Disclaimer: I don't own Fruits Basket.

A/N: I'm updating again!

Me: By the way, incase it wasn't like, blatantly clear enough, this is not a Yuki/Tohru. Sorry guys.

Yuki: Gee, thanks.

Me: Don't complain. You don't like her that way anyway! And besides, you have someone else!

Yuki: (Shrug) Whatever.

Tohru straightened her uniform unsurely. It had been a while since she'd worn it, and although she hadn't grown much taller since, she hadn't worn a short skirt in ages. She couldn't afford to buy a new one, though.

Kyo joined her as she put on her shoes, and they headed out together. It was pretty quiet for a while, as both enjoyed the bright colors of the trees from the arrival of fall.

Finally, Kyo sighed. "Um… yesterday… Sorry I fell asleep like that, it was rude of me. I was just a little tired, that's all."

Tohru shrugged unaffectedly, trying not to think about what had happened after he had fallen asleep.

There was another pause before Kyo spoke again. "You know what's weird?"

Tohru looked up.

"You're the first person to have been on that roof with me, but for some reason, right before you came I had a sort of dream or memory, that just felt so real…" He looked up at the sky. It was gray with low clouds, signaling rain. He continued again, talking slowly. "It was a girl's voice… really familiar. For some reason, it really squeezed me inside. 'Right straight,' it had said." He paused again, and looked down at Tohru, his face puzzled. "You know, she sort of sounded like you… except gentler…"

Tohru quickly looked away. She knew exactly what memory he was starting to remember. "You… you're probably just imagining things… We… we've never met before…"

Kyo shrugged. "Yeah, I guess you're right, I'm losing it."

The rest of the trip was in silence. Soon, the school came into view. Goosebumps prickled Tohru's arms, and she slowed her pace. She really was nervous. Not really about going back to school… but about seeing them again. Uo-chan, Hana-chan, what were they doing now? Did they miss her? What would they think of her now, what she had become?

"Relax." Kyo's voice interrupted her thoughts. "There's no need to be nervous. Yuki and I will be with you every step of the way." He gave her a slight smile, before continuing on.

Tohru blushed and looked forward. I wish he would stop saying what I need to hear… it makes it all even more unbearable.

Tohru slid the classroom door open and a clack resounded through the room. Class hadn't started yet, and students were chatting idly. A few looked up to glance at her, but didn't pay much mind and continued what they were doing. She looked around the classroom. Yuki hadn't arrived yet—still in the student council room. She recognized most of the students; things hadn't really changed much since she had left. At the corner of the room, two students talked together morosely. Silky blonde hair flowed loosely around the figure standing against the window, and a sleek black braid was curved around the shoulder of the one sitting at the desk.

Uo-chan and Hana-chan… Tohru thought painfully.

Hanajima looked up at Uotani. "Arisa… I sense someone's waves… Someone we haven't seen in a long time… Someone we've wanted to see for a long time."

Uotani looked down at her curiously. "Oh really? Who?"

Hanajima looked sharply across the room until her eyes rested on Tohru. Uotani also looked that way, and her face instantly brightened. "Oh my god… It… It's Tohru!" She was so relieved to see her again. With no contact for two years, she hadn't known if she was even alive still. She wanted Tohru to give her that sunny smile she always wore. That dumb expression she looked at them with. "Hi Uo-chan!" She wanted to hear that voice say that again. She was about to wave when Hanajima interrupted her.

"Arisa… her waves… her waves feel different…"

"Huh?" Uotani looked down at Hanajima and then back up at Tohru. She noticed it then. Something had changed. There was no stupid smile pasted on her face. She didn't skip across the room to greet them, saying everything was okay. She stood there unmoving, her face blank, almost scowling. "Tohru?" She asked cautiously.

Now Tohru's face really did become a scowl neither of them had seen before. She marched across the room and sat down in a desk next to them, dumping her bag on the ground and leaning on her hand. "What?" She asked them.

Hanajima and Uotani exchanged confused and concerned glances before looking back at Tohru. "Where have you been?" Uotani asked nervously, sweating under Tohru's unmatchable glare.

Tohru shrugged. "Away." She said, without much emotion.

An awkward silence surrounded them, until Uotani gave a shaky laugh. "It's been two years. You'd think we'd have more to catch up on." Getting no response from Tohru, she continued hopefully. "Hey, I know! Did you hear about that gang that calls themselves The Red Butterfly gang? They're supposed to be the descendents of the original members of your mother's gang. Isn't that funny? Some chick that calls herself The Pink Butterfly supposedly leads them. I hear she's the real thing though—the toughest gang member since Kyoko-san herself!" She looked at Tohru, and her smile was replaced with a fearful look. "Tohru…?"

Tohru was giving her the most terrifyingly blank look. "…I am the Pink Butterfly." She told them in a sinister voice that sent chills through them.

The two blinked and took in this unfathomable information. Tohru was the most feared gang member in the city? How was that possible? This was Tohru? How…?

Before any questions could be asked, though, the teacher walked in and class began. Tohru sat next to Hanajima, in front of Uotani, and behind Kyo.

Uotani looked at Tohru disbelievingly. What had happened to her Tohru? This… this wasn't right. It was like some kind of alternate universe. Suddenly she was overcome with rage. Who did this to our Tohru?

Hanajima peeked side-glances at Tohru every now and then. She was sitting there, most emotionlessly, seeming bored. It was definitely not Tohru. She had had a feeling that night. The night that she had disappeared, she felt something change in Tohru. She had been in great pain. Tohru was a different person on the outside… but on the inside, she was crying…

Tohru blinked at the back of Kyo's orange head. She had gotten pretty much the reaction she had expected. She didn't want to be bombarded by questions, and wanted to try to avoid contact with them as much as possible. Even so, part of her yearned for their love and companionship. She wanted to feel that warmth of friendship that she had lost two years ago. She wouldn't let herself have it though. Things like that would only weaken her. If she weren't careful… she would break…

Me: Yeah, Tohru meets Tohru's friend is done.

Uotani: What the hell, man. You're pretty sick making Tohru like this.

Me: (giggle) Oh well…

Uotani: Freak.