MK: Told ya, I'm writing a lot. Here's the next.

Chapter 12: The End.

"I'm glad you agree, Kish." Deep Blue said. "Let's make sure we won't be interrupted." Deep Blue lifted his hand to the sky, and a black light lit up the sky and trapped them in a black circle. "This is a black cloud so to speak, Kish." Deep Blue explained. "No one can come in… Only the winner comes out."

"Bring it, then." Kish smirked.

"What can we do?" Lettuce asked. "I never felt so useless."

"There's nothing we can do." Pai answered. "No one can get in that thing." Pai turned to Ichigo & Zakuro. Zakuro was placing warm compresses on Ichigo's head, while Ichigo's eyes fluttered, like she was trying to wake-up but couldn't. "How is she?" Pai asked.

"Better." Zakuro answered. "She's still out of it." Pai nodded then looked at the cloud.

Kish... You'd better win… for Ichigo's sake.

Kish… Kish…? Kish…! Dream Ichigo called in her dreams. She was standing on a platform overlooking the fight. Please Kish… Win…

Kish slashed Deep Blue's arm with his dragon swords, but Deep Blue pulled out his blade to stop Kish for adding anymore damage. He ran to Kish & Went for his legs, but Kish held him off & slashed his shoulder blade, causing the blade in D B's hand to fall.

"Masaya, is that the best you can do?" Kish taunted. "You talk big but when you come down to it, you are nothing but a school boy. Just let me & Ichigo be happy."

"Never." Deep Blue shot back. "If she's not happy with me, She's not gonna be happy with anyone." Deep Blue grabbed his blade with his left hand & Ran to Kish again.

"Wait." Tart shouted. "I can hear them." His ears twitched, like it was an antenna trying to pick up radio frequencies.

"What are they saying?" Mint asked.

"They're fighting." Tart answered. "…Kish is winning." He smiled.

"…Kish…" a soft voice called there attention back to Ichigo, see she was talking in her sleep. "…Kish… Don't die."

Deep Blue almost slashed him, when Kish blocked with his swords, bringing them face to face. "Why?" Kish asked. "Why do you love her? How much do you love her? Why are you doing this if you love her?" Deep Blue looked shocked. "I love her so much… You… You're hurting her right now."

Deep Blue stopped and looked down. "…Ichigo…" He said. "NO." Deep Blue cried forcefully. "I will dispose of you to get Ichigo." He came after him again, slashing his chest.

"KISH!" Ichigo shouted. Her eyes shot opened, and she sat up.

"Ichigo nee-chan." Pudding shouted. "Your okay, na no da."

"Where's Kish?" Ichigo asked. Pai sighed and pointed to the black cloud. She ran towards it, but He friends where shouting at her. Telling her she couldn't get it. To everyone's surprise, Ichigo walked into with ease.

"…Kish." Ichigo said softly. Blood covered the floor, but Kish still stood, facing Deep Blue, Who was glaring at him. "…Kish… are you okay?" Ichigo asked. Kish nodded.

"Yeah, Talk to Deep Blue." Kish said. "He was talking over Masaya for the beginning. Ichigo's eyes widened.

"So… Masaya didn't cheat on me… Deep Blue did?" Ichigo asked. Kish nodded.

"So what." Deep Blue interrupted. "I did."

"Masaya…" Ichigo called. "Please listen to me Masaya. I-I-I May not love you anymore, but you can destroy my happiness. I love Kish."

Deep Blue de-transformed. "I'm sorry, Ichigo." Masaya said. "I didn't mean to hurt you."

"Yes you did." Kish shot back. "Our studies say you let Deep Blue take your body."

"Okay, I did, but I didn't mean to hurt you." Masaya said. The black cloud was falling letting everyone see.

"It's okay, but I think it would be better that you and I don't speak. I'm sorry Masaya, but I don't think we should be near each other." Ichigo said.

Masaya nodded. "Yes,… I agree. Thank you for understanding."

"Yeah sure whatever." Kish scowled.

MK: Finally. I'm done. Okay on to the next. Thank you for reading.