school area. He hops into the red Ferrari and they speed off.

My baby, midnight blue corvette parks in the parking lot. I got this boy for my birthday present from parents on my seventeenth birthday... Though... I'd appreciate it much more if they can get me a BOYFRIEND!

I drive to the nearest shopping mall I park inside the building. After changing into casual clothing consists of a graphic baby blue tee and loose jeans, releasing my ponytail from the tie, I lock my baby then enter the building.

I ignore the whistles and the looks from the boys and men... They're SO annoying! Can't they tell I'm not interest in them? Seriously, I'm not in a mood to whip those cocky looks off their less than satisfactory faces, all right?

"Want some company, baby? A babe like you shouldn't be on their own, you know?" one of the idiots come up to me and wags his bushy eyebrow suggestively.

I wanna puke, right here, right now. Punching that git's face is another tempting option.

"No thanks, I don't have enough time to spend with a raccoon like you." I sneer, fixing a dead glare on the git. "Besides, I can handle things by myself just fine. I don't need someone stupid like you to slow me down."

"What the fu-" Yeah! Swear man, swear! Then I'll get the pleasure of kicking your arse!

"Now, now; is it good to call yourself a man when you purposefully swear in front of a lady?" smooth voice approaches the git and I; I feel a hand being place on my shoulder. I shrug it off, turning around.

And lose myself in the depth of swirling auburn-burgundy eyes of VERY good-looking guy.

Two-toned blue hair; lighter shade at the front and darker at the back, unruly bangs cover his forehead; strong nose and firm jaws, high cheekbones, slightly tanned skin, tall and not too brawny, though he's still has that lean muscles showing under his tight sleeveless black shirt.


The git seems taken aback at this hottie's attitude. I don't know who he is, but he seems to be confident that he definitely can beat the shit outta this raccoon face guy, and I think he can do so very easily.

The glare from the hot guy intensifies; sending the git cowers in horror. "You... You're from that Gredevel High... Aren't you?" He splutters. "You're one of them!"

The two-tone blue hair smirks "So what if I am? What're y'gonna do with that?" I think I'm gonna melt right now... He's got SEXY accent! Not like the Scottish accent Johnny, Da, Ma or I got, but like someone from Eastern Europe; someone like Miguel. But this guy's certainly got stronger accent!

Sigh...I love guys with accent; don't ask me why though. I just do.

"Let's go, luv." He grabs my hand, tugging at it slightly so that I'll follow him. Without second thought, I follow him peacefully without wreaking havoc on that raccoon-face git and his friends standing in group behind him.

"Wait," I protest after we are far away from the git's gang. "Who are you? And why did you help me? I'm not delicate damsel in distress waiting to be rescue, you know?" I fire my questions at him indignantly.

Auburn-burgundy eyes turn to look at me; the 'oh-so-handsome' face shows trace of amusement on it. "The name's Kai Hiwatari, luv, and no, I didn't help you 'coz you're looking like delicate flower; but I thought that you may need a hand. After all, I don't think you wanna get your lil' hands dirty, aren't cha?" He purposefully bends forward and whisper in my ears huskily, making me feel like I'm up on the cloud nine. Scratch that, I am starting to think I'm on the cloud ninety-nine!

"I-" I splutter. Bloody hell, why can't my mouth and my brain cooperate when I need them to? "Um, um, mynameissarielmcgregor" I feel heat rising up to my cheeks, suddenly the mall's white floor has becomes interesting.

"Sorry, babe, didn't catch the name." I detect a smirk in his voice. Dammit! Damn it all!

"Hey, phoenix! We've been looking for you ages ago, dude!" I inwardly sigh in relief when I hear a playful voice of a guy approach us. I look up and find myself staring in a pair of light, blue eyes. "Wow, quite a babe you've got here, man... What's your name, sugar?" The guy winks at me, ignoring the sharp look sends to him by Kai.

Hmm... Red, messy hair, boyish look, white skin, blue eyes, well-defined body and tall he looks drop-dead gorgeous (or so Mariam would say). But the fact that he reminds me of Johnny is the HUGE thing that crushes my feelings towards this guy and washes it down the drain in an instant.

I muster all my fury from the event before the mall and glare at him, sending him raises an eyebrow with hilarity. "Did anyone ever tell you that you've to tell the person YOUR name first before asking for theirs?" I frown at him.

"Hey, don't look so bummed out, though you look adorable when frowning," he grins when my frown deepens. "I'm Michael; Michael Patterson, a friend of the mutt you were talking to just now." He chuckles slightly.

"My name's Sariel, Sariel Kolvrane McGregor." I lift my chin up, sending Michael a challenging stare.

A snort comes from Kai, and suddenly he lifts his auburn-burgundy eyes to meet my gaze. I involuntarily take a step back as I look into his eyes; it's like hell's spewing its fire and anger out. What's wrong with him? He was so nice, seductive and witty a minute ago, and now he looks like he's going to kill me.

"Sariel McGregor, huh? Finally got to meet YOU in person, and definitely not a merry moment, ain't it?" he sneers; unique eyes narrow at me menacingly.

"What're you talking about?" I glare back at him; I'm not backing down. No way in hell.

"Why, I'm the one you screeched at two days ago on the phone." He says sarcastically.

Wait a sec... His voice IS familiar... Actually, it's almost similar to that voice on the phone two days ago!

"You-" my eyes widen at the recognition.

"Yes, I'm the one who post that forum." He growls at me threateningly, advancing closer. "And you have the hell to pay, woman."

Uh-oh...This can't be good...


Mwahahahaha! I'm so cruel ain't I? But it took me so long to come up with the idea of the story, you know? So there you go!

Read and Review plz! I'd really appreciate it!

Also, I'll try to update 'The school of King' soon... One thing I'm going to say here... For anyone that'd like to submit their characters into that story... Bear in mind that now the positions for GIRLS are filled up! Hehehe, it's a story that base majorly on boys... But no yaoi though!

Till next time!