Disclaimer: I stand firm in my belief that Naruto belongs to Sasuke. Period.

During Math Test

by Apple Addiction

I knew I should have done something other than... certain things last night. This... this had single-handedly redefined nightmare.

Imagine, Uchiha Sasuke, number 1 rookie, last surviving prodigy of the famous Uchiha family, target of numerous wet dreams, failing a Maths test just because he was doing... certain things. Oh gosh, it would be the ultimate embarrassment of the century.

This is not happening. This is not happening. I chanted ceaseless in my head as I continued to stare at the paper blankly, seconds slowly ticking into minutes. I could feel the first drops of perspiration on my forehead.

Oh god, let me wake up now. There's no way this is happening. I couldn't concentrate. I couldn't focus. I couldn't even make out the questions clearly. Using the ratio theorem of WHAT to find the cotangent of WHAT?

Fifteen minutes had passed. The 12 marks question is still blank. I could feel sweat soaking through the back of my shirt. Oh shit, I'm starting to hyperventilate. Think soothing thoughts, think soothing thoughts.

Immediately, an unbidden image sprang to my mind. Wild, sun-kissed hair, impossibly blue eyes, beautiful tanned skin, three whisker marks on each side of the face, cheeky grin.

With a groan, I banged my head against the table to get rid of the image.

No, not HIM. Anyone but HIM. He's the one who gotme into this trouble in the first place!

But the hair, so silky, the eyes, so blue, the skin, so soft and the marks, SUCH A TURN ON.

I buried my face in my hands to muffle further groans. I wanted to cry. The test would be ending in like what, fifteen minutes and all I can do is fantasize?

That's it, Uzumaki Naruto. You're so going to die. I swore silently as I returned to my question with determination. Uchihas do NOT fail tests. They do NOT start to fantasize in the middle of a test. Especially NOT about certain blue-eyed blonde boy sitting two tables down, biting the bottom of his lip in concentration.

Uchiha Sasuke, you SUCK. I thought in resignation as I felt the first stings of frustration at the back of my eyes. Fine, I give up. You win. Fantasize!

With a quiet moan, I rested my head on top of the table. At this angle, I could see the dobe perfectly. His chin was resting slightly on his left palm, his right hand was holding a pen, which was tapping his head lightly. He was glaring openingly at the paper, pouting cutely. Looks like he's not faring any better than me. I smirked, at least the laws of the universe had not been completely shattered.

Then, suddenly, in a moment of self-defeating frustration, he threw his pen on the table and started to totally mess up his hair.

I nearly moaned out loud. That just-out-of-bed look is fatally sexy! Oh Naruto, what are you doing to me? I felt the last bit of my self-discipline disintegrating.

Five minutes later, the fateful bell rang. I looked up unhappily to see a grinning Kakashi.

"All right class, time's up. Remain in your seats while I come down to collect your papers."

I scowled.

"Oh and Sasuke, let's try not to drool during Maths test."

Author's Notes:

I know, I know, the next chapter of The Underground Naruto Fanclub will be up soon. I've written it out, just… yet to edit. Anyway, this is inspired by my own Maths test, which is TOMORROW. God, WHAT AM I DOING HERE? Oh no, wish me luck and please review!