Disclaimer: Nope don't own them or anything like it.

Spoilers: It's set Post Grave Danger so spoilers for Season 5 & 6

Author's Note: It's a darker story than others I've posted, no one beta'd so any errors our mine own. R&R let me know what you think.


They could hear the woman screaming, begging for help for her for her baby. Grissom looked at the cinder block wall, there was a small hole, but as much as they tried to budge the surrounding blocks they remained firm. There was no way to get to the trapped victims.

"The hole's large enough I could squeeze through." Sara mentioned quietly. Brass and Grissom turned to look at her.

"We clear the scene then the CSI's go in." Brass reminded her firmly, knowing that sometimes Sara's emotions put her into dangerous situations.

"I know Brass, but I don't think you have any officer's here small enough to get through that."

"Please hurry my baby's not breathing." The woman's voice was getting frantic, it sounded like they were running of options and time. Brass looked at Grissom, silently telling his friend Sara was his employee it was his call.

"Alright Sara you go through." He turned to face her, looking her straight in the eye as he crisply and clearly told her, "Get the baby and hand it back so the EMT's can work on it." She nodded as she undid her vest and pulled off her gun holster, but kept her flashlight. His voice softened as her fingers grazed his as she handed the lot to Grissom. "Just be careful."

"I will." She smiled as she double checked her flashlight before sliding through the hole feet first, then dropping a couple feet to the floor. "I'm through." She called back then started sweeping the light back and forth across the room looking for the mother and child. "Ma'am. I'm Sara Sidle from the Las Vegas Crime Lab. I'm here to help you."

Sara took a couple steps forward still looking for the woman when her light shone on a portable stereo system. The piece of new electronics seemed out of place in the run down building. Taking a step forward to investigate she screamed as the floor gave way underneath her.

"Sara!" Grissom and Brass both called through the hole in the wall. As the flashlight swept the floor they both noticed the trap door.

Then they heard their victim, "Was that how you wanted it mister?"

"Yes!" Gil's blood ran cold as he recognized the voice from Nick's tape. It was followed by a single gun shot.

"Sonofabitch." Brass hissed under his breath. "Somebody get Fire and Rescue here a.s.a.p." Flipping his phone closed, Brass pushed away the memory of Nick's abduction then called through the hole. "Hang on Sara we're coming."

"We need to figure out where that hole goes." Grissom held onto Sara's things, she'd want them back when he found her. "Greg you're with me."

The pair began searching the other rooms looking for evidence or a door, something that would lead them to Sara. Grissom didn't really 'see' the rooms as they processed them. In his mind's eye he saw Sara lying somewhere her emotional walls torn down as she realized she was trapped and was going to die. Seeing her face as she weighed her options, the way she'd way the evidence, contemplating suicide and a quick death rather than enduring fire ants bites and running out of oxygen.

Hang on Honey we're coming. The thought becoming a mantra, he silently repeated over and over again. As if by thinking it hard enough and long enough she'd hear him.

"Gil they've broken through." Brass was waiting by the remains of the wall. It had taken nearly half an hour for the firemen to arrive, set-up and then saw through the bricks and mortar. The hole was now big enough they could walk through it. Brass nodded grimly to the CSIs who were wearing matching frowns before he entered the room with his gun drawn. "Sara." He called out as he moved across the room swinging his flashlight and gun. "It's clear."

He noticed that Grissom and Greg entered. Brass heard the older man give instructions, but tuned them out. He was walking around the room when he noticed another hole about two fingers in width at waist level. It seemed odd until he realized what he was looking at. "I got a door."

Grissom inserted his fingers into the door and pulled carefully and slowly torn between wanting to preserve evidence and getting to Sara. Finally it was open, revealing a set of stairs that lead down. Brass stepped through followed by a couple of officers. It took all of Grissom's self-control not to go down there until Brass called up "Its clear." Outwardly he seemed calm and detached as he descended, but Brass knew it was an act, a desperate attempt to maintain control.

"She's not here." Grissom's voice was quiet, but in the silence it seemed very loud. Squatting he looked at the floor, noting the evidence even as Greg photographed it a crumpled white rectangle, picking it up he caught the faint scent. Proof that the hell they'd gone through with Nick might be starting again with Sara. Shoving the white cotton into an evidence bag, he kept looking. Sara was trained in self-defense and she was too stubborn to go quietly. He found her flashlight where she had dropped it.


"There was a tunnel in the basement that lead to the house directly behind. It looks like he put Sara into a vehicle of some sort than drove away. The house was far enough away from the Strip we don't have any leads."

Conrad Ecklie walked into the break room carrying the plain brown paper package. "The Courier was at the front desk Brass is questioning him now."

