Last chapter

May landed on the roof of an old building, and looked around. It was starting to get dark, and she could see the full moon perfectly in the sky.

"It's beautiful…isn't it?" she looked behind her, and saw Venom. He looked like he had been walking on his tip toes and about to jump her, but stood normally when May caught him.

"Yes, we see a great beauty tonight." He walked up behind her and placed his hands on her hips. "A great beauty."

"I would be careful if I were you. I just learnt I am very much a Spider."

"We already knew this." He chuckled. "You are an animal; we knew that from the first time we felt you taste our tonsils."

"Oh you cheeky bugga!" May span round and looped her arms around his neck. "But I mean it. I am like a black widow spider, who consumes her partner after mating." She licked her lips, and he let his own tongue slither out slightly.

"We thought that happened during the mating?" he was glad that she took her mask off when she first saw him, as he now dragged his tongue up one side of her jaw. "Besides…that sounds fun. Mmmm…you consuming us…" she blushed as his hands crawled up her back. "But could you handle us? That is the question."

"Why? What exactly did you have in mind?" she whispered huskily, definitely acting animalistic, and rubbing her hands up and down the sides of his neck.

"Many things, but coming back to the consuming idea…" He purred and lifted her up.

"Where are we going?" she chuckled over his shoulder, as he carried her like a sack of potatoes. But she didn't mind.

"Our place." her cheeks grew flushed and her legs warm as he said that. She bit her lips as many ideas went through her head.

And now for this chapter.

When they landed in the warehouse, May shivered. It was so cold here…

But he soon held her hips with his colossal hands. She smiled, and looked over her shoulder at him. Venom nuzzled the back of her neck, and May chuckled.

"Nice place. But I think you are due for a decorator."

"We don't usually stay here very long. Only when we are hungry." She was about to question that when: "And we are very hungry now." He purred, and May was suddenly off her feet.

"Venom! Put me down!"

"As you wish, our spider princess." And she fell on her ass.

"HAY! What's the big…idea?" he was gone. May was alone in the warehouse, it was dark, and Venom was nowhere in sight. He could be in any of the shadows, on the ceiling, anywhere. And he wasn't a threat, so she couldn't sense him either. "Venom?" no response. "Hay, Venom! Fine, I'm leaving." She smirked, and shot a web up at the roof. But the end fell back down to the floor. Confused, May picked the end up, and saw a clean edge on it. She smirked, Venom had cut it.

"We don't think so, princess. We have yet to be…" a gush of wind whooshed behind her, and she felt a hot breath on her neck. "Consumed."

"Is that a request?" her inner spider was coming out again, and she femininely put one hand on her hip, confidently.

"No. That is an order." He growled huskily, and he did something odd. May yelped as she suddenly felt like a jet of warm water had been aimed at her, and she slipped and fell to the floor unceremoniously. But it felt too thick to be water…

She looked down, and saw it only covered her upper body, and it was black. Venom. She thought, and tried to get back to her feet. But the black 'liquid' seeped beneath her, and made it very difficult to remain balanced.

"Venom! Give up!" she chuckled, and fell again to her hands and knees.

"So you surrender?" May felt at the floor, and couldn't find him.

"Yes, yes I surrender. Now where are you?" she chuckled, and then gasped. A breeze of night air brushed against her skin…oh my god I'm naked! How the hell did that happen! May quickly sat up on her knees, running her hands over her body. Her costume had completely gone. "VENOM!"

"Yes lover?" His muscular knees came at either side of her, and she threw her arms around her chest. hoping he hadn't seen how hard her nipples had become in the cold. How embarrassing…

"Where is my costume!"

"Around." He chuckled with a hiss, and held her shoulders gently. The feel of his hands smoothing over his skin calmed her slightly.


"That isn't important." He cooed. "You will not be needing it for a while. We shall see to that." And again he was gone, just like that.

"Venom! Stop playing around! I mean it!" but she was laughing, and stood up with her hands on her hips. "Why did you bring me here anyway?" she smirked, hoping that would get a reaction.

Oh she looked so good, stood tall, no shame of being naked in his presence any more.

She was right, it was time for him to stop playing around. The burning hunger he had for her demanded for him to take her, and he wouldn't refuse his desires. Not for her. "Venom?"

"We are here." May turned around, fully expecting more taunts and shenanigans…but there were none.

Venom was stood silently behind her, looking right at her with no grin, no chuckle, not even jumping up and down on his hands and feet when he is giddy. He was just stood there, looking at her, like he was going to devour her.

The look in his eyes, boring into her, it was so intense!


It made her skin feel hot in the night breeze. She even gulped when he started to stalk towards her.

The fun and games were over, this just turned serious.

