Kaze - YES! The first chapter of SOS (Skits of Symphonia) is here! Starring...

Everybody else - ME!

Kaze - o.O

#everybody else starts fighting#

Kaze - Well, while that's going on, I'll tell you about this chapter...It's a kind of prologue to the next chapter, or skit, whatever you wanna call it. This skit will show you how everybody got their part in...Whose Line is it Anyway! Which is a story itself with these people...-.-;;

Disclaimer - I no own ToS, only fic!

Okay, so enjoy!




Skits of Symphonia - Skit 1

The casting

It all started with a simple meeting...

Kaze walked into the room with the heroes of Tales of Symphonia behind her. She made everybody sit around a table you usually see in meeting with all these fancy lawyers and such, and then sat at the end.

"Okay! We're gathered here today to discuss a very important topic." She said, clapping her hands together.

Colette looked scared. "TELL ME NOW, WHO DIED!"

Everybody stared at the blonde chosen.

Kaze hurriedly cleared her throat after a moment of silence, then said, "Um...Colette? Nobody died..."

Colette's eyes went wide, then she sweatdropped. "Oh...sorry."

Scared that another apologizing session was going to start, Kaze went on to the topic they all came to hear about.

"Okay, I'm going to write SOS!"

Now everybody stared with a blank look at Kaze.

Kaze sighed. "Skits of Symphonia."

A 'oh' of understanding went around the room.

Kratos humphed. "Well, why do you need us here?"

A devilish grin appeared on Kaze's face. "The first skit is Whose Line is it Anyway!, and I have to assign parts."

Everybody got a look of horror on their face, and Genis grabbed onto Raine. "RAINE! I'M SCARED!"

Raine had an uneasy look on her face. "So am I..."

Lloyd scrunched his face in thought. "But what's Whose Line is it Anyway!?"

Kaze scratched her head in shame. "Oh, I guess it'd help if you knew that, huh? Well, it's a show where everything's made up and the points don't matter!"

Everybody in the room - o.O

Kaze sweatdropped. "Uh, okay, how about this...this show has four actors in it, and they do random skits throughout the show, there's a host that tells them the skits, a pianist, special musical guests, special guests sometimes, and...cameramen!"

"So...we're just here to find out what we're going to be?" Mithos said, preplexed. Oo Mithos is preplexed! --;;

"Yup! Now...who shall be first?" Kaze walked around the room, thinking who would be best for what.

Mithos got a determined expression on his face. "Well, obviously, I should be the most important actor!"

Kratos and Yuan glared at their former leader. "AND WHAT MAKES YOU SAY THAT?"

"Because I'm obviously the best actor here!"




"I DO!"


Kaze sweatdropped, and was about to move and break-up the fight that was starting, when Zelos stopped her by putting his arm around her. "Oh, my hunnie, you don't want to get involved in that. It's better to let stuff like that take its natural flow."

Kaze warily eyed the fighting trio as Yuan missed Mithos with a lightning spell and instead put a huge hole in the wall. "Are you sure?"

"Yeah, you can just make them get the worst parts! And give me the best one!" He said with a triumphant smile.


Sheena walked up to Kaze and Zelos. "Zelos, what are you trying to pull on Kaze?"


"You're just trying to get the best part!"

"Ahem, no I'm not..."

Sheena angrily turned toward Kaze. "I think you should let him be the worst part." Zelos' eyes went wide at that.



Unfortunately, Mithos heard Zelos, and aimed a fireball spell at him, setting his hair on fire...although Zelos' hair always looked it was on fire, so who could tell?


Kaze held her head in her hands. "Argh, five minutes and half of the room is destroyed, Zelos' hair is on fire, and nothing has been decided."

Raine looked expectantly at Kaze. "Well, just make them be quiet."

"Uh, right...SHUT UP!"

Everybody ignored her.

Raine sighed. "No, no, like this... ... ...EVERYBODY SHUT THE HELL UP!"

Everybody stopped in mid-air.


Kaze looked a bit shaken up. "Okay, well, the first part to be decided on will be the host."

Lloyd, who was counting the number of holes in the wall, raised his hand in the air and jumped up and down. "Oh! Oh! Pick me!"

"Uh...are you sure Lloyd?"


"Okay, the host is now Lloyd!" Kaze declared, writing it down on a chalkboard that miraculously had no holes in it.

Lloyd stopped jumping. "Wait, what did I say again?"

Everybody sweatdropped, until...REGAL SAVED THE DAY!

"Too late Lloyd, it's already written down." WAY TO GO REGAL!

Lloyd still looked confused, but it didn't matter 'cause everybody started to ignore him.

"The next part will be the one who will play a part like Wayne Brady." Kaze announced.

o.O "Whose Wayne Brady?" Everybody asked.

"Hm...I guess you could call him the singer of the group of actors."

Zelos, who had just convinced a laughing Genis to put out the fire on his hair with his magic, put his hand up in the air excitedly. "I'll do it!"

Presea looked at Zelos with her blank eyes. "Can you sing?"

Zelos got up and posed. "Of course I can!"

Kaze sighed, and then turned to the board again. "Okay, we'll see how that goes...Next is...how about Ryan Stiles? He's tall, has big feet, and...yeah."

Everybody looked at each other. Who had big feet? Suddenly Yuan started laughing.

"Ha ha ha ha, it should be Kratos!"

Kratos looked scared for once, and tried to make Yuan shut up. "Yuan! No! Don't! Shut up!"

"Kratos has big feet! Ha ha ha ha ha!" Kratos slapped his forehead.

o.O "REALLY?" Everybody asked, trying not to laugh.

"Yeah! Just look at 'em!" Yuan fell to the floor, still laughing.

