It is the long awaited Chapter 12! Please enjoy. Flame if you must. Review if you want. Also, this chapter goes best with Within Temptation music.

DISCLAIMER: No, I don't own anything of DNAngel except the complete manga series so far, some printed out pictures, and a love for Dark. I own only Hikari, Artemis, and the plot. Which is sad because I want Dark!!! TT

Chapter 12

To beat Time…. Something not even he had accomplished. To defy fate, time and destiny was to play with the hands of the gods. The alchemist had searched for years for it, for some way to defy the natural laws. He could not find it, for it simply did not exist. There was no way to defy the natural laws, laws that had always been followed. To do so would require more power than he had… but possibly power that one of Akhom's souls held. One of those souls, Dark or Krad, may hold the power to beat Time. Ptolemy wanted Akhom to come to him because he could capture one of those souls and test it. Test to see if he could beat Time. A risky business, this was, but Ptolemy needed to know if it was possible… and if it could give him the Philosopher's Stone.

He passed his study, constantly checking the sundial by the window. They will run out of time… I will lose my chance at immortality, he though solemnly, his mind making the sundial move faster than it was.

"No… I will not lose my chance for immortality," he said suddenly, determination flaring in his eyes. He pulled things off his shelf in a flurry and began to create his chance at immortality in a piece of artwork he called Wings of an Angel.


"Kifi, how much does Akhom mean to you?" Artemis asked her tamer. She flew across the city of Alexandria, trying to sense Krad or Dark. The question made Kifi falter in her answer. It hit right to home inside Kifi and Artemis could feel it. Artemis wasn't surprised that her tamer tried to cover it up, cover up her feelings for him. But which him did she want? Definitely not Krad, no one would go for that freak. It was either Dark or Akhom himself. Artemis couldn't figure out Kifi's feelings. Moreover, she couldn't access Kifi's feelings. They were locked behind a tight door that could not be opened by her.

W-what do you mean, Artemis? She asked her, eyes wide with worry. What? Did Artemis think that Akhom was going to die?

"I just need to know how far you are willing to go for him." She said to her, descending closer to the alchemist district. Kifi closed her eyes before speaking.

I—he means everything to me. I won't let him die! Kifi replied, eyes full of honesty. You think he won't survive, don't you?

"There is a good chance none of them will," she said, not mincing her words. Kifi sank back in the confines of Artemis's mind. The angel could tell she was thinking hard. About what, she could not decipher. She banked a right and landed outside the entrance to the district. "Kifi… if you feel anything for any of them, don't let it go to waste."

Kifi's head snapped up. Artemis could tell she had been crying. What makes you think I feel anything for Dark or Krad? Artemis frowned. There was anger in her words. Where had this anger come from, she wondered. Artemis stared back at Kifi, trying to solve the puzzle of her heart. What makes you think that I should feel anything for the bastards who have screwed up the only man who's always there for me? Do you think I give a shit what happens to them? I want Akhom safe!

Artemis sighed. Ah, that was it. She could careless about have Artemis in her head. Hell, she could careless that she was freak. She wanted Akhom safe… no matter what happened to the other two. Artemis felt a pang of sadness at this. The angel enjoyed Dark's company on flights when their tamers where fast asleep. She had found a companion in the fallen angel.

She was not ready to lose him because of a simple minded tamer like Kifi.

"Kifi, I will not let Dark disappear. I will not. Say what you will about Krad but do not condemn Dark to death!" Artemis stared her tamer down. Kifi's nostrils flared in anger.

You don't care what happens to Akhom, do you?! You just want your petty angel all to yourself, with out the inconvenience of Akhom! You don't care whom you have to hurt to get your way! Kifi roared back, her temper at its boiling point.

Artemis punched a wall in anger. "I don't care? Try you yourself, Kifi! You'd condemn my friend to death to save your precious Akhom! You don't seem to grasp how much of a hell you would live in if that happened. I would never let you have a moment of peace. You'd wish you hadn't." Her voice was full of venom and anger. Kifi shrunk back slightly in fear.

