
Guiding Destinies

Chapter 3


A strong sensation of uneasiness tingled within her muscles, slowing her walk some on the way through town. Compared to most, the entity behind this one was much greater, a strong feeling too foreign to comprehend.

Setsuka struggled to keep her emotions suppressed so she would not frighten the child, the fear gripping her heart. The challenge heightened when her gaze rose to see the public screaming, fleeing in the very direction they came. Eyes widened and without a word, she took the rebellious girl by the arm, ducking away to avoid being trampled by the incoming stampede. Whatever drove them away made them unwilling to stick around for an explanation.

An eerie silence then replaced the commotion, the area now deserted and reduced to a wreck. Her eyes peeked about the corner to identify the source of this danger. Nothing there at first. Perhaps it was all in her head. However, a second glance told her otherwise. There she saw it, thudding, clattering straight into town. A beast sheathed in azure armor, wielding a massive sword that wiped out half a dozen people within a single swipe when they tried to flee. It slew those unfortunate to escape without remorse, leaving but a trail of death and destruction that made Setsuka grimace.

'So it is real...'

Setsuka pondered, against jumping out and making a run for it. She felt the girl shivering in her arms underneath her kimono, that defiant scowl no longer visible upon her petite face.

Only one thing to do now.

Setsuka knelt to the ground, looking deep into the child's eyes. "Listen." She tore the girl's hands from her face, speaking in a much softer tone than usual. "I want you to run as fast as you can. Get as far away from here as possible." Her head turned, hearing the footsteps getting closer, her heart beginning to pulsate.

"I…I can't." The girl seemed too paralyzed to move from the spot she stood, lips quivering. "That thing will get me."

Her head shook, eyes filled with faith and determination. "I won't let it. I have a plan. But you must leave first. Just don't look back. Trust me."

"But…I'm not supposed to take advice from strangers." She could hear her voice breaking into a whimper.

"Don't worry about that. I'm not a stranger to you, not anymore. Now, please, go!" Setsuka stood with a reassured nod, the girl doing the same before breaking into a sprint in the direction where the other townspeople had fled.

The beast turned at the girl in acknowledgement, just as she had expected. It began its pursuit, pointing its sword at its next victim. Not long before Setsuka came to block its path, her iaito drawn in preparation from its concealment. A scowl crept across her forehead, teeth gritting upon closer inspection of the inevitable.

The creature paused, tipping its head to the side before stomping, shaking the earth beneath them. "My name is Nightmare. And I have come for your soul!" He snarled.

'So…it has a name…'

"My soul is not yours to take…demon." Setsuka did not move, instead choosing to stare the monster down. She ignored the cold sweat moving along her brow, awaiting his move as he shifted into a battle stance.

He attacked first, starting with a thunderous charge that she imitated as well. Rather than bump heads, their swords clanked upon contact, the metallic noise ringing out across town. The impact was enough to knock her back, giving clue as to just how tremendous his power was.

She used her iaito to help her stand, seeing him repeat his last tactic. A faint glow began to manifest at the tip of his blade. Then came the swipe of her oilpaper umbrella as he neared, followed by the iaito mimicking the same action. The blow succeeded in catching Nightmare off guard, his armored body smashing straight into a nearby shop. He soon recovered, seeming unharmed, but that did little to slow her momentum.

Using her umbrella, she masked her tactics well to avoid predictability. Swift vertical and horizontal slashes seemed to have him on edge, unable to anticipate where she would strike next. A plethora of groans signaled his exhaustion as the fight carried on, but he showed no will to surrender. Setsuka had no doubt that this was a trap, one the swordsman often played with her in practice.

His demonic eyes illuminated with anger as he gripped his sword with both hands and swung for her head. Setsuka used the most of her superior speed, ducking each attack, as it was likely to have enough force to behead her in an instant. He must have figured that his plot failed, but he was not going to disclose that to her.

She went to make the next move, but tripped in her attempt, the sword falling from her grasp, leaving herself wide open to his advantage.

He kicked her in the head with his boot, the bulk sending her to the ground back-first with a pained grunt. For a moment, the world around Setsuka went into a nauseating spin before all shifted to black. He placed his foot against her abdomen, seeming to press all his weight into it, compressing the oxygen in her lungs. She groaned with his frequent chuckles, her abilities now limited.

Eyes opening, she saw his shadow loom over her, blade raised high above his head to execute the final blow. Her arm stretched for the iaito that seemed further away than it was, but he kicked it aside to a distance she could not reach to get it.

Chances of a victory had now become slim as realization sunk in.

She was at his mercy… unable to attack… unable to save herself. In seconds, she would be a victim too, just like those he had slew before.

At least the girl had escaped to safety, but she had her own self to worry about now.

His cackle displayed his confidence. "Soon…you shall become apart of me."

Setsuka frowned, shaking her head in desperation.

Then he hesitated, a great white light surrounding his body as it did hers too. She sat stunned, mouth unable to form words over what was happening. Then she used this distraction as an opportunity to retrieve her weapon, ready to lance it straight between the demon's eyes. He blocked her jab and for a moment, she thought she could note a smile from under his horned helmet.

Setsuka watched as their bodies became transparent, his more so than hers. Perhaps this was some trick of his to gain the upper hand. However, his confusion indicated that none of this was his doing. It left only one question, and Setsuka was unsure if she could put it into an answer.

A large portal then emerged, expanding itself behind him, offering no hints as to where it would lead. One thing was for sure, neither of them wanted to find out.

As it grew in size, so did its strength, beginning to swallow them both whole. Setsuka dug her nails into the ground to remain stationary, but could feel herself slipping forward with Nightmare into the void. An electrical shock surged through her, enough to weaken her from resisting anymore.

Darkness overtook Setsuka's mind, thinking that death was only a mere breath away.

The world flashed once more before all went silent.

"I guess this is the end…" came her final thought.