Disclaimer: I don't own Avatar. If I did, Zuko and Katara would've gotten together already.

A/N: Hey everybody! Sorry in advance for any spelling/grammar mistakes. Longer note at the bottom. Enjoy!


Chapter 1: The Beginning

Glinting golden eyes warm breath so welcome on icy cool skin whispers in total darkness glimpses of painful screaming red marring pale oh so pale flesh ebony locks swaying fight steam no use caught trapped panic filling fire closer struggling no use closer closer too close burning burning burning flesh pain searing blinding pain. Screams.

Katara shot up, mouth frozen in a silent scream. Heart racing, she slowly brought her hand up to her face. Another scream threatened to escape her lips as her fingers brushed against what felt like a scar surrounding her eye. Before she even realized what she was doing, she had bent enough water from her waterskin to see her reflection. Katara sighed with relief as she saw that there was no change to her face. How many times had she had this same dream, more like a nightmare, since they had left Bato?

Adrenaline still speeding, she absent-mindedly ran her fingers across her mother's necklace. A small smile fell onto her lips as she remembered that she had just gotten it back, thanks to Aang. One thing bothered her, though. As Aang had replayed how he had gotten it, he had mentioned that it was hanging from Zuko's wrist. When she heard that, a weird feeling settled in the pit of her stomach, but was disregarded as concern that he could have easily destroyed it while fire-bending.

Coming out of her reverie, she finally took the time to check if she had woken anyone else, though it's not likely. The first one she saw was Sokka, curled up in his sleeping, slightly rocking back and forth. Her smile grew wider as she heard him mumbling in his sleep, something about food. Same old Sokka. On the ground next to him lay the boomerang their father had given him and his knife, both unsheathed and ready for anything. This sight brought bittersweet feelings to Katara. On the one hand, it meant that, for all his doubts, Sokka still respected his sister enough to follow her advice about having some form of protection for them. On the other, it was proof to how dangerous it was for them to stop for the night.

Still smiling, Katara turned to check on how Aang was. That smile was soon replaced by a look of panic as she saw only a bunch of scattered leaves where her friend had fallen asleep. His bed. Without him in it. As she scrambled to get out of her own sleeping bag, one thought ran through her mind. This is all my fault. I should have fought against landing more. Now Aang's who-knows-where and it's all because of me. Deciding to check on Appa before waking her brother, she felt relief once again seep into her limbs. Lying on Appa's tail was a peacefully sleeping Aang. Good thing I didn't wake Sokka first. He would've had my head if I had, she thought with a slight smirk. In her frenzy she missed a big problem with her theory: neither she nor Sokka could sleep through what was sure to be a loud fight, much like what went on at the abbey.

Finally satisfied that everything was fine, Katara sat back in her sleeping bag, facing their small fire. As she stared into the flickering flames, she tried to remember exactly what happened during her dreams (or nightmares) that could unnerve her to the point of waking in a cold sweat, screaming. But each time she thought she had something, it eluded her once again. As she was thinking this, the back of her neck started prickling, almost as if she were being watched. Brushing it off as a harmless animal, most likely Momo, her thoughts remained on the dream until sleep slowly overcame her.

If Katara had double-checked, she would have known that Momo was curled up on Appa's head, twitching in deep sleep. If she had turned around, she would have seen the moonlight glitter on a pair of cold, calculating eyes, filled with malice, watching for the perfect moment to attack.

So this is your girlfriend? No wonder she left, she's too pretty for you.

Prince Zuko couldn't seem to get the (worthless) bounty hunter's words out of his head as he trained by himself. After 'the incident' (as he had taken to calling it in his mind), improving his bending skills had become a slight obsession, like capturing the Avatar, much to his uncle's displeasure.

"Prince Zuko, how many times must I tell you that true power does not come from the muscle, but from the breath?" Iroh sighed. His nephew needed something to distract him before he lost all reason. "I believe that is enough for the day. Perhaps you would like to join me for a soothing cup of ginseng tea?"

