I do not own Inuyasha or related stuff.

Italics are Sesshoumaru's thoughts

This is almost certainly a one shot.



Ok. Remain calm. Evaluate the situation. First, Jaken has taken AhUn to leave a message with the Lord of the Eastern Lands, leaving me alone with Rin. Rin has spent the whole day in the care of that strange, scantily dressed, foul tempered miko that follows Inuyasha. Second, once retrieved from said miko's care, she seemed to be trying to make a decision. Third, she keeps smiling and giggling, then looking in this direction. Last, she is approaching in an alarmingly hesitant way, suggesting she is not sure what she is doing is appropriate. Brace yourself.



"I… umm… that is… err…"

"You have a question."

"Yes Milord."




"Lord Sesshoumaru? Are you ticklish?"

Lord Sesshoumaru arched an eyebrow ever so slightly, before realizing he had allowed his face to be altered by his reaction and promptly restored the default lack of expression.

What is this girl up to?


"Ticklish. If someone tickles you, do you laugh?"

Laugh? Me? Has this child received head injury?

Rin looked up to watch as her lord ran his hand over her entire scalp.

No lumps.


"I was checking for head injury."

Rin giggled.

"I- I've never seen you laugh before, but I've never seen anyone tickle you either. Have you ever been tickled?"

"Yes. When I was small."

"Who tickled you?"

"My parents."

"Did you laugh?"


"Hm. How old are you?"

"It does not matter."

"Have you been tickled after you were little?"



Who would dare?

"Because it would not be appropriate."


For the rest of the day, Rin went about her business. She took a bath, caught a fish in a nearby stream, cooked it, and gathered some berries and nuts for the walk tomorrow. As she went about her routine, she kept looking up from whatever she was doing and looking at Sesshoumaru. He would notice, and turn from whatever random speck he was gazing past, and look at her, and she would quickly turn away, blushing, and return to her task.

Blushing? Why does she blush? This is a bad omen.


"Yes Milord."

"What are you thinking?"


"Tell me."

"I-I'm sorry, Milord. I was wondering whether or not you are still ticklish, and what would happen if I tickled you, and what it would sound like if you laughed."

If you tickled me? It wouldn't happen. You'd never get close enough to ti-

Sesshoumaru's thoughts were cut off by a very sudden intrusion. One small, human finger poked him in the side. Sesshoumaru stiffened. Then he looked at Rin, who had backed away several steps, and was looking rather nervous.

She tried to tickle me. She actually tried to tickle me. Kagura herself is not so impudent, or so bold, yet this small human child just came right up and tried to tickle me. That's actually kind of…

Sesshoumaru chuckled, and a small girl smiled brightly.