Venom walked right up to her, and took her hands. "Are you ready?" he hissed softly, his breath beating down on her face, the heat of it very pleasant.

"Yes." Her cheeks flushed as he yanked her into him, his huge hands smoothing over her back, making her aware once more of her naked state. Her breasts pressed into his chest, and two tendrils slinked down her sides and coiled around the inside of her legs, just smoothing up her thighs slowly.

"Truly? Are you sure? Because once we start." His hands gripped her legs just under her bum and lifted her up against him. May quickly balanced herself by holding onto his shoulders, and he held her pelvis barely inches from his own. "Once we start to take you, nothing will make us stop. Not even you." May gasped, knowing he wasn't trying to put on an act for her. He was being deadly serious. "We want you so baldy." He whimpered, brushing his sharp fangs over her neck heavily.

"Then shut up and take me already." She took a deep breath, still really nervous about this. She was about to lose her virginity, to a 'man' that was huge in every sense of the word, other than fat. Oh, he wasn't fat. All his bulk was pure, raw muscle. And although she was acting confident and ready, inside she was shaking and anxious. For every girl, their first time would be something they will always remember. It is just that special.

Even as he lowered her to the floor, her hands trembled on his shoulders. "W, wait." She gulped, the cold floor against her back making her flinch. "Not here." Venom growled, almost completely out of control. Why couldn't he just have her, now!

"May." He moaned desperately.

"Come on." She pushed up against him, blushing madly with a yelp as she saw a fully erect member barely inches from her entrance. How close was she to being taken right there, right then? And he was HUGE! It looked painful just to look at. I hope super strength comes in all forms. I'm going to need it. She somehow managed to get him to kneel up, and miraculously didn't relent when his thick tongue dragged down her neck, and circled around one entire breast. The end flicked against the rigid peak of her nipple, making her whimper. She gripped at his neck, and took deep breaths to keep herself sane.

If she could at least find an office or something, it would be better than the factory floor.

May rose to her feet, but fell back into his arms with one firm tug of his mighty hands.

"No. We want you now!" He hissedholding one hip tightly with one hand, and her neck with the other.

"Then come and get me." She pushed him off her roughly, and ran for it. It was obvious Venom wasn't kidding when he said once he started, he wouldn't be able to stop. He was well past the mental state of reasoning.

He was hounding her like the primal predator she knew he was.

So she did a running leap over a wooden crate, and bolted down a corridor.

From the guttural roar echoing after her, Venom was hot on her trail. "Come and get me Venom." It had been so hard not to just give in and let him take her back in the factory floor, but she was not going to have her first time with him on the floor, with dust and old machinery.

It was a shame there wasn't a bed around here…

Or was there?

May kicked open a door with the words 'Furniture storage' on a golden plack, and quickly ran inside.

It was like a home department store, with enough furniture to fill 50 houses!

Surely there will be a bed somewhere in here?

A piercing hiss crackled behind her suddenly, and May grunted with the impact of Venom's tackle, and her new acquaintance.

The floor. "Oh no you don't!" May interlocked her fingers with his, grit her teeth and wrestled with him on the floor. They tossed and rolled over each other, banging and sometimes breaking tables, chairs and lamps. It they were human, they would most likely have internal bleeding and open wounds from all the splintered pieces of wood they send flying everywhere in their vigorous battle for dominance.

Finally seeing an opening, May used her superior flexibility to get her knees against his gut, then her feet, pushed him back and sprang in the other direction to him.

Panting, May grabbed wardrobes and kitchen counters and threw them behind her, to slow him down.

At last!

Right at the back of the storage room was a large bed.

Well, more of a mattress ontop of the bed rest, but it would do. "Venom!" she called to him, and picked up the pace. With one mighty bound off of a fridge, she landed on the King sized mattress.

It was quiet, there were no lights, with only the slight stream of moonlight seeping in through the window.

At the other side of the warehouse.

The only sound May could hear was her own laboured panting. Her chest rising and falling, her lips parted and her hair ruffled. She looked like a tousled goddess, her hazel eyes sharp and gleaming, looking around her like a cornered animal. "Venom. I'm waiting. I'm not going to run anymore." May slowly lowered to her knees, still looking for him. For all she knew, he could pounce on her from any direction.

That thought brought a seductive smirk to her lips.

And that was all he could take.

Venom slowly crept from the shadows right in front of her on hands and feet, his mouth open and his tongue hanging out. His hot breath made steam in the cool night air, and the closer he got, the more May could feel that burning warmth of his breath beat against her, until the hairs on the back of her neck stood on end pleasantly. Her skin tingled, and her body ached for him. it seemed she became more and more intoxicated the closer he came to her, crawling up from the end of the bed now, wild tendrils looping around her ankles.

