A/N: Set after 'Humpty Dumpty.' I do not own the characters. I don't really care who House ends up with, either Cuddy or Cameron will do, but in that episode, I thought House and Cuddy had really good chemistry.

Please review, it will make my day. If you don't like it, I will delete the story. The last story I posted did not get good reviews, so my self-esteem is kinda low. Thanks.

Oh, and one more thing. Stacy will be OOC because I find it really hard to write her. I'm very sorry for that.

It's Raining

"I do not have a thing for Cuddy!"

Wilson cocked an eyebrow at him, the gesture screaming skepticism. "Fine. Then give me one good reason why I should believe you." He tossed his friend a smug glance and waited patiently, tapping his foot and settling comfortably in one of the chairs in the diagnostician's office.

House's icy gaze shot daggers at him. "Here's a thought," he mocked, twirling his cane between his fingers, "maybe because-" he gasped dramatically, "-oh no, it couldn't be!"

Wilson suppressed a sigh and settled on rolling his eyes. "Oh, shut it and tell me. It's not going to kill you if you admit you like her, you know." As soon as the words left his mouth, he forced it shut, bracing himself for a snappy comeback.

House fell over.

"House?" Wilson flew out of the chair and he knelt down on one knee, holding his hand out to aid his friend.

House stared up at him blankly. "No, I won't marry you! What are you, nuts?"

"What are you doing?" Wilson snapped, standing back up and ignoring the pain on the other doctor's face. He sat back in the chair. "And look who's calling who nuts, pot."

"Hey! I resent that," House defended as he struggled to his feet.

Wilson rolled his eyes again. "Oh, I'm sorry." He paused; laughing inwardly at the spark of satisfaction in House's ice-blue eyes. "You're not nuts, just incredibly stupid sometimes," he finished.

"I was making a point."

"You don't make points." Wilson shot back.

"As I was saying," House twirled his cane again, almost hitting Wilson in the face, "before you interrupted me in such a rude manner…"

Wilson rolled his eyes for the third time.

"Maybe because it's true," he finally concluded, and turned to face the floor-to-ceiling window. Both men were quiet for a moment, listening to the tiny sound of raindrops hitting the glass. "It's raining," House observed, staring outside with a stoic expression on his rugged features.

Wilson's head tilted to one side. Wait a minute. House was not one to clearly state the obvious unless it involved something medical. And this wasn't medical.


Cuddy looked absently thoughtful. "Why does everyone think we had sex?" she shot a wary glance at Stacy. "Cameron grilled me about him earlier."

"Tell you what," Stacy offered, "I'll hire a cameraman to follow you two around all day long, and when he's done, you watch the parts where you 'interact' with each other. You'll have your answer then." She gave a half-smile.

"What are you talking about?" Cuddy demanded irritably.

"Oh, give me a break, Lisa," Stacy scoffed in a very un-Stacy-like fashion. "You two act like an old married couple, for God's sake."

Cuddy gaped at her incredulously. "That is the most incredibly absurd thing I have ever heard!"

"Incredibly absurd, yet incredibly accurate," Stacy corrected smoothly, biting back a laugh. Cuddy's eyes looked about to pop out of her head.

"Are you serious?"

"Well, except for the fact that most normal married women don't do everything in their power not to look at their husbands. But you don't blush, though, props for that," Stacy continued, seemingly oblivious to her friend's utter shock.

"I do not," Cuddy defended herself. "This is ridiculous. I'm going home."

"Have a good night, Lisa," Stacy called over her shoulder as she retreated down the hall.

Yeah right. Goodnight my ass.


"Anything bothering you, House?" Wilson asked innocently as he downed the rest of his beer.

"You know your life is pathetic when you can relate to a song called 'Alcohol,'" House mused sarcastically to himself.

Wilson choked on his beer. "Since when do you care?"

"I don't," House slurred, dropping back on the couch opposite the oncologist.

"Uh, well…" Wilson made a confused face, "alright then."

"Mhmm…" House closed his eyes and his body went still.

Wilson groaned. "House?"

There was no reply.


House didn't stir.

"Damn you," Wilson muttered.


"A married couple," Cuddy sneered to herself, "yeah, that's not totally out there at all." She yawned unceremoniously and crawled into bed, overcome with exhaustion.


House yawned widely and stretched out from his cramped position on the couch. Bad idea. His foot connected with something solid.

"OW!" Wilson hollered, beginning a splitting headache for both of them.

House squeezed his eyes shut and clamped his hands over his ears. He let out a whimper, trying to shut out the noise and light. "Don't please, I'm sensitive."

"No, you're stupid. Ya shouldn't have had so much to drink last night," Wilson snapped. "Cuddy'll have your ass for that." He sat up gingerly and reached for the bottle of water he had grabbed the night before.

"What time is it?" House asked, not making any move to get up.

Wilson glanced at his watch. "Oh, lord, we're an hour late already," he grimaced.

As if on cue, the phone rang shrilly, drawing yelps of pain from both men.

"House's house, Wilson speaking," Wilson mumbled into the phone, snatching it up after the first thing to avoid the grating ringing sound again.

"You have half an hour to get your asses in here before I fire you" were Cuddy's only words before slamming the phone down in his ear.

Wilson swore under his breath and turned to relay the information to House. "Cuddy says good morning," he informed mock-cheerfully.

The diagnostician buried his face in a pillow, and finally came up for air. "Did we get fired?"

"We will be if we're not at the hospital in thirty minutes" was Wilson's consenting response.

"Fabulous," House muttered, and proceeded to pass out once more.

"Here we go again."

A/N: There will be one more chapter if you're remotely interested in reading it. If not, this is the end. Hope you enjoyed.