Double dilemma

Chapter I: Come meet Naruto…and Naruto?

Pairings: I'm planning to make it girl-narutoXitachi…but I'll think of it first…

Leilei: I've always found girl-naruto cute, and I just finished reading this fic concerning Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet wherein sasuke played Romeo and girl-naruto as Juliet. Well, that story gave me an idea (oh hail the author! She's a freakin' genius! Bless you! bows head)

Anyhow, let's pretend that the Uchiha massacre didn't happen so Itachi is still a jounin (not an Anbu) and he and sasuke… erm…. they still have that brotherly relationship with each other. (yeah right) and Tsunade's the hokage. The timeline? After Orochimaru's attack, so Konoha's still on the verge of rebuilding their country. Kisame will also be a close friend of Itachi.

So bear with the OOCness 'coz I think there'll be a lot of it here…evil grin

Oh! And before I forget, this ficcie's dedicated to someone really special! Ma-chan! o

It was early.

Too early.

Kakashi decided to dismiss Team 7 early today since they did a good job of finishing their mission early. (Leilei: did I just said early? p)

Lucky for Naruto, he'll have an early time of eating his favorite ramen. I mean for almost all of the people that knows the boy, knows that ramen must even be his second name.

As for the rest of team 7, Sasuke decided to train himself off rather than wasting his precious time. Must defeat aniki. Must train. (Leilei: okay…) To Sakura's dismay, the young Uchiha doesn't want her to train with him…etc…etc…

Who the hell cares about them anyway! (Leilei: OMGosh! I can feel someone glaring at me!)

So back to our blonde character.

He was happily marching his way to Ichikaru when he accidentally bumped into someone.

A blonde girl to be exact.

"Hey! Can't you see where you're going, you baka!" the girl shrieked.

Naruto was about to retaliate when he noticed something strange. The blonde girl stared back as well.

"You look like me when I use my Sexy-no-jutsu!" naruto pointed out.

"Really? Well, you look like my male counterpart too!"

"Hmmm….." the blonde boy folded his arms and observed the other thru slit eyes.

Long blonde hair tied into two, big, bright expressive blue eyes, fair-white skin and three whisker-like streaks on each cheek. To top it all, she's wearing an orange jumpsuit as well.

"Why do we have the same clothes?" the girl asked.

"Huh? We do?"

"Like duh! Are you blind or just plain dumb?"

Now, we all know that naruto isn't blind. Dumb maybe.

"Oh yeah…wait, let me think first…" naruto continued to ponder the current peculiar situation while the other tapped her foot impatiently.

"Oi! Don't think too much! Your brain might turn to goo!"


"Look, why don't you try using your jutsu and I'll cancel mine. If nothing happens, it must mean that something's wrong." The blonde female suggested. Naruto nodded.

"Ok. Ready?"

Both blondes did a sequence of handseals


A puff of smoke appeared on both genins. But when the smoke vanished, no changes had took place.

"Why didn't I change!" the two screamed in unison.

"Wait, before I react too much on this situation, what exactly is your name?" the flaxen girl inquired nervously.

"Naruto! Uzumaki Naruto!"

"N-no…it can't be…"


"Because…because my name's Naruto too…"


Leilei: it's not much, but at least it's done!


Leilei: This is my very first Naruto fic! I'm hoping it'll somehow turn decent. ;;

Kagami: crazy woman….

Leilei: you're no help you know… pouts

Kagami: shrugs read and review…

Leilei: Damnit! You're grounded with the cookies tonight!

Kagami: w-what!

Leilei: Now people please do read! And if you review nicely, I'll give you a cookie! Wai! o