Chapter 7- Attack

(Theresa rushes down the stairs)

Theresa- Ethan! Ethan!

Ethan- Excuse me a moment mother. Theresa, what's wrong? You like you've seen a ghost

Theresa- Ethan, I went to Jane's room and…

Ethan- Is Jane safe!

Theresa- Yes, she's safe. The Nanny has her now

Ethan- Oh thank God

Theresa- But Ethan, that person who snuck in wasn't just a coincidence… Ethan, I'm telling you, (Theresa points at Ivy) your mother and Rebecca were trying to get me back like I told you!

Ethan- Theresa…

Ivy- Theresa, I am so shocked by your accusations! Like I've told Ethan, I have come to accept your marriage

Theresa- No… Ethan, she is lying to you!

Ivy- Do you even have any proof I did anything Theresa?

Theresa- Ethan…on the wall…a message was written in red ink telling my they would get revenge on me

Ethan- All right then, let's go see it

(Theresa, Ethan, and Ivy go upstairs to Jane's room)

Ethan- Where's this proof Theresa?

Ivy- I don't see any writing…

Theresa- Ethan, it was right here! (Theresa points at the wall) I saw it Ethan, you have to believe me!

Ethan- Theresa….you seem to be under a lot of pressure lately…and the last time you imagined my mother and Rebecca talking about "getting" you and this too now…

Theresa- Ethan, I'm not imagining. I saw it, I saw it Ethan just five minutes ago! It was right here!

Ethan- Maybe you should lie down for a while Theresa and I can just tell all the guests the party is over early…

Theresa- I'm not crazy Ethan

Ethan- I never said that you were Theresa…look, if it makes you feel any better, you and I can search the mansion ourselves for this "stalker"

(Ethan and Theresa exit Jane's room)

Ivy- (talking to herself) Wow… I can not believe they covered their tracks that well…impressive… now Ethan really does believe Theresa is going crazy…all we need next is for the intruder to take Theresa down and Ethan will believe my story that "she thought she saw the stalker and accidentally killed herself"… best part is, Theresa doesn't even see it coming….

Ethan- I think we could find this culprit a lot faster if we split up

Theresa- Uh-uh, no way Ethan. I've always seen this happen, when people split up and the person always gets attacked by the murderer because they're defenseless…haven't you seen it in the movies?

Ethan- This isn't some silly movie Theresa and here's a bat just to be safe

(Ethan hands Theresa a bat)

Ethan- Now I'll search the rest of this wing and the West wing and you search the North and South Wings…they couldn't have gotten that far

Theresa- Ethan?

Ethan- Yeah?

Theresa- Be careful ok?

Ethan- I will

(They split up)

Theresa- (talking to herself) I jst can not figure out who this is…I know Rebecca and Ivy set this up but Ethan won't believe me…

(The stalker follows her and hides behind pillars quietly)

Theresa- (still talking to herself) I know someone had to have done something to that writing but no one believes me…

(Theresa stops by the Northern Staircase railing)

Stalker- And no one will Theresa, no one ever believe a tramp like you

Theresa- Oh my god…I knew you were real! What kind of sick joke is this? Who the hell are you?

Stalker- This isn't a joke, it's time to take revenge and payback is a bitch Theresa.

Theresa- Who are you?

Stalker- I'll tell you considering I'm about to kill you and when Ethan finds you, he'll believe Ivy when she tells him it was an accident and you accidentally stabbed yourself…

Theresa- No, that isn't going to happen you freak. Who are you!

(Theresa holds the bat in her hands)

Stalker- Theresa sweetie, it's me! (takes off the mask)

Theresa- Gwen, how! I thought you were in jail?

Gwen- Well…when my mother slept with a policeman in exchange for anything she wanted, she made the right choice by choosing to set me free so we could kill you once and for all

Theresa- No, I'll get Ethan and he'll see how crazy and insane you are and you'll go back to jail for a long time

Gwen- Hmm… not quite

(Gwen pulls out a knife)

Gwen- It's time you die and go to hell!

Theresa- ETHAN!

(Gwen charges at Theresa with the knife and Theresa runs toward the stairs. Theresa dodges her stabs and tries to hit Gwen with the bat but Gwen tries to strangle her, causing Theresa to be thrown over the railing)

Gwen- Die you bitch!

(Theresa holds onto the railing by one hand)

Ethan- Theresa! Oh my god…Gwen! What the hell! How?

Gwen- Say goodbye to your sweet Theresa Ethan!

(Gwen smashes Theresa's hand with the bat causing her to fall)

Ethan- Theresa!

Coming: Theresa falls to her doom and everyone comes to witness the event and sees Gwen. Now with Gwen in the mansion, Ethan swears that he will make her pay and locks all ways out and everyone goes on the search to find her.