Just in case.

May's hazel eyes glazed over, her hands trembled by her sides, and she lowered herself to her elbows. Venom said nothing, using his tendrils to straighten out her legs at either side of him, while leaving clear access to her body.

To her soul.

At least, that's what it felt like he was about to do, guzzle her up and devour her soul in the most erotic act in existence.

May wasn't about to give him just her body, but her life, her soul too. Everything she had, she was giving to him.

She just hoped he knew that.

Her entire body trembled, her breathing became shaky, and placed her head back.

Once Venom had scaled her, looming over her like a demon of desire, May whimpered.

She couldn't believe it, she was terrified, and yet she was invigorated, excitement itched all over her skin, inside and out. And she so desperately wanted him to quell her need. May even whimpered urgently, bringing her trembling hands to hold onto his shoulders for support.

A deep, purring growl rumbled through his chest, and she felt it through her fingers.

He lowered himself to her kneeing one of her rigid legs open again, and using a tendril to pin it to his side. He did the same with the other, until he was perfectly positioned.

Venom bowed his head, the tip of his tongue tracing the outside of her bellybutton, before making its painfully teasing way up her arching front, lightly between her toned torso and ribs, before heavily sliding between her ample breasts. He cupped them with both hands, trapping his tongue between them and hissing with delight, as his powerful tongue curved around the one breast, and then the other. He finally drew back, taking his tongue from her hot, wet cleavage, he gazed down at her, victorious over his mate.

The blissful look of erotic desire on her face made his ego, and his cock, swell even more. He growled before fisting the mattress at either side of her head, and crashing his enormous mouth against hers.

May wrapped her arms around his neck desperately. She never imagined that anyone could touch you so intimately, with so much passion, and make you feel like this! A furnace had been lit within her, and she was blazing with white hot need to fuel the fire they had started until there was nothing left. All anxieties were gone, lost in the throng of ardour. She pushed her breasts against him, writhed beneath him, slid her tongue over his like velvet, and rubbed her legs against his sides insistently.

The large black hand to the left of her face vanished, only for her to feel his mighty claws brush against her moist clitoris briefly enough to draw a moan from her, before parting her lower lips and grinding his body against hers.

Like a silent promise.

His claws teased and explored her auburn tresses and May flinched against him as the crown of his rock hard member pressed against her entrance. She felt him shift, readying himself, and she did the same.

Venom tore his mouth away from hers, and buried it in her neck.

"I love you May." Her eyes opened wide, watered, but she never got chance to answer him.

Her breath was stolen from her lungs as he pounded forward, taking no chances, burring himself completely inside her.

May yelped, digging her fingers into the back of his shoulders with her eyes clenched shut. As were her teeth.

The feel of her tight, hot virginal walls around his cock was bliss. The pressure all around him was a painful, yet delicious reminder that May was a virgin. He turned to look at her pained face, and licked at her cheek coaxingly. He wanted her to look at him while he made love to her, and he wanted her to enjoy it too.

Slowly, her glazed hazel eyes opened.

God, had he hurt her? Maybe he should have entered her slowly, or lubricated her, or given her more warning.

He was snapped out of his worries when May placed a chaste kiss on his jaw, and smiled. He nodded, needing no more permission, and returned to nuzzling her neck.

Venom clawed at the mattress by her side, and held her hip tightly. He then lifted her pelvis up at an angle, and bared his other arm over her head.

He withdrew from her about 4 inches, before he thrust back into her. May whimpered in pain, but it wasn't as bad as before.

She was started to mould to him, the shape and size of his penis.

Thrust after thrust the pan subsided, and almost sinful pleasure sparked through her entire body, consuming her every nerve until they danced with frivolity.

May moaned, her body arching and bucking back against him of its own accord. She dug her feet into the mattress, thrusting up to meet him.

Encouraged by her growing involvement, Venom hissed lecherously and began driving into her harder, and faster.

May was sweating heavily, alternatively smoothing her hands over his black chest and muscles, and gripping at him for dire support.

Venom licked at her body, suckling on her nipples and swirling the salty taste of her sweat over his tongue, drinking in the natural scent of their lovemaking.

It was stronger than any smell he had ever experienced before.

And would never again.

Nothing would ever compare to the smell, the feel, the taste, the sight and sounds of May writhing beneath him, and his grinding ministrations. Her slick body was made to fit perfectly against him, her taste an aphrodisiac like no other. And the sight of May, her hair ruffled like a wild animal, her soft, and seductive moans washing over him and exciting him into ecstasy, her eyes as hungry as his…

She was just perfect.

And he would never let her go.

