Atashi: WELL …WHAT? I know…I have two unfinished fics and I'm starting a new one, hey….IT AINT MY FAULT IF I HAVE EXCELLENT IDEAS FOR BILLY/REBECCA FLUFFIES MAN! Gimme a break….I HAVE TO WRITE THIS ONE HAVE TO HAVE TO.

Wesker: You cant finish things

Atashi: Meh, Leave me alone

Wesker: pokes tounge out

Atashi: rolls eyes

The Rain Fell slowly, and silently. Was that what she felt? Slow, and silent…such an unfinished feeling, that hole in her heart. Even if she was getting married, she felt that urgency to run away from the house, run away from him so he couldn't find her, maybe forget about her and claim her dead, just like…


There she was again, thinking of him, she helped him, released him. But there was always that feeling that claimed her stomach, knotted it around itself, claiming every breath that she craved for, everything she wanted, the happiness she had felt when they weren't in danger something that only they had, something all their own.

That was what made it special, the way he made a joke to lighten up the back round of that hell hole, filled with the screams of not survivors but the pain etched into that buildings walls, every scratch was so visible, the thought of people dying due to some stupid research. But he was always there he, who never left her; he who had never took her for granted. He believed in her strength she wasn't just some 'rookie S.T.A.R.S member, but was part of the team…they were the team.

But now, she was getting married to someone she was afraid to say 'I love you' how those vows they would take at that promising step of bondage. God, they would be a complete hardship just thinking of the words, just saying them.

She told herself he was for her, she would be happy, but how depressing she made herself just by thinking, looking into his eyes, those eyes…she hated his eyes. She didn't believe a thing he told her. He was a liar. Just like she was. Perfect couple, no?

She would always act asleep before he fell asleep, just so she didn't have to say 'I love you' or, goodnight, cause that was something that she would have to lie about. Good night? No. More like 'lonely night' even if there was another next to her, he never had the warmth she craved for, the warmth that wrapped its arms around her, that hold her above everything that was there, those arms that would tell her she was safe. No. She was insecure as always.

The sun crept through the blinds of the window, the trees made a whispering noise as they spoke to the wind. Rebecca awoke from her silent slumber, unlike her dreams, it was a deathly silence she slept in. dreaming of only him, such deceit to dream of another man when your about to be married.

'heh, I guess…I don't know.' Rebecca thought to herself. She raised her slender body, her fragile structure awoke to the numbness of the position she had been sleeping in. she winced in slight aggravation that her limbs were defying her, when she finally grasped control over her fragile limbs she groggily walked to the kitchen, fearing he would be there, why did she fear him so much, when all he was, was a human? A person that could bleed, a person that could die…not something that got back up from dying…

She chuckled slightly to her mad thoughts

Those eyes, dammnit those eyes grasped fear in everything that moved, everything that shook in his presence broke into a wild sweat, even if it wasn't visible.

"Morning Becca, sleep well?" He sipped his porcelain, gleaming cup as his grasp clinged to the cups rounded handle, watching her with those feared eyes, daggers burning in her body.

'Becca' No…that wasn't right, she always cringed at her name being called that by him, but she never showed any displeasure to this man, for he was the one who held her by the throat now.

"Mmm, kind of, although I had springs poking me in the back till hell sings" she smiled innocently and shrugged as she took her place on the oaken, polished seat.

"Oh well, We 'get a new one today then, if its such a displeasure" He grinned and continued to sip at his coffee. Rebecca was amazed that the plants that inhabited their glazed pots hadn't fallen dead to the ground as those eyes broke themselves from Rebecca's unwanted gaze to the window.

"It's a lovely day isn't it?" He smiled as the sun continued its strong, silent way through the windows glass exterior.

Rebecca nodded as she bit into her toast the crunch was the only noise heard in the room echoing, bouncing off the two as the silence broke finally when a knock at the door was heard.

"Hm…who could that be…?" He walked towards the door with caution in those eyes of his, grasped the handle, still Rebecca was amazed the handle did not curl up and melt at the touch of him. He opened the door, only to reveal…

"JAMES AH! Finally! I tried to ring you today, but jeez, your phone was just ringing non stop! REBECCA HEY!" The ecstatic man smiled brightly at Rebecca as Rebecca smiled back to him. Her Sea green eyes placed their gaze back at the James, her fiancé standing happily, and proud his stance was heavy, and full of pride, why did he stand like that, it annoyed Rebecca, it really did.

"Hey, Alex, what are you doing here?" James Patted his back and bent to his friend who was plumper than James was, and a lot more lively than James would ever be.