So you wish me dead as well? She retorted, eyes glistening with water. Artemis snorted. How the idiot could think that, she'd never know. Artemis knew that she was digging a very early grave for herself. The angel closed her eyes and looked at her tamer.

"No. I do not wish Akhom dead either. But to do this, without Akhom dieing, we need to hurry. So shut up and let me do my job." It was harsh, Artemis knew, but arguing with Kifi was not helping Akhom, or Dark. Kifi stuck her tongue out at Artemis and turned away like a small child.

Bitch… The word made Artemis chuckle.

"Yes, I suppose I am. Now, be quiet. I need to sense for them." She stretched out her power, sensing for any of the three. She walked, as she did so, never running into anything. Her eyes closed and she began to chant. "Okba omi re na… okba omi re na…" Over and over she chanted until her mind slammed into something, just as a scream rang out.


Dark was fuming. Akhom stood down the main street of the alchemy district, looking from one side to the other. He was fuming because Krad had won. And because the blonde angel had such a smug look on his face. The fallen angel sulked in his corner of Akhom's mind, trying not to listen to Krad.

Akhom, he's in a tent with a sun and moon symbol on the top. The blonde angel was telling the boy. Akhom sighed and rolled his eyes. The fact that almost EVERY alchemist had a tent like that was not helping his nerves or his patience. At least the two angels weren't fighting anymore. For the most part, Akhom was sane right now. That is, if you didn't count the voice in his head that was telling him where to go.

"Krad… every tent has that symbol," he said, rubbing his temples. Dark sniggered silently. Well, at least we know who's get removed, he thought, Akhom can't stand him. Akhom broke through his thoughts. "I can still hear you, Dark." The fallen angel cringed but said nothing. He would stay on Akhom's good side.

Fine… pathetic human… Krad said to Akhom, giving a visual of the tent.

"Okay." Akhom walked on. Dark bit his bottom lip, eye hard with worry. Something didn't feel right. Something was off, and it wasn't that they weren't going to Ptolemy. In fact, Dark got the feeling that he had been wrong. That this was all just a game, a game of chess where they could not escape fate's moves. They were just pawns in something much greater. Someone was behind it all. His first thought was it was Krad. No, his mind told him, it is something on the outside, something that wants immortality.

Dark's eyes snapped open. Someone wanted immortality. But he couldn't tell Akhom. Not now. It was too late for that. Something was being created that none of them could stop.

"Krad, I hope you aren't leading me into a trap." Akhom's voice tore Dark from his thoughts. The blonde angel just shrugged. Akhom had found the tent.

Akhom lifted the flap and stepped inside the tent of the alchemist. He looked around before letting his eyes fall on the old man sitting at a table, almost expecting him. The old man smiled a thin smile and gestured toward the chair.

"You are Akhom, no? You have two other souls in your body, no?" The alchemist asked him, pulling a bookstand, with a large grimoire on it, to him. Akhom nodded before sitting down.

"Yes, old man. I am. I wish to have---"

"One of them exorcised." The old man finished his sentence. "Time and fate have already informed me of your visit." Yes, he thought, the blonde one truly is fate. He turned to his book, flipping through a it to a page. Akhom glanced at it. It read, "To exorcise a demon or soul". Not a very positive title. He went to read what was written below the title, but the alchemist turned it away from him. "Have you chosen who you will keep?"

Akhom frowned. "Who I will keep? Who said that I had to keep either of them?" Krad and Dark cringed slightly. Blunt, wasn't he?

"Exorcism is a very difficult process. I cannot exorcise two souls at once, I'm a afraid," the old man said. "Who will you keep?"

Akhom pondered for a second. At first it seemed like a simply choice. Krad would go. But… now that he was give the choice of who he could keep, he found himself stuck. Who to choose?

Dark tried to block out all of Akhom's thoughts. He did not want to know the answer, even if he could change it. The fallen angel circled his wings around himself, blocking out everything. He would miss the long flights with Artemis, but he wouldn't miss sharing a mind with Krad. He would be happy to be rid of the arrogant angel. Akhom, just make sure you really know who you want to keep… you know you can't reverse it. He told him, just as advise before going back to his sulking.

