Gatomon was soon in the same place she was before, with the same dilemma. But this time, there was a third digimon in the mix.

"I've defeated so many powerful digimon, yet I can't choose who I love," Gatomon thought. "I could use some help choosing."

Normally, when she needed someone to talk to, she'd go to Kari. But with Kari and TK being totally in love with each other, she'd probably be partial to Patamon. And she wanted someone impartial to help her.

She ran through the different digimon and digidestined through her head, trying to think of who would be best...

"Duh." she said out loud, lightly smacking her head. "Why didn't I think of the two of them before?"

Hawkmon and Biyomon would be perfect. Not only were they the digi-birds of love, but they been going out for the past three months. They should know something to help her with the dilemma.

She went to the phone and dialed Sora's number. She waited as it rang once...twice...

"Hello. Takenouski residence." Biyomon said on the other end.

"Biyomon, it's Gatomon. Can you grab Hawkmon and come over to Tai's apartment?" she asked.

"I should be able to. We'll be there in about half an hour." Biyomon answered. "See you then."

"Bye," Gatomon said, and hung up.


About half an hour later, Gatomon saw the two of them heading for the bedroom window. She opened it, and the two of them flew in.

"Thanks for coming on such short notice," Gatomon said.

"What's going on?" Hawkmon asked.

Gatomon told them about her indecisiveness over her three choices.

"Love can sometimes do that to you," Biyomon said. "Now, lie down on the bed, and maybe we can help you come to a decision."

As Gatomon got on the bed, Biyomon grabbed a small notepad and pencil off a nearby table.

"Now, first question:Do you know the main reason for your inability to come to a decision?" Biyomon asked.

"I guess...It has to do with not wanting to have hurt the others feelings, mostly," Gatomon answered.

Biyomon wrote something down in the notebook, as Hawkmon asked, "Now, what are the good qualities in each of them?"

"Well, Patamon is connected to my digivolved forms, both my armor and my ultimate forms. He's also sweet and has a childish spirit in him.

Veemon, meanwhile, is strong, and will do almost anything to protect me. He's also somewhat more serious, but can have fun once in a while.

Then there's Shadowmon. He's the same level as I am, and helped to save my life against a couple of Snimon. Like Patamon, he's also sweet as well," Gatomon answered.

They asked her about their bad qualities, and about how she felt whenever she saw them.

"Well," Biyomon said, writing down on the pad. "You're going to have hurt feelings, no matter who you pick. There was another digimon that liked me when I chose Hawkmon. I was able to let him down easy, but he still had some hurt feelings."

"If I can get over that, I may be able to finally arrive at a decision," Gatomon said.

"they'll be hurt, but will probably be fine. Patamon is the digimon of hope, so he'll be able to continue hoping to find someone if you don't choose him," Hawkmon said. "Veemon, being a digimon of friendship, will also be understand if you don't pick him. And if Shadowmon is the mon you say he is, he'll understand as well."

"I wrote down all your answers," Biyomon said. "Hopefully, having it on paper will help you make a decision."

"Thanks for your help," Gatomon said.

The two birds nodded and flew off.


When Gatomon woke up the next morning, she looked over the paper during breakfast. She was determined to come to a decision before the end of the day.

She ran each of them through her head, as well as their good and bad points. She also planned how to let them down as easy as possible if she didn't pick them.

By the time the morning was over, she felt like she had her decision made. She called up Patamon and Veemon, asking them to come over to her place.


"Thank you both for coming," Gatomon said to the other two.

They were sitting on the couch in the living room, and she stood a few feet in front of them.

"I want you both to know that...I decided on who I truly love." she said.

That got their attention quickly.

"So, out with it," Veemon said. "Tell this bat winged rat that he's not the one you want to be with."

"Hey, maybe she doesn't want to kiss your scaly skin," Patamon shot back.

Gatomon didn't want a fight, right there in the living room. Kari would have a fit (mostly because she would be the one cleaning), and the rest of the family wouldn't be too happy either.

"Both of you, stop it," Gatomon said. "The last thing I want from the two of you is a fight."

They both nodded, and Gatomon prepared herself to say what needed to be said.

"Veemon, you're a good friend, strong and brave..." Gatomon started.

Veemon started to look happy.

"...but you're not right for me." Gatomon finished.

Veemon's face fell, as Patamon started to smile.

"Gatomon, I promise you'll be the happiest womon in either world," he said.

"That is a nice thought, Patamon...but I didn't choose you either," Gatomon said.

Veemon and Patamon exchanged surprised glances at each other, then they both turned back to Gatomon.

"You see...I met someone in the digital world. And I think he's the one that's right for me. I'm sorry, you're both great, but I don't think either of you are the one," Gatomon finished.

"Well..." Patamon started, feeling his heart break a little more with every word. "If...he makes you happy...I...I guess I can accept it."

Veemon, meanwhile, was obviously not in a agreeable mood. He leaped across the room, knocking Gatomon off her feet. Caught off guard by the attack, Gatomon was not able to defend herself.

Veemon pulled her to a sitting position by her shoulders and started shaking her, yelling "WHO IS HE? WHO?"

"Veeeeeemoooooonnnn, sssstttoooppp shhhhhaaaakkkkiiinngg mmmeee," Gatomon said.

Then, an orangeish brown figure shot across the room, knocking Veemon off Gatomon. Veemon looked up to see an angry Patamon, standing between him and Gatomon.

"You've done some stupid things before, Veemon! But this time, you crossed the line!" Patamon yelled.

"Veemon...I think it's best if you just leave," Gatomon said.

"Gatomon..." Veemon said, obvious pain in his voice.

"Veemon, I'm serious," Gatomon said, an edge in her voice.

Veemon slowly walked towards the door. Before he opened it, he turned and looked at Gatomon, with the saddest expression she ever saw on his face, before he opened the door and left.

"Well, at least he's gone," Patamon said.

"Yes," Gatomon answered. "But I never seen him so hurt before. I almost feel sorry for him."

"So, who is this digimon that stole your heart?" Patamon asked. "I can't say I'm not hurt, but it's your life and your decision."

Then a determined look formed on his face.

"But if he abuses you in any way, he's a dead mon," Patamon finished.

"Don't worry. I'll make sure you get to meet him," Gatomon said.


About a month later, there was a big going away party for Gatomon. She apparently decided that it would be easiest for everyone if she lived with Shadowmon in the digital world, especially if she had kids.

At the end of the party, everyone gathered into the computer room at Tai's apartment to see Gatomon off.

"I guess this is it. Out of all the digimon I fought alongside, you were the one that meant the most to me," Gatomon said to Patamon.

"Thanks," Patamon said, as Gatomon gave him a small hug. Then she went to Kari.

Kari, You were one of the best friends I ever had. And I couldn't choose a better person to pick for my digidestined partner," Gatomon said, as tears started to fall. "I'm going to...miss much."

"I know, Gatomon. I'm going to miss you too. But even though we live in 2 different worlds, the friendship that we share will never end," Kari said.

"And that goes double for me," Patamon said.

"Hey, Gatomon, you coming?" Shadowmon said, from the digital world. Everyone could see him sitting in front of the screen, waiting for Gatomon to show.

"I'm going to miss you all." Gatomon said, as she went through the screen.

Everyone watched her as she walked over to Shadowmon, and they both walked out of sight, side by side.

The End