"ah, I thought you and Rebecca might want to come down to that new restraunt down town, um…what was it called" He twirled his hand and arm in a circling movement around the air that inhabited his space.

James laughed and looked once again at Rebecca then back at Alex

"The Shefrone?"

Alex jumped

"YES! That was it, heh, I'm not good at remembering."

James laughed and then nodded his head,

"Rebecca? Would you like to-"

Quickly, and sharply Rebecca took the words from him and stole them into her own voice

"Come? No, Ill stay here I'm not feeling so great, sorry" She smiled awkwardly at James and then went back to munching on her toast the crumbs falling to the white, carpeted floor

James nodded as he pushed Alex out the door, along with his own brisk movements of escaping from the house.

"See you in an hour or so" James Waved and smiled, but before all that, he gave Rebecca a quick kiss on the lips and shut the door quietly behind him, the door obeyed and closed at the human force.

Rebecca watched and listened for the pull of the car, and the exhaust escaping the piped cage of its confinements to be released, once it was all heard, and seen by Rebecca, she finished her toast and headed for the bathroom. That's right, that's all she needed to take the kinks out of her limbs, a nice hot shower.

Rebecca Picked off the clothes that clung to her sweat ridden body, created by the dream she had been given on a plate of Billy. Placing the clothes in some discarded area of the floor, she turned the tap just so it was right placing her hand against the shower curtain to make sure the temperature was just right, Not wanting to get her hands wet.

She stood underneath the rushing, silent gushes of droplets that fell from the holes in the showerhead; they dropped and splashed against her skin as a rebounded ball would on a person's foot, although with less pressure against her.

The warmth overwhelmed the pain in her body and left just as quickly as they came, leaving Rebecca to wash her hair, and her body. The rain cautionaly traced themselves between her legs and played dangerous games with her thighs, as waves of water crawled over her delicate, and girlish curves.

She sighed a mental sigh, and stood out of the shower drying herself off and returning to the place of her silent slumbers, many moons had she slept under living here, sleeping here, and creating a cover for herself. Just a place to call home. That was all she needed, but with that came a price.


That fear that grasped itself around her when he entered every door, every spoken word he gave obeyed his orders speaking with all of their might, every muscle he had bowed at his presence and continued to work, his heart was what she wanted to stop obeying such horrible commands.

To stop obeying him, and let him die so that she would be free of something she didn't wish for…no, she wished for it. Its just…Now she wished she hadn't

Why did this wish come true? And why only this wish? Why couldn't her other wish come true…that other wish she prayed for every night to some unwanted star that lost its way.

She wanted Billy to come back for her. That's all she wanted, such a simple thing why is it the simple things can't be wished for, but will be wished for but never obey that order to come true? She hated this; she hated every bit of it. All she wanted was Him. Him, Him. That's all, that was all. Even if it meant zombies coming back and trying to kil- No, This was such a selfish wish of hers, she would not risk Billy's life just because she was a girl in a complete fantasy world that wanted nothing than experience the first time she could touch and caress those lips of his love, just because she wanted to indulge in him, be lost in him. Tell him how much she missed him, and thought about him…how she loved him.

She smiled to herself and picked out her clothes for the day, she was going to get out of the house for once. And walk along the path of complete and utter concrete coldness. And feel the air against her skin. Allow the sun to reap upon her back, and allow to claw inside her clothes.

She picked out a Black U-necked top. And a long pleated green skirt. Green, that was her favourite colour. A colour that was supposed to represent fertility, and nature. Yeah, she guessed she was a bit like that, but she questioned the fertility one a bit.

She giggled, at just the thought of that word, she could be immature sometimes, but hey, cant we all?

She, for some reason felt a lot better this morning, somehow just James not being here took a whole weight off of her shoulders, something she craved for a lot. That weight of a pack of lies following you around the place, heeding your every call, and whisper. She was free, but for only an hour or so, then it would be 'Hello Mrs and Mr Axton' why did she choose to take his name why? Her name sounded a lot better than his 'AXTON' whoever created that name must have had a love affair with an axe…or worse.

She chuckled as she grabbed the keys off the copper hook that lay behind the cupboards in the kitchen; she grasped the already warm handle, from James and Alex's presence. And turned it, only to reveal the outside world, the trees whispering her name, and the wind playing soft games with her hair, children hopping to the stone that they so much honoured.

She took a deep breath of clear air, it filled her lungs and infected it with absolute goodness, and she could tell this was going to be a good day, until she had to face the horrible excuse for a loving husband.

