Okay here is my first chapter I hope you enjoy it. Plz R&R! I beg you to review I really want reviews!

The Love Of A Warrior

Chapter 1

It was an average day at Takahashi Training School. This school teaches students how to use their powers. They had miko classes, Demon Slayer classes, monk classes, and even classes for demons and half demons. Then the humans trained with their own weapons like swords and stuff like that. Some of the stronger humans got to train with the demons sometimes. Every class had a certain uniform the students had to wear to honor their class. All uniforms had the same design but they had different color to each class. (A/n the design looks like Kagome's outfit on the series/for the girls)

Miko: mikos had royal blue skirts with royal blue collars and a light blue ribbon at the bottom of the collar.

Demon Slayers: girls/ D. slayers had red skirts with a red collar and an orange ribbon at the bottom of the collar. Boys/ they wore red jump suites.

Demons: girls/ demons wore orange skirts with orange collars and a dark blue ribbon at the bottom of the collar. boys/ they wore orange jump suites.

Monks: they wore dark purple jump suites.

Other Humans: girls/ wore green skirts with green collars with a red ribbon at the end of the collar. boys/ they wore green jump suites. (A/n the girls basically wear the same thing Kagome wears on the tv show.)

Two girls walked down the hallway. These two girls were Kikyo Michiko and Sango Michiko. Everyone thought that their last name really suites them because Michiko means wise and beautiful.

Even though they don't really look like, they are twins. Kikyo is older by about a minute but they were both 15 years old. Kikyois a miko and Sangois a demon slayer. Since they are twins many people thought that they would both be the same as in either mikos or both demon slayers but Kikyo takes after their mom, Midoriko a very powerful miko and Sango took after their dad, Hiroshi a very strong demon slayer. (A/n if you are wondering I made that last character up. I got the name of the internet.)

"See you after class, Sango." Kikyo said.

"See ya." Sango said walking into her classroom while Kikyo walked into hers.

Kikyo walked in and took a seat on one of the benches. The room was really big. It had plenty of room for three huge battles to be going on at one timein there.

"Hey Kikyo!" a voice called out.

Kikyo turned to see Kagura walking over to her. Kagura was Kikyo's best friend. She was also 15 years old and a miko like Kikyo. (A/n I know Kagura is not really a miko but I had to have Kikyo's best friend a miko too and no her best friend was not going to be Kagome.)

"Ready for our training?" Kagura asked.

"Oh yea." Kikyo said.

"I bet you can't even shoot an arrow right." A girl behind her said.

Kikyo didn't have to turn around to see who gave that comment because she was use to this person bothering her. It was Kagome. Kagome was Kikyo's worse enemy. They always hated each other. Kagome got jealous of Kikyo being the strongest miko so Kagome has always be trying to beat her ever since plus being as mean as hell to her.

"You know as well as I do, I can shoot better than you anytime." Kikyo shot back.

Kagome just growled in anger. "Quiet down class!" the teacher up front said. The teacher was a woman named Aiko. (A/n and yea I made her up.)

"Now today we are practicing to put our miko powers into our weapons as we fight." Aiko said. "Most of you will use a bow and arrows at times but you need to learn to use other objects at times when you are in a tight spot." Aiko said. "Now get into your battle uniforms." Akio told them.

All the girls went into the dressing room to get changed. (A/n their battles suites look like Sango's demon slaying suite but once again they were just different colors for each class. For the mikos their main color was royal blue. Every class had a battle suite just like it except withthe color of their class.) Then the girls came outand got back into their seats.

"Now first we will use bows and arrows and work our way to other objects. Now I will call six girls up and they will all shoot at their target at the other end of the gym and the girl who gets the closest to middle wins. Once everyone has gone then the winners will all go and then the winner of that will be the winner of all, but you are able to use your miko powers help you this time so it should be easier." Aiko said.

"Wow. You have to shoot from one side of the gym to the other! That's a long way!" Kagura said.

"Its not too far." Kikyo said.

"Now I want Kagome, Kagura, Kikyo, Chika, Koto, and Hisa to come down here." Aiko commanded.

"Hehe..I will show you Kikyo. I will beat you this time." Kagome said.

"You wish." Kikyo said getting up to walk onto the battlefield.

All six girls got in their places in line with a target on the other side of the gym. "Now draw your arrows." Akio told them. The girls drew their arrows and got ready to fire. "Now fire at will and don't forget to use your miko powers to power up your arrow." Akio said.

Chika was the first one to shot at her target. She hit the target toward the outside of it. Then Koto shot she was closer to the middle than Chika had gotten. Kagome glared at Kikyo as Kikyo glared back. They both shot at the same time glaring at each other. Kikyo's arrow hit the target right in the middle. Everyone was surprised to see her get the exact middle while Kagome's missed the entire target. Everyone started to laugh.

"Now what were saying about me? Something like I can't shoot right?" Kikyo said.

"It was a lucky shot. That's all." Kagome said. Then the rest of the girls shot and as everyone thought Kikyo was the winner. Then after every girl had been able to shoot. Kikyo was the winner of the entire thing.

"Well done, Miss Kikyo." Aiko said.

"Thanks, Mrs. Aiko." Kikyo said.