Krad, on the other hand, was all smiles and, strangely, hope. Whether he was stuck with Akhom (though he'd take the boy over if that happened) or with this alchemist he did not matter. He would be rid of Dark and he would be alive. But the thoughts that flew across Akhom's mind a mile a minute scared the angel. This wasn't turning out the way he wanted, it seemed. He glanced at Dark, who had secluded himself. He cannot hear Akhom's thoughts… No, he is choosing not to. Krad observed before Akhom's voice broke the silence.

"I know who I will keep," said Akhom. The old man smiled and ushered him to stand in the middle of a penticle on the floor.

"Now, there is nothing you have to do, except for holding on to the one you are keeping. Make sure you to not stop thinking their name or you will lose them. Any questions?" The alchemist asked before taking his post behind his grimoire. Akhom shook his head.

"No." This is it, he thought.

The time has come… Krad thought standing up.

We will find out who he has chosen… Dark followed suit.

"Anubis, Osiris, answer my call. I call on thy greet powers to exorcise the one not wanted from this man. Take that soul and banish it to another body, yet do not let him fall. I scatter this powered newt as a symbol of greeting. Arise, gods of the Underworld and death! Arise and exorcise this man!" The old man began to chant. The penticle glowed and wind seemed to come up from it. Two dark spirits floated up with it, circling Akhom. The wind ripped at his cloths and hair. "Now, think of the one you will keep and do not let go of it!"

Akhom closed his eyes, picturing which one he was keeping. Dark felt the magic grab at him and taught him. He nor Krad could see who Akhom had chosen. Krad embraced it, feeling the old magic sweep over him.

At once, two large ghostly hands shot out at the two angels. It was the moment of truth. Both held by a hand, helpless to over power the magic, they waited for judgment. To find who would go and who would stay.

The old man smiled and stepped into a circle he had created. Any minute now, he'd have another soul. He said the last words, "Arise and exorcise this man!" and watched as Akhom was enveloped in white light.

It happened so quickly, Dark did not see it happen. He was dropped as the hand grabbed Krad. Krad has a smile of victory on his face. Then he was gone. Dark was alone in Akhom's mind.

Krad was pulled out of Akhom's mind and thrust into the alchemist's. The spell finished, Akhom fell to the ground panting. The alchemist, however, stood stalk still, his eyes rolled back into his head. His mouth opened slowly and he let loose a scream the rocked the city's foundations. It was not a scream of pain, or anger, but one of pleasure, pure pleasure.

Akhom get out of there NOW! Dark yelled at him, fearing what would happen to them. Akhom scrambled up and out of the tent. Another scream followed him out. The tent exploded. Akhom was sent flying before Dark could take over. Something caught him in his fall and carried him higher. He looked up at Artemis, as Dark took over.

"You can let go, Artemis." The angel smile and let him go. What will happen to him? Akhom asked. "Who knows… I only wish to be nowhere near him."

"That we can do. Come, let's go home." Artemis said before taking Dark's hand and flying back to Kifi's house.

The alchemist watched them good, gold mixing with his grey eyes. "Damn you…. You tricked me…"

You did not think of it. I win. The angel smirked.

"So you are the one they went to… You must have one of the souls in you. Give it to me." His voice unmistakable. The old man turned around to face Ptolemy. The man held out what looked like an orb. It flared white, blinding the old man.

N-no! Krad screamed as he was sucked out of the old man and into the orb. He snarled and cursed Akhom. I will hunt down your family until I get my revenge…

Ptolemy killed the old man and went back to his study. "You will be mine forever and always… Krad." He said before breaking the orb and absorbing Krad's soul.


Time… such a petty thing to think that he must defy. He did not have to defy it. He could make sure his bloodline lived on. He realized this after finishing his work, a piece of artwork with a vial of liquid that granted immortality to the drinker. He did not have to defy fate, time or destiny. He only needed a safe guard against the end of his line… and an angel to make sure that the future was kept interesting.

Yet… in doing so, he did defy Time and fate. He didn't know what the consequences of his action would have on his ancestors…

Chapter 12 and Part 2 are done! And WoA is finally updated! Yay.

Until my next update, which will be more frequent I promise,