She took a step, then another, another, another and she was just walking down the road, silently, but admiring all that lay their way upon her, the trees, the flowers in bloom, the children and the chairs where couples sat and spoke sweet nothings into each others inviting ears.

That was what she wanted with Billy, but the gods forbade her to ever see him. Which one did she piss off first she thought?

She looked around and thought for a moment thinking of where to go, where would be the best place to go for an only momentarily happy girl?

'Well, lets see…I could always say Hi to a few friends…no, I think Id like to be on my own for a few days first, like that's ever going to happen. Maybe…Oh I don't kno-'

Before she could finish her train of thought her eyes came onto a small building that read in red letters 'Diving sailor' Well, it sounded more like a gay bar than a club just to hang out. She more thought.

'But hey, not like there are gonna be anyone to bump into at a gay bar…if that's what it turns out to be.' She mentally laughed at herself for being such a fool, to actually walk into a club she never even seen, hell, she really was going to shoot herself with her own handgun if she did happen to enter a gay bar. Not like men making out isn't fun to watch…

She mentally slapped herself for thinking that way.

'Jeez Rebecca, no respect in your fellow opposite gender'

She rolled her eyes and entered the bar awaiting the sight of men entangled in their own silhouette of complete and utter passion with each other.

But, all there were: a couple of men seated at a bar, and a waiter cleaning a glass, and a teenage couple placing themselves in a red coloured love seat. It was just…a club for anyone really. She was amazed at herself for actually thinking she would be so lucky to enthral herself in the sight of hooking up guys.

'So, I guess there aren't any gays here…dang…' She giggled and placed herself on a stool up at the counter where the waiter was finishing up with the glass he had been handling

With a smile on his face and an elbow on the table he looked at her

"What can I get for a beauty such as yourself?"

She grinned brightly at him and blushed slightly,

"You flatter me, Um, Ill just have an orange juice please"

He sulked

"So…No drowning your sorrows away with alcohol I guess?"

She laughed

"No, No. Just a juice please. Thank you"

He grinned back and bent to the counter as she looked at the counters head twirling her finger on the black bench somewhat seemed to be overly cleaned with what seemed to be an overly used cloth. Why did she always throw herself in details of everything?

She shook her brown haired covered head as her hair tickled her neck, it was still short, but some of the strands for hair had grown at the front to cover her face and create it as a portrait, framing her every feature.

The Waiter came back with the juice as the ice clinked to the sides of the glass. The orange liquid trying to make its way into the holes of the glass and fill itself within the icy compartment.

She twirled the straws around the glass as the ice clinked harsher against the glass and the juice's chunky orange bits swam about in its orange counterpart.

She took the straw into her mouth and began to silently suck at the black straws, bringing in ythe liquid into her mouth and allowing it to invade her throat. Her thoughts continually came back to Billy, always Billy. She would think of nothing More, but Nothing less. Billy invaded her Mind, her soul and her body. It was everything she believed in, her religion, her likes, her wants…But most importantly her loves…She just wanted to feel His strong, well toned Arms against her own, the feeling of being pulled into an everlasting embrace with him…even if it was a dream, it brang her that much closer to him…expecting him to shake Rebecca awake and cause her more joy than had filled her heart these past months. But no…she just awoke to the cologne of the man she had unfortunately given away her heart.

No…that wasn't right, she didn't give her heart to him, all she gave was her Marriage status to him. That was all. Her heart was already given to Billy. Although he was not here to give it to. She could mentally picture her giving everything she felt for Billy, to him.

She smiled at his name, she loved him. More than she could describe it was something that twirled itself around her, that protected her from giving it away to some hostile stranger that appeared at her door asking for love.

She had protected it so many times, taken it away and placed it in a gilded cage.

It was still blossoming. Even if he wasn't here, she was, and the thought, the memory of him was still alive and blazing like a newly lit fire that was ravenous for the ashes of many.

She looked to the right as she continued to take away the contents of the glass, then…she stopped and the glass fell on the floor. Her eyes widened and fell to the stranger who lay before her…

Atashi: Holy….shituckymushrooms! JEEZ THIS IS ACTUALLY REALLY GOOD! OMG ITS AWESOME IM LOVING THIS! OMG OMG Pleaseee tell me what you think! REVIEW PLEASEEEEE!

Wesker: …A cliffhanger, Oh jeez, we all know who its gonna be

Atashi: …No we don't…

Wesker: YES DUH

Atashi: SHH They don't know!

Wesker: …Their not idiots Atashi, who else is it going to be…Carlos?

Atashi: …DAMMN YOU

Wesker: OO Your kidding…right…