Kratos groaned in embarrassment, before walking up to the chalkboard. "Here, just let me write it." Kaze, who was laughing so hard she was almost crying, handed him the chalk.

After a few minutes, the laughter died down. Kratos had retreated to a corner, but Mithos and Yuan kept on teasing him, so he called out his wings and flew to the ceiling.

"Okay, the next one is Colin Mokrey, who does a lot of skits and stuff with Ryan, and he's also-"

"Hey! That should be you Yuan!" Genis exclaimed, looking at Yuan. "You're a good friend with Kratos, right?"

(insert crickets chirping)

"Fine, I guess I'll do it."

Kaze wrote Yuan's name down before looking at him. "You know, Colin's pretty much bald...which means...YOU'LL HAVE TO BE BALD TOO!"

Yuan had a look of utter horror on his face. "NOOOOOOO! NOT MY HAIR!" Up in the corner, Kratos' mouth twitched in a small smirk.

Zelos looked ready and waiting. "Well, we don't have any hair experts here, but I'm sure my sword will get rid of the hair just fine!"

Yuan looked fearfully at Zelos. "GET AWAY FROM MEEEEE!"

Kaze stepped in front of Zelos. "Calm down Zelos, I was only kidding about the hair thing...you don't have to be bald, I guess."

Yuan breathed a sigh of relief while Kratos went back to sulking.

"Next is the person who is always being switched, sometimes it's the girl, sometimes it's Chip, sometimes-"

"We get it." Raine said. She was starting to get a headache from all the shouting.

Mithos looked beside himself. "THAT PART! I WANT THAT PART!"

Kaze looked warily at Mithos. "Alright alright."

Mithos crossed his arms triumphantly. 'Finally, I got a part.' He thought.

"Okay, next is the cameramen. We need at least two."

Raine raised her hand. "I'll do that."

"Okay, that's one...who else?"

Regal raised his hand as well. "I guess I'll do that as well."

"Alright! That takes care of the cameramen! Now for the pianist and such!"

o.O "What's a piano?" Everybody asked.

Kaze sweatdropped. 'Crap, I forgot they don't have instruments..' "Don't worry, I'll show you!" She went to a computer, then brought up a visual of a piano. "That's what a piano is, you can either play it sitting or standing, you use two hands, and the electronic ones can play different sounds."

Colette raised her hand, bobbing up and down. "Oh! Oh! I wanna try it! Will you show me how to play it?"

"Sure why not." Kaze wrote down Colette's name before turning back to the group. "Next is the guitar player."

Sheena looked intrigued at the sound of the name. "What's a guitar?" she asked.

Kaze walked back to the computer and brought up a picture of a guitar. "Hey! That looks cool!" Sheena exclaimed. "How do you play that one?"

While Kaze explained to Sheena how you play a guitar, Genis looked at Raine and asked, "What part am I gonna get to play?"

"You should ask Kaze what's left."

Genis nodded before going over to Kaze, who had finished writing down Sheena's name, who had just decided to play the guitar. Now who thinks I'm writing who too many times? XD

"Hey Kaze, what's left of the parts?" Genis asked Kaze (obviously).

"Well..." Kaze looked at a piece of paper before saying, "The person who'll play brass instruments, and...whoa, that's all that's left."

Genis looked wide-eyed at Kaze. "So I might not get a part!"

Kaze looked uneasy. "Well, that's not official..."

Presea walked up to Kaze. "What is a brass instrument?"

Kaze told her about them while Genis narrowed his eyes in a thinking kinda way. 'So I might not get a part? I blame Zelos...'

Kaze waved her hand in front of Genis' face. "Hellooo? Earth to Genis?"

Genis snapped out of his daze, and looked at the two girls. "So, which one of ya'll want to play the brass?"

Genis looked over at Presea, a small blush appearing on his face. "You can if you want to Presea..."

Presea blinked at Genis. "Thank you Genis." Genis blushed even redder as Kaze wrote Presea's name down.

Mithos leaned toward Yuan. "Man, what a pushover." he whispered to Yuan. Yuan sighed in agreement.

Kaze scratched her head as she turned toward Genis. "Well Genis, I'm not sure what you can be..."

Zelos smirked at Genis. "How about a cameramen? That is, if you can even hold it or move it...might be too short..."

Before Genis could yell at him, Kaze snapped her fingers. "Hey, how about can help me make the plans for the show! Deciding what skits to do and stuff!"

Genis' eyes shined. "Thank you Kaze!"

Kaze nodded before announcing, "Well, that's it for today! Next time we'll start the skit!"

While everybody walked out, Yuan flew up to Kratos, who was still sulking.

"Hey Mister Grumpy Wings, you know what you gotta do when life gets you down?"

"I don't wanna know what to do when life gets me down."

Yuan started to dance in the air as he sang, "Just keep flying, just keep flying, just keep flying flying flying what do we do we-"



Kaze - Well, there's the first skit! Well, kinda.

Lloyd - Wahoo! I'm the host!

Genis - Ha ha, I can decide what you all do!

Raine - I need an aspirin...

Regal - I'll go find one...for me too...


Sheena - And I'm gonna play the guitar!

Presea - I will play the brass instruments.

Mithos - Wow, aren't you enthusiastic. Everybody knows I'm gonna be the best one of you all.

Zelos - Like hell you are! Everybody's gonna look at me when I start singing!

Mithos - Yeah, if they don't die first.

Kaze - -.-;; It's so nice to know your opinions...Well, since it's gonna be Whose Line, I'm gonna need stuff for...SCENES FROM A HAT! So hopefully you all know what to do, which is to send in stuff that you wanna see these crazy people do, and I'll either take all of them or some of them and put them in! So Ciao for now!


Yuan - HELP MEEEEEEEEEEE! Oh, but Kaze wants everybody to review as well.