Everyone went back to their seats on the benches. "Now we will focus on putting our miko powers into our weapons to make them stronger. Now everyone come onto the battlefield and pick a spot even with a target." Aiko said.

Everyone did as she said. "Now focus on putting your power into your arrows." Aiko said.

Kikyo's arrow tip began to glow blue. "Once you are powered up shoot at will." Aiko said. Kikyo shot her arrow and it hit the target right in the middle then the target went up in flames.

"Well done, Kikyo!" Aiko said.

"Thanks." Kikyo said. Everyone was amazed by Kikyo's power. All the other girls shot their arrows as well but none of their targets went up in flames except for Kagura's. Kagura was the strongest miko next to Kikyo.

"Good job ladies!" Aiko said. Jut then the bell rang. "Class dismissed." Aiko said. All the girls headed to the locker room to change back into their other uniforms. (The uniform with the skirt). Once Kikyo and Kagura were dressed they walked out of the room and into the hallway.

"Wow, Kikyo. You were great today." Kagura said.

"You were too." Kikyo said.

"Oh come on Kikyo we both know you are better than I am." Kagura said.

"The only reason is because my mom is a really powerful miko andi have a bit of herpower so it gave me a boost. I mean she did create the Scared Shikon no Tama." Kikyo said.

Kikyo's mom, Midoriko created the Shikon no Tama, The jewel of four souls. It all began a few years before Kikyo was born. Midoriko has just graduated from Takahashi Training School when she got caught in a battle with many demons. Midoriko fought the demons for a long time until she used the four souls of life into her last attach. The four souls were love, friendship, courage, and knowledge. When she used all the souls together in an attach, she created the Shikon Jewel. The attach killed all the demons but then the Shikon Jewel came out of body. The force of the Shikon Jewel coming out of her bodyalmost killed her. (A/n I know thats not really how the story i mean Midoriko sorta like died but in this fic. she lives.)

But later they discovered that the jewel had the power to grant any wish by demon or man. After demons found out about it they tried to steal teh jewel but soon enough Midoriko became its protector. Midoriko now protects it in the Shikon Temple. The temple is away from cities and towns so when a demon comes the demon won't harm innocent people. Midoriko only comes down from the temple like five times a year to see Kikyo and the rest of her family.

"Yea your right." Kagura said.

"But I have to be strong because when I graduate from school I will be the jewel's new protector. My mom said so." Kikyo said.

"Wow that's so cool." Kagura said. "Then Kagome will be like bragging that she graduated with you."

"Yea." Kikyo said. "But I will come home a lot more than my mom does because I want to have a social life after I am the jewel's protector."

"Good because I would really miss you, Kikyo." Kagura.

"I would miss you too." Kikyo said.

Kikyo and Kagura walked outside of the school for lunch. They had about an hour to eat and hang out for a brake until they go back to class. Kikyo and Kagura bought a lunch and went over to the table all their friends were at.

"Hey Kikyo and Kagura." Sango said.

"Hey sis." Kikyo said.

"Hey Sango." Kagura said.

Kikyo and Kagura sat beside Sango. There were a lot of people at their table like Sesshomaru the demon, Miroku the monk, Koga the demon, Ayame the demon, and Bankotsu the human. Bankotsu was one of the few humans who trained with the demons he was the strongest human at the school.

Then four people made their way over to Kikyo's table. It was Kohaku the demon slayer, Rin the miko, Kanna the miko, and Shippo the demon. (A/n I know Kanna and Rin are not mikos but I don't know what I wouldhave put them under.)

Kohaku was Sango and Kikyo's little brother. He was 11. He was a junior. That meant he was in the school under Takahashi Training School. He was in Junior Takahashi Training School. Once he got 13 then he can graduate and come to Sango and Kikyo's school.

Kanna is the same age as Kohaku but Rin is a year younger than them making her 10. Rin and Kanna are Kagura's little sisters. While Shippo is Ayame's little brother. Shippo is the same age as Rin, 10 years old.

"Hey Kikyo." Inuyasha said walking over to the table.

"Hey Inuyasha." Kikyo said.

Inuyasha has been Kikyo's best friend for like ever. They went out once but they decided that it didn't work out so they broke up but now they are still best friends.

Then Bankotsu walked over to Kikyo and said, "Hey Kik what's up?"

"Oh nothing much." Kikyo said.

"Same here." Bankotsu said.

"How did training go today?" Kikyo asked.

"Good as usual." Bankotsu said.

"I having a party this weekend and well I was wondering if you wanted to go." Bankotsu said.

Kikyo smiled. "Sure I would love too." Kikyo said. "Who else is gonna be there?"

"A lot of people your sister Sango, Ayame, Miroku, Sesshomaru, Koga, Inuyasha, a lot of older people too." Bankotsu told her.

"Will there be dancing?" Kikyo asked.

"Yea." Bankotsu said.

"Then I am going to be there for sure." Kikyo said.

Bankotsu smiled, "I am glad."

Just then the bell rang and everyone headed back to class.

Okay so that was the first chapie. I hope you all enjoyed it! Now that you have read all you do now is review. Plz review caz I want to know what ya'll thought of it. Well thanks for reading!