Atashi: WOWIES I'm actually working on this…I always thought Id save it for A Christmas treat, but meh, Ill be playing with My LEON FIGUIRINE Too much to work on this mehehe hehe Well, That's IF My brother decides to be nice and get me one for Christmas, he better…or otherwise Ill throw Wesker at Him.

Wesker: You aint throwing me around- wait, this is that story…

Atashi: Yeah…


Atashi: Yo-


Atashi: O.O EEEK! Writes

She stood there on the cliff, watching the sunrise…but something was missing, she couldn't place her finger on it but something was out of place… She looked around and a white butterfly flew across the air and rode upon the soft air currents. Its wings embracing the airs warm fingers…

What was mislaid…?

The butterfly placed itself on a droplet stained web. It sat there, not moving, the odd movement from its white, dusty wings as they began to shake the droplets off the web, the water falling from the web onto the ground, ripples circled around each falling droplet, once it met its watery shadow…

Rebecca just watched as the waters rose into a Mansion, one very alike to…

A noise perked Rebecca's ears as the simple white dress she had been wearing billowed out behind her, the fringes of the bottom wrapping themselves around her slender legs, the chest of the dress hugging at her waist and bust. She began to lightly run towards the mansion, ripples following her every foots step. Tracing what once had been there.

Rebecca heard voices that sounded like prayers in Mongolian chants.

What is it…What's missing…?

A mirror rose from the waters and she saw herself in front of it, gazing at her, were her own green eyes that traced a hand movement of the mirrors reflection.

The mirror her rose a hand and Rebecca walked forward and placed both hands, tracing over her mirror self's hand.

What's missing…?

The mirror self looked up at Rebecca and gazed into a forever empty abyss, speaking into her mind…

"You have forgotten what is most important?"

Rebecca looked at her and sadly turned her head. The mirror self closed her eyes and sighed.

"Rebecca…how can you forget what once made you happy…to forget it. Is to lose part of yourself. The part that was happy."

Rebecca looked at the mirror self pleadingly and pounded her fist on the mirror as the waters shook.

But…how can I get back what was lost…when I don't know what is lost…?

The mirror self began to fade away as the mirror slowly fell to the empty waters, keeping the mirror upright.

"If you don't know what to do…ask yourself what you really want…" The mirror self splashed against the water as the mirror disappeared and the background of the world behind Rebecca fell. Rebecca fell to the ground sitting among the ripples of water as she too…fell down to the depths of herself…

What I really want…I…I…I Really want…


"OW CRAP WHAT THE-" Rebecca bolted upright and looked at the rejected pillow that lay on her lap. Rebecca looked about and found what the cause was for her pain in the head for the morning…Him.

"So…you gonna get out of bed, or do I have to smother you with a pillow…?" He cocked his head, as his grin grew in cockiness.

Rebecca glared at him cutely and decided it was payback. She smirked at him and turned the other way and lay there on her side.

"Or…you could always come here and drag me out of bed…?" She suppressed her laughter.

Billy looked at her in disbelief Was that just a smart ass comment…to me!

"Well, if you put it that way..." Rebecca heard him stride over to the bed she chuckled, but, that didn't last long as he grabbed her waist and threw her over his shoulder as she began to bang on hi's back with her fists.


Billy laughed deeply "Well, Dragging you out of bed, what else do you think? Bringing breakfast in bed for you? HAH" He held her tightly and plonked her onto the sofa.

Rebecca looked up at him from the sofa, the softness digging into her skin as it relaxed what tender muscles she had created. She sighed softly as Billy threw her a piece of buttered toast.

"Uh, Billy…You think throwing toast at me is gonna impress me…?"

He laughed

"What, you think that's the only thing I have up my sleeve for impressing you, doll face?"

Rebecca growled

"How many times, do I have to tell yo-"

Billy laughed and grinned…evilly

"Don't call me that, I have a name you know" Billy said in a cute girly voice mimicking Rebecca's

Rebecca Glared evilly at Billy and Billy just laughed the glare off. Rebecca nibbled at the dry toast of hers as the crumbs fell to the clean, cushioned couch and got lost in the fringes of the cushions. The steam from the kettle was enveloping itself around the spaces between the shelves, and light. The air craved to overcome the watery steam, But to no avail.

