
"WHY?WHY DID YOU TAKE HIM FROM ME?WHY!"she screamed towards the sky."I DIDN'T EVEN GET TO TELL HIM I LOVED HIM BACK!DAMN YOU!"Kagome collapsed in the mud, crying hysterically.

But nobody would know that she was ever there. For after spending a few hours crying where Youko's body had last been, she went to her era and sealed the well.

And like her scent, Kagome Higurashi was washed away from the Fuedal Era.

Never again to be associated with feelings other than sadness...or so she thought.

For the next day, Kagome would be moving in with her loud mouthed cousin,

Yusuke Uremeshi.


Chapter 4: Cousin Yusuke


Kagome's family had recently died in a fire that had burnt down the whole shrine, so she wasn't expecting to be greeted by anyone. She had nowhere to go now. There was her Aunt Atsuko! But wait, everyone thought she died in the fire with her family. Oh well, she'd just have to make something up. Her clothes were already muddy and ripped so it would look like she was through a lot. Kagome concealed her demon traits and her demonic scent, so that she looked like she normally did before the jewel turned her into a demon.

It was late at night, so the streets were empty.Shewalked to a payphone and put in some change she had found while walking. She dialed her Aunt's number, surprised she still remembered it.

/Do you know how late it is/came the gruff voice she recognized as her cousin Yusuke.

/Yusuke/she whispered. There was a pause.

/Who's this/

/It's Kagome. I...I don't know where I am/she stammered. She had to make this believable.

/Kagome?Listen here!Kagome's dead you freak!So if this is some kind of sick joke-/

/No!Yusuke it's me!Kagome!Kagome Higurashi!Your cousin/she cried. There was a long pause.

/...Prove it/

/When we were little you blew up the well house with firecrackers and Grandpa chased you around with a broom/she said smiling triumphantly at remembering that memory. There was another really long pause.

/K-Kagome!...Where are you/ Yusuke yelled.

/I-I don't know! I think I'm somewhere near where the shrine used to be/

/Don't move, I'm coming to get you/ and he hung up. Kagome huffed and hung up the phone after him.

"That boy, no manners"she muttered. She sighed and sat down on the sidewalk near the payphone, hugging her knees to her. Everything was so wonderful and happy one minute and the next everything went down the drain and her life seemed to be unfixable.

Kagome, being incredibly tired, started to doze off while sitting up. She fought the drowsyness( this a word?if it is, did i spell it right?lol) until she couldn't take it anymore, and rested her head against the cold stone wall behind her, closing her eyes and enteringa deepsleep.


Yusuke sighed and gazed at his cousin who was sleeping in his bed. He was sitting backwards in his chair, arms crossed over the back of it. He just couldn't believe it. Every few minutes he'd get up, touch her(A/N:not like that perverts!)make sure his hand wouldn't go right through her, then pinch himself to see if he was dreaming.His handnever went through her and all his pinching did was give him bruises.She was here. His little cousin Kagome, Kagome Higurashi, was here. Laying in his bed, breathing, sleeping, chest moving up and down, heart beating. Point being, she was ALIVE! Not burnt to a crisp. She seemed fine except being exhausted. Yusuke tiptoed towards the door to get something to drink. He had to be quiet so he wouldn't wake her up. But just as he was about to open his bedroom door, the apartment door slammed open.

"KAZUMA KUWABARA IS HERE!" Yusuke smacked his forehead and groaned.

"Idiot."he muttered. He glanced back to the bed to see that Kagome hadn't woke up, much to his relief, and had just switched positions. She was now on her side, facing the wall, her back to him. One hand was under the pillow, while the other one was against her chest, fingers brushing lightly against her chin. He ran out of the room to beat some sense into Kuwabara, who was sitting on his couch watching tv.

"Kuwabara, get out of here!"he demanded, trying to keep his voice low.

"Why? We have no missions today, so i figured i'd come over here!"Kuwabara exclaimed.

"SH!"Yusuke hissed."My cousins over and she's sleeping in my room, so SH!"

"No need to shush him Yusuke, I'm already awake."


Yuki:I got another chapter done! YES!Ugh,on top ofmy computer having this stupid virus, I have had horrible bronchitus(no clue how to spell it) and I have a bunch of projects due this week so...yeah...