Tezuka/Fuji. Sap. PG
Don't look for a plot in this. You'll go blind. Really.

by Maaya


Fuji asks Tezuka to hold his hand, just to see if the other boy would seem uncomfortable by the query. It has been a while since Fuji last saw Tezuka's eye twitch and he sorts of misses it; has this instant urge to remedy. They are walking out of the main school building, towards the tennis courts and there are still plenty of people around to see them, plenty of people they know and—

Fuji supposes he loses this round because despite everything, Tezuka's fingers grab a hold of his own.

Tezuka lets go a few moments later, no one around them notices a thing.

Though Fuji prefers to win, losing is acceptable when it is to Tezuka.


With one loss before stepping onto the court, Fuji decides that he is in the mood to crush someone. Momo is the first one he runs into and a good choice. While Fuji himself does things soundlessly, it doesn't mean he dislikes noise when he beats an opponent.

Momo's shouted attacks and protests are as endearing as expected.

It is a satisfying game.


Changing after practice is equally, or more satisfying, just because Fuji's locker is right beside Tezuka's. Glimpses are easy to catch.

Not to mention throw. Looking at someone is always more satisfying when the person is just as interested in looking right back.


They breathe silence. It settles like heavy fog creating layers near the floor, and neither of them speaks; stirring the layers would mean to make them fade. Fuji's bedspread is crumpled and some fabric is collected in an uneven lump against Fuji's stomach. He doesn't think about it much. He stretches his legs, blows at the pages of his book to feel the warmth reflect.

Tezuka is leaning against the wall just a little too far away for them to be--completely—touching, but there is warmth radiating from him, as well. Perhaps in more than one way.

Neither are quite smiling, which changes both of them. To the better; for different reasons.

Despite what other people might think, the silence is nice.

But, Fuji thinks, sometimes, sometimes things need a turn of events.

He closes his book and moves a bit. His thigh presses up against Tezuka's leg. Things are even better like that.


Fuji has always thought of life as something that is and keeps going. He also thinks that he will miss the now, when the school year is over and they leave Seigaku. He supposes it means that right now, he is somewhat happy.

