Ok CSI not mine

This is only going to be about three chapters not one of my ever-growing fics

As it is only short I hope you stick with it as it does get better!

"This is all your fault," snapped Sara banging her broom on the floor.

"You agreed. Anyway what you going to do turn me into a toad?" asked Greg laughing.

"That would be a step up vamp boy," retorted Sara waving her broom at him.

"WHAT THE HELL?" asked Catherine coming to a stand still outside the locker room door and starring the two CSI's.

Greg and Sara were stood in there dressed up. Sara held a wooden broom and had a large black witches hat on while Greg had a pair of fangs and a black cape.

"We lost a bet," said Sara pouting.

"You're telling me," laughed Catherine as Greg hissed at her "how long do you have to keep it on?" she asked while sneakily reaching for her camera.

"Until Grissom tells us to take it off" replied Greg as a bright flash lit up the room.

"YOUR DEAD" shouted Sara taking of after Cath and her camera. Greg took chase as well as various people around the lab laughed and shouted comments after them until they arrived in the break room much to the amusement of Warrick and Nick.

"I take it you to were part of this," said Catherine catching her breath and waving her camera around so Sara was unable to get it.

"Children I realise it is Halloween but I think were a bit old to be dressing up" came Grissom's voice form the doorway. Sara whipped her hat off and threw the broom purposefully at Warrick who caught it.

"I liked that cape," commented Greg taking it off and sitting down while Grissom just stood one eyebrow raised.

"Right we've got a triple homicide at a party and a double further down the street."

"One hell of a party" commented Catherine.

"When the guests turned up dressed as the dead I don't think they expected to be leaving as the dead," replied Grissom. "Greg, Sara you take the double, there's nothing to say there linked but at this time but I'm not ruling it out" he handed Sara the sheet.

"I'm driving," announced Greg leaping up.

"No your not" shouted Sara running after him.

"Oh Grissom I'm driving" said Catherine getting up.

"Well I'm not chasing after you," replied Grissom.

"Wow now this is a party" announced Greg as they got out the car. There were at least fifty people stood in the street all in different outfits.

"Yer but look where it ended" commented Sara walking into the abandoned cloakroom of the club.

"The whole place was tickets on the door so we got no list and CTV isn't going to show much unless you want six vampires and Frankenstein" said Brass flicking through his notes.

"That's all I got. Scenes clear, got to go deal with the triple now" he sighed leaving Sara and Greg with the two bodies.

One male and one female both slumped on the floor as if they had slipped of the bench.

"Multiple stab wounds" said Sara looking at the blood.

"Hey Sara. If they were stabbed here there should be splatter not pools" asked Greg pointing to the several pools of blood on the floor.

"It's wet," announced Sara after reaching down and wiping her finger through a shinny patch on the floor.

"Killer cleaned up. Then why leave the bodies?"

"Wanted them to be found," said Sara following the trail of water until they reached a door. Greg followed behind and moved out the way as Sara reached for her gun and cracked the door open.

"Basement" she said quietly heading down the stairs.

"Copper" said Sara referring to the smell

Greg followed closely behind swinging his torch and eventually finding a light switch. Blood splatter lined the walls and floor.

"This is where they were killed," sighed Greg going back and fetching his and Sara's kit's

"So how'd the killer get two dead bleeding bodies through a crowded hallway and into the clock room?" asked Greg. Sara stood in silence for a minute thinking.

"It's Halloween right"

Greg nodded.

"Fake blood everywhere, how you gonna tell what's fake and what's real"

"So the killer just dragged them? Wait if he did and got two bodies by everyone he could have got the knife in the same way" finished Greg.

"What we got?" asked Grissom as Brass arrived further down the street at another club.

"Three victims all stabbed. Two women no ID and a Mr Michael Pains 28" he said closing his notebook.

"Who found them?" asked Warrick following everyone through the club.

"Well this lady was stabbed in plain view. Plenty of people saw her fall," he said pointing the dead brunette on the floor and the edge of the club.

"So the killer stabbed her in plain view" said Catherine bending down and picking fibre's from the horns the woman was wearing.

"How did no one see?" asked Nick looking at Brass.

"Place is full people screaming shouting would you notice?" asked Brass.

"No" relied Grissom "especially if they were wearing fake blood to start of with" he said holding up an indicator with non-human on it.

"Where's the others?" asked Catherine getting up and following Brass out the back where a man and woman lay on the floor.

"Their invited outback, smoke a bit" said Nick bagging a cigarette butt "killer sneaks up stabs them no one notices them shouting, music's too loud"

"Hey I think I got our weapon," announced Warrick carefully picking up a knife.

"Can I look at that"? Asked Grissom taking the knife from him and running his finger along it.

"Hey" shouted Catherine wondering what he was doing.

"Blunt, this didn't kill anyone," he announced swabbing it. "It does however have real blood on it. Our killer like's to play games," he said bagging the knife.

"So are we thinking there a link to this and the double?" asked Nick

"Both stabbed," suggested Brass. "And a fake arrow was found near them" he finished "I'll tell a officer to let Sara and Greg know" he added getting on his radio.

"So if our killer likes games what the ultimate game?" asked Nick "planting evidence, killing in plain view"

"They get a rush from it, the more people around the better" said Catherine.

"Hey we got a ID," announced Nick picking up a bag "Susan limes 24 a lawyer"

"The male vic was a clerk at a courthouse," said Brass

"So he like's to kill people in power" commented Grissom "and let others know about it"

"So the ultimate get of would be staying and watching. Warrick crowd"

"I'm on it," announced Warrick picking up his camera.

"You know he might still have the murder weapon on him. I mean a bloody knife in that crowd who's going to notice," added Nick.

"Hang on" Brass moved away and began talking on his radio.

"Officers have arrested a man who started kicking of in the crowd he's got a bloody knife" shouted Brass.