Thieves of the Forest

This is an AU. Running off of Robin Hood, Prince of Thieves. I don't own Naruto, or any of the characters, so don't waste money trying to scam a lawsuit.

Here are represented Characters list:

Uzumaki Naruto - Robin of Locksley

Hyuuga Hinata - Maid Merrian of Baggell

Uchiha Sasuke - John Little

Haruno Sakura - Wife of Uchiha Sasuke

Hyuuga Neji - King Richard

Tenten - Neji's wife

Jiraiya - Duncan

Rock Lee - Kazeem (Not to be racist or anything but a Shinobi with only Taijutsu is kind of like a black man in medieval times, stands out.)

Orochimaru - Prince John

Kabuto - The Sheriff of Nottingham

Uchiha Itachi - Cousin of the Sheriff

Akimichi Chouji - Friar Tuck

Yamanaka Ino - Hinata's Lady in waiting

Inuzuka Kiba - Will Scarlet

Konohamaru - John Little's oldest son

Tsunade - The witch (Though in this story she's not in the tower by choice)

Shikamaru - Hinata's bodyguard (I know Merrinan doesn't have a bodyguard because she doesn't need one, but bare with me.)

Prologue : Escape

A man was in a dungeon of China.

This man had long, spiky, blonde hair, blue eyes, and whisker marks on his cheeks. (Guess who) And through the years he developed a beard and not a short one either. He had two cellmates, one was a man a year older than him with a bowl shaped haircut, big, round eyes, and thick eyebrows. The other was a good friend of his and was female, she had long, strait, navy-blue hair, and white eyes.

"Hanabi," the blonde haired man stated to the girl. "My torture is up next, I'll see what we can do about escaping."

"Okay, Naruto," Hanabi responded.

Naruto then looked the the thick browed man, "You seem to be in a jam as well, your name is?" he asked.

"I am Rock Lee," he answered proudly. "Probably the only shinobi you'll see that uses only taijutsu. I was put in here for defending a citizen of the country from some of the shinobi of the lord. I killed a few of the shinobi."

"Uzumaki Naruto," Naruto stated. He then pointed to Hanabi, "And that is Hyuuga Hanabi."

"I am honored," Lee responded.

"Now we'll need your cooperation," Naruto stated looking at his chains, "This doesn't look too difficult to break. Lee do you think you can break these chain?"

"Not without some leverage," Lee responded. "These chain are reinforced for me."

"Hanabi?" Naruto asked.

She nodded and focused her chakra in her hands. She then held her hands at the locks of Lee's chains and moved them downward in a swift cutting motion.

The locks of Lee's chains then fell apart.

"These chains are designed to keep shinobi from breaking them with chakra," Naruto said to Lee. "Lee, can you break them?"

"I'll try," Lee then raised his hand and made a swift chop on the locks of Naruto's chains. They didn't shatter, but they were broken enough to open. Lee then did the same thing for Hanabi.

"Now let's wait," Naruto ordered. "The guards should be here soon. Best fake sleeping." And they did so.

A few minutes later the guards were approaching their cell.

Naruto whispered to them listenning to the footsteps, "There are about five of them, you want them Lee?"

"Why not?" Lee answered slightly excited. "I haven't trained in a week."

And the guards came and openned the door. Lee took them down with ease.

"Looks like I'm not as rusty as I thought," Lee stated.

Naruto then took the keys from the one who openned the door, "Let's cause a little chaos for them," he said with a smirk.

Him and the others then openned all the cell doors of the dungeon. And the guards at the door didn't stand a chance.

After they escaped they headed out of the enemy territory. Unfortunately there was a skilled shinobi there and he threw a poisoned shuriken at Hanabi.

"HANABI!" Naruto exclaimed as she fell.

"Naruto, get out of here," Hanabi ordered.

"I can't leave without you," Naruto stated.

"You have to live," she responded. "Just promise me you'll protect of Hinata."

Naruto responded sadly, realizing it was futile he slashed his hand, "I promise on my blood and on the honor of the Uzumaki clan I will protect Hyuuga Hinata." He then left with Lee alongside him. Hanabi passed out shortly after he left.

Currently in Japan...

A man was working on his request for his son's release. Suddenly man of fifty with the sign of oil on his hitai-ate rushed in.

"What is it Jiraiya?" the man stated.

"Okugi-sama," Jiraiya stated. "We have a problem, it appear to be an attack. A villager came by to seek help."

"I'll see to him," Okugi stated standing up. He walked out to see the villager.

"They came without warning!" the villager exclaimed. "Flames everywhere, all wearing masks."

"I'll have to prepare for battle," Okugi stated, and he did so.

He stepped out and searched for the leader. The leader of them stepped forward removing his mask.

"Orochimaru," Okugi hissed.

"Uzumaki," Orochimaru responded.

"You will pay for this treason," Okugi said.

"Either you join us," Orochimaru stated, "Or you die."

"I choose death," Okugi stated and charged forward. The shinobi charged forward attacking him.

End of Chapter.

First chapter of my first AU of Naruto. R&R and give me what I need to keep going.