Grissom nodded as he pulled on a set of fresh gloves to take the package into the layout room. He didn't bother to glance back knowing the others had followed him. It was identical to the one they'd gotten about Nick, it was simply addressed to the Las Vegas Crime Lab and noted at the bottom re: Sidle. Slicing open the packaging he found a small white box. Sitting in the center was Sara's necklace and a USB Jump Drive. It was the necklace she'd been wearing a turquoise inlaid silver butterfly, the chain was broken and he wondered if it had been ripped from her throat. The Drive was Identical to the one they'd gotten the first time. Carefully extracting the Drive he handed the box to Catherine. "Let's check for fingerprints, DNA and trace."

She nodded and carried the precious cargo to another lab. While Grissom carried the Drive to the AVLab knowing what was coming and fearing it. Praying to a God he hadn't really believed in years that they'd find Sara in time.


Sara regained consciousness with a gasp, ignoring the sharp pain in her head and roaring in her ears to open her eyes. She squinted against the bright lights, mentally taking inventory. Her mouth was dry but she recognized a chemical smell, closing her eyes she tried to place it. "Ether. The perp's using what he knows." The words floated back to her. Ether had been used when Nick was abducted. She felt the panic rising at the thought that the sicko who'd put Nick in that clear coffin was back and this time he had her.

The bright light turned off and Sara opened her eyes again taking in her surroundings. The plexiglass wall, the drain in the middle of a tile floor, a hose pumping water into the cell. She could make out the room beyond with a stationary video camera and computer. She was reminded of a Jennifer Lopez movie she'd seen where the serial killer drowned his victims in rooms like this one.

Archie had pressed the mouse button bringing Sara's prison back on screen. Grissom really looked at Sara under the harsh bright light she looked small and pale in her black t-shirt and jeans. She was on the bed sitting cross legged. He watched her eyes tracing every wall, cataloguing everything.

The lights clicked off and Sara swallowed her scream, not liking the idea of being trapped in the dark water. Taking a deep breath she forced herself to remain calm and reminding herself how the team had pulled together and found Nick. She just needed to be calm and patient.

"The rules are the same, except this time they can hear you." She noted absently that the voice had been electronically enhanced. Sitting in the darkness Sara struggled for control, but found it slipping as a single tear rolled down she wiped it away. Get a grip Sidle.

Finally the light came back on and she knew the team was watching. "Hey guys I know you're watching this and you're working on finding me. So quick recap I was knocked out at the bottom of the hole so don't know how I got here. " She got up from the bed, "Haven't got a clue where here is." She managed a tight smile.

"I'm not worried because I know Grissom's got you all there working on this." She sniffed, brushing the tear away from the corner of her eye. "Greg's probably brewed up some of the good stuff and you're all doing what we do best, working the problem following the evidence. Boy I could use a cup right about now." The tears were close again and she sniffed, "God I miss you guys." Her voice broke as the light turned off again.

She waited for the light to come back on. "Okay guys, you know I was never the damsel in distress type so I'm looking to see if I can find a way out of here too or maybe a clue that will help you find me." Walking the room she paced off the length and width of the room trying to ignore the slapping of water with each step.

"The room seems to be 8 by 6 by 8 and the water's pumping in at say a gallon a minute." Brushing her hair out of her face, Sara tried to use the time to pull herself together. "Sorry guys I'm not up to doing the math in my head tonight."

She walked over to the clear wall rapping her knuckles against it, "This appears to be some sort of heavy duty Plexiglas. I can see the rest of the room. There's a desk with a computer and a uh video camera. The whole set up kinda reminds me of the interrogation room. I know I'm over talking, but I do that when I'm nervous." Her boots were wet from walking around the room and her toes were getting cold.

"The water's very cold, so hypothermia will set in before drowning can occur. That's good I guess."

Grissom's knuckles were white from clenching his fists. Sara had turned away from the camera, but he'd seen the shaking of her shoulders. Last time he'd seen her shake like that he'd felt helpless to comfort her heart wrenching sobs. Out of his depth, he had only managed to hold her hand. Watching her on the screen he felt even more helpless.

"We'll find you Sara. We'll find her boss." Nick's voice was shakey but determined. It reminded Grissom that he wasn't alone; the whole team was feeling desperate and helpless. Reaching out he squeezed the younger man's shoulder.

"You're right we will."

Ecklie stood in the doorway shaken by what he'd seen both on the screen and in person. As much as he thought Sara was a loose cannon, he'd seen how others responded to her. "There's only one case in Vegas tonight. Day shift will be in soon to help. Anything else you want or need, it's yours."

Grissom nodded. "Thanks Conrad."