May hissed, spider fangs protruding and cutting at the air as her head arched back. Venom responded immediately on instinct, roaring in her face and pounding into her hard. May didn't know why, but he made her shudder with arousal. She submitted to him, licking at his neck and nipping at him with her sharp, albeit small fangs on both sets of teeth.

Her blood was racing, her breaths were getting harder and faster to form, and her groans were getting so frequent, she knew the end was near.

But this wasn't right; something else had to happen first. May just felt it in her blood, something important.

Without even realising what she was doing, she nipped at Venom's neck a little harder than she should have, making him hiss and thrust into her so hard, she recoiled into the mattress and screamed in rapture.

Enthralled by her, Venom roared viciously and snapped his own fangs at her.

"Bite me." May yelled in pain. Venom had done just that, sinking his bigger, sharper fangs into the left side of her neck, and in a half moon shape down, and up again into her shoulder. And that was just the lower jaw. The upper jaw mirrored the same teeth marks on the back of her neck and shoulder, blood starting to seep slowly from the wounds. More would have spilled cold over her skin, had Venom not been lapping at her blood like a demon. All the while he never stopped thrusting into her, mixing her pain with pleasure and helping to mask her fleeting strength. One hand cupped the back of her head, and lifted it forward until her lips found his neck.

He had intended to change her genes again anyway, wanting to increase her Symbiote 'heritage' until she could produce webbing of her own, and have strength to match his. This was the perfect way, and she had thought of it. With his essence running through her veins, he could forever had a claim to her. And with her blood within him, he would not hunger for weeks, giving him clarity of mind at last.

May nipped feebly at his neck, getting weaker every second. She would be frightened, if her sanity wasn't being intoxicated by Venom's constant petting and grinding. She flicked the end of her tongue out, tasting his skin, and dragging her own fangs over him.

If he could bite her, she could bite him too. To seal the deal.

May didn't know where that thought came from, but found her teeth were already deep within his skin, ragging at him slightly when no blood came from the wounds.

Then at last, a thick substance with no taste flowed into her mouth, and forced its way down her throat.

May recoiled again, choking and frightened.

There was no blood, and something had entered her.

She panted, the adrenaline coursing through her blood was all the evidence Venom needed to know she was panicking.

He removed himself from her before he did too much damage, and lovingly lapped at her neck.

May was crying, trembling in his arms like the frightened little girl she truly was.

But she was his, wholly and truly. "V-Venom." She whimpered.

"Hush." He brushed his mouth comfortingly over her face, tracing her features gently, before licking gingerly at her lips. They parted slightly, and it was all he needed. Venom smoothed his mouth over hers, slowly getting her trust and confidence back up, before gradually starting to thrust inside her again. That was just what he needed to take May's mind off of the biting for the moment, making her moan and cling to him again with urgency.

Venom intertwined his fingers with hers again, and pinned her hands above her head. They both tore their mouths apart when May's inner walls clenched around his shaft tightly.

May's orgasm came first, rocketing her into the darkest depths of fulfilment and bliss she had ever felt.

Moments later, Venom joined here with a deep roar of passion, the moment he had been waiting for here at last.

Again, a hot burst of seed ejaculated from him and deep inside of May's womb. He felt it happen, and it made his jaws grin with the deepest satisfaction. His joy was only matched by his earth shattering explosion of ecstasy, milking the rest of the climax with slight thrusts inside her.

When he was sure he was spent, Venom carefully slid down May's body, crawling backwards.

May was just laid there, her eyes closed, her lips open and her world rocked. "My God…Venom." She sighed happily, and opened here eyes to look for him. But he was gone. "Venom? Where-oof!" May was dragged to the edge of the mattress, with her legs hanging off the end. She tried to sit up, but a large hand flattened her stomach to the bed. "What are you doing?" she smiled, still glowing from her orgasm.

She heard his hissed chuckle, before she felt him. "GODS!" he seeped his tongue through her folds and licked the cum from them.

"MMmmm." He rumbled against her, making her shiver with pleasure. He twisted his agile tongue inside of her, flicking and heavily suckling her for all he was worth. With his mouth fully sealed against her, he began sucking and nipping at her clitoris, while his tongue did wicked things against her inner walls. The taste of their mixed juices was sweet and erotic, making him want more and more. He would drink her dry if he could. May's legs slipped over his shoulders, and she fisted at the mattress.

May came again, a lot quicker than before, feeding her sweet cum to Venom like an elixir. It tasted like one to him, anyway.

By the time Venom had finished suckling from her, she was exhausted and completely spent.

All common sense had left her, as had the energy to resist him when Venom spooned her slick body to his on the mattress, and cuddled with her there. He stroked her hair and face until she fell asleep comfortably, cuddling against his chest and smiling so peacefully, Venom almost felt human.

Almost, but not quite.