"So, What ya want to do to-" Billy was abruptly stopped by the loud knock at the door. Rebecca watched Billy as he walked to the door calmly, and unlocked the door.

"Um…Hello?" Billy asked confused, he wasn't expecting anyone, so this was all very weird, due to no one, except Rebecca had any business with him, or, hell. EVEN KNEW HIM!

Billy was knocked down as the door was pushed by a blurry force, Billy's heavy body was heaved to the ground as it slightly twitched with ach groan threading its way out of his lips. Rebecca screamed as a man with a gun, pointed it at Billy.

"WHERE IS SHE?" The man screamed.

Billy tried to get up but the man growled and kicked him in the gut. Billy once more abandoned gravity, to join in a dance, with the floor.

"TELL ME YOU SON OF A BITCH! WHERE IS SHE?" He screamed at Billy's face as saliva flew from his screaming lips.

Rebecca watched in horror, her heart beating against her chest as it became an heavy orchestra against the drumming of her breathing.

The man looked angrily around and shot every living, and artificial thing a glare, the few plants withered at his stare, and the air begged for mercy not to be breathed twice by this man that held fear in the hearts of such living, and silent things.


Rebecca's memory jogged up, and whirled, like the cranks of the gears turning around among a factory. That man, that compelled fear into everything around him, everything that obeyed his whim, the one thing that could not have the choice whether to obey or not, was His heart. Once it stopped beating, he would be no longer alive. Bleeding, as such…

"Rebecca…" He looked at her, Hungry like, his hair was flown in different corners and sides of his face, and the veins in his eyes fired up angrily, psychotically. His face bore more wrinkles than she had remembered him with.

Rebecca's throat was dry, her tongue had no movement, her limbs were paralyzed, they withered around her at this mans psychotic eyes, and her eyes began to tread tiny droplets of salt. Her eyes, once held the sea in a soft grasp, but now her eyes held the sickly green of a dying world.

"I'm, here…to finish…what I started, no one will love you, touch you, no one except me…" James Whispered from ahead…

Rebecca watched in horror as he slowly advanced, she could hear his shallow breathing as his steamy breath around his mouth curled around the oxygen and strangled it, leaving second hand smoke about…everything was dying around her, Billy lay motionless as blood caressed his chin, and lips.

He was back, his name was poison to her lips, if she spoke of his name, she would die of it.

Rebecca watched, then…with as much silence as the moons whispers, and the trees whines it became dark, and she lay on the floor.


This is it. This is how I will lose what I wanted Billy to have…

He's going to rape me. He's going to rape me. He's going to rape me.

Rebecca once again stood above the glistening, darkened water. The airy silence of nothing surrounded, and whispered into her airs. Has anyone really heard silence, nothing there, nothing surrounding you except the silent beat of your heart, the organ that became a voice to a heavy mind.

What's missing…?

Once again, a mirror rose from the water like a gorgeous fish, its scales reflecting Rebecca's face. Once again, it was the same reflection that had spoken to her mind. Her eyes a sick green colour, weeping from them, was a crimson, colour, as they crawled down her cheeks leaving red marks among them.

But there was another mirror, Rebecca turned to look at it, her white dress fluttering behind her, as her legs lay silently wrapped in white linen. She looked at the mirror and saw just her, as she was now.

"Rebecca…is that, what is most precious to you…?"

The mirror Rebecca asked as she caressed the mirrors face.

I, I…I don't know…

Rebecca's eyes welled up in a moist image, as silent tears trickled down to the water causing the water beneath her to form ripples on its surface.

The Mirror Rebecca closed her eyes and breathed.

"What is most important to you, Rebecca…what do you truly want? Only one person on this earth can find what makes you, you. Your name is of no importance; it is only a whisper to call what you are. If Billy makes you happy, causes your heart to race against the beat of time, excitement flush over your cheeks, if he…is the only one who can cause pain into you're heart, if he can squeeze your heart if he left. Then he is worth dying for…"

The Mirror Rebecca grabbed Rebecca's hand and lifted herself out of the mirror and faced Rebecca for real. Finally out of the mirrors long, gazing chains.