"Uncle," Zuko growled, "I don't have time for another one of your many tea breaks. If I want to capture the Avatar, I'll need as much training as I can get. Did you not see how skilled he has become? I won't stop until I have him!"

"Another reason for your girlfriend to have left," Jun muttered as she came onto the deck, but still loud enough for both Zuko and Iroh to hear. "Congrats."

"How many times do I have to tell you, she never was my girlfriend!" Zuko shouted at the same time as Iroh chuckled, "Excellent point!"

After hearing this, Zuko spun on his heel and shot a glare at his uncle that clearly said 'you aren't helping!' Like it had any affect. Iroh was possibly the only person that could patronize and tease the irritable prince without worrying about facing his wrath. Not that the crew had ever done anything to test this theory. At first it had been more out of fear than anything else, but after that storm, when Iroh had told them the truth about his nephew, that fear had changed into genuine respect.

"What are you still doing here?" Zuko turned onto Jun. He wanted her off his ship. It was bad enough that she had been useless in catching the Avatar, but it had been her stupid monster that managed to give the stupid Avatar a stupid headstart on his stupid flying bison. (A/N: Isn't he articulate? XD)

It wasn't really her fault. The waterbender was the one that dropped the perfume on it, blinding it, a traitorous voice brought up.

If there was one thing Zuko hated more than his uncle's frequent 'tea breaks' (not counting Zhao, of course), it was his conscience. If it weren't for that little voice, he wouldn't have spoken out in his father's war chamber. Without any warning, he was back in the Agni Kai arena, kneeling in front of his father, begging for mercy.

Zuko shook his head slightly to clear his mind once again. Bringing his attention back to Jun, he was startled to see his uncle walking through the market with her, seemingly buying anything she liked or asked for. Some smoke started to come from his clenched fists as his anger flared. Before he realized what was happening, he was stalking through the crowds, thankful that the people parted before him fearfully.

"Uncle, what do you think you're doing?" Zuko asked through gritted teeth. Today was just not his day.

"Why, Prince Zuko, I was just offering our lovely guest here," Jun made a slight face at his choice of words, "whatever caught her eye." Either Iroh didn't notice or was ignoring his nephew's obvious anger. Most likely the latter.

"And why, exactly, would you be doing that?"

Surprisingly, it was Jun that answered, "Because, if it hadn't been for your little girlfriend and that Avatar, I would still have my Shirshu and be in business."

"That is why you were paid the agreed amount of gold, even though it was your beast that caused us to lose him in the first place," Zuko snapped, then, almost as an afterthought, added, "And she's not my girlfriend."

Just as Iroh was about to try to defend her, thus prolonging the conversation, she decided that this was the perfect opportunity to make her disappearance.

"Well then. Considering I have everything I need with me, and that my welcome seems over, I'll be going. Maybe we'll meet again soon, my banished prince, you too, uncle lazy." At the look on Zuko's face, she sneered, adding, "Good luck with your girlfriend."

As she turned away, the look on Zuko's face was absolutely priceless. He just stood in shock at the gall of her as her chuckling form seemingly disappeared into the crowd. Iroh just stood with a ridiculously heartbroken expression plastered to his face.

"She didn't take any of her gifts," Iroh sadly mumbled to himself. However, it still wasn't quiet enough to escape the notice of his nephew.

"Uncle, exactly how much did you spend on her?" He was almost afraid to know. Almost.

As soon as Iroh replied, a booming 'What!' could be heard throughout the marketplace and beyond, startling some birds out of nearby trees. Unfortunately for Zuko, it also discouraged Aang and the others from stopping there for supplies.

A/N: I hope you liked it. This is my first fanfic, so sorry if it wasn't the greatest. I won't become one of those author's that threatens to not update if people don't review (I don't always leave reviews either), but if you can,please review! Till next time!