Rebecca watched as the mirror Rebecca lightly kissed her cheek and whispered.

"What truly makes you happy…what do you really want…?"

Rebecca hung her head and slowly replied

"What I truly want…Is…To be with Billy, and be happy…"

Rebecca finally realized, she had been suppressing her feelings for him, she thought about him but it drove her crazy she continued to never tell him of her feelings, never tell him of her feelings never was able to… But, now…she could! Yes! She could!

Rebecca rose from the water as her reflection shimmered away, and she finally had woken up…

"BILLY'" Rebecca felt hands on her hips, as her half naked body lay on the floor, he was on top of her trying to get the bra straps off, but to no avail. It was like the beginning of this story, the beginning of suppressed feelings surfacing, except now, she had Billy. And she would tell him…

"Oh, Rebecca…this dammn thing, I've wanted you so long, so much…now I have my little kitten…"

He, would not have her, never emotionally, perhaps he could get to her physically, but in her heart it beat, and would bleed for only one person.


Rebecca sprang from her position, nudged his, crotch with her knee as he rolled off onto the ground, and Rebecca sprang like a coil to the air. She watched As James Rolled about on the ground groaning sweet groans, as he was hurting

God I've always wanted to do that

Rebecca smirked at her smartass comment, and then remembered Billy's frail figure on the defeating ground. She ran to his side, he still lay there half unconscious.

"Billy…" She forced a smile and shook him softly

Billy did not stir

"Billy, Billy…come on, wake up, Or do I have to throw toast at you…" She cracked a small smile as she continued to softly nudge him awake.

She wouldn't let herself cry, he was alive, he was alive. She knew it, she knew it! Gad dammnit it she knew it!

"Billy, please…Billy…I, I never told you…Please, please, open your eyes…please…"

Rebecca's eyes prickled with moist tears, as they silently rolled down her pale cheeks.

Billy's body, didn't move, not a movement was created among his muscles, his dark black hair fell against his face. His chest didn't move. His shirt was bedraggled, and his eyes were peaceful.

Rebecca held Billy to her, and silently sobbed, she didn't want Billy to see her cry over him. She still wanted to hope he was alive, hold his light in her hands, and embrace what made him him.

The things he can do, the things he cant do. That's what made him, him.

And that's why she loved him.

"Billy…I, I never told you, I wish I could tell you a thousand time…earlier" She grasped at Billy heavy body in her arms and smiled closing her eyes tightly.

"I Love you…I love you more than I could love a living being…I love, you…and only you." Rebecca tried to stay strong; stay strong is what she wanted him to see.

"I LOVE YOU BILLY! AND I NEVER GOT TO TELL YOU THAT! BILLY…Please…don't die…" She replied to her outburst silently, tears marching on their merry way and causing Billy's face to become moist.

Her heart hurt, the pain crushed, squeezed her heart until it lay among her ribs in a million torn, bleeding pieces.

Rebecca fell to the ground.

Blood trickled from the knife above Rebecca's head, as her eyes widened, and began to run blood from the bottom of the eye. Rebecca's Body lay motionless as the blood ran over Billy's chest.

"YOU BITCH YOU BITCH YOUR NOTHING BUT A HOAR" James screamed at her dying face.

He stabbed her again


And again

And again.

Blood reined over what existing colours was in the room.

James smirked, psychotically, and treaded across the bloody carpet leaving footsteps.

Rebecca and Billy lay there…together. Finally, their hearts were at peace…no pain preceded, no breath escaped their lips.

He loved, She loved. All they are…are lovers.

Atashi: …

Wesker: …


Wesker: retreats to his crying box as long wails are heard

Atashi: sniff I hope, this was a good story you guys read, I know it was for me writing it, I hope you don't hate me for character deaths! IM SORRY AHHHH DON'T ATTACK ME! I know, Wesker's taking this hard…O.o Anywho, thank you so much for the reviews for this story, it really made it worthwhile to write, I love you guys so much!

I really do hope you enjoyed reading it!