Disclaimer: I'm sixteen. Enough said.

Thirty-one reviews is excellent for a one-shot, especially my first so since a lot of people were wondering what happened to the expecting couple, I wrote the following. An epilogue, I guess. I think the Blackest Darkness pointed out that I really wouldn't have much of a plot if I made this a story, and I agree. There isn't much that I can write about. But after I get finished with this new story that I'm writing, (full-length summary below) and you guys have some ideas, I will gladly take any challenge you can offer.

Anyway, thanks to all of you who reviewed and this is my gift to you all.

Nine long months full of mood swings, morning sickness, and unnatural cravings, Richard Grayson finally got a long awaited call. Kori was accompanying his wife to the emergency room to birth his first child. Raven had insisted on finding out the sex of the baby when it was born and he didn't have much choice after she burned every single sonogram picture, the last one was destroyed over the flames in the fireplace. That was last month in November and just days before Christmas were they receiving the most precious gift.

He sped through the relentless traffic of Gotham, almost tempted to don his uniform and leap over the rooftops to the University Hospital. Nevertheless, he showed his patience and remained in his suit and car, reaching the hospital in a record time of three minutes and forty-two seconds.

After getting Raven's room number from a flirtatious nurse, the former boy wonder was halfway down the hall when he saw a young RN being flung out of a room by a dark tendril of shadow.

"Rae!" He sprinted past the man, who was mumbling various insult while struggling to stand, and rushed into room 143.

"Raven! You cannot harm the people in such ways!" Kori advised with her eyes still wide from shock but she breathed a sigh of relief when Richard walked in.

"I have the right to harm any person that I wish. Especially one that won't supply me drugs when I ask." She then saw her husband and smiled innocently. "Maybe I should start with the one who got me into this predicament," The demoness threatened, still with a sweet smile plastered on her pale face. He quirked an eyebrow but kept closing the distance, hesitant that her powers may lash out. After several unfortunate incidents, one being the three televisions she had hurled out of the window, they learned that the baby that she carried in her womb multiplied her abilities as if they had a mind of their own. More specifically, if she was angered.

"It takes two, Rae," Richard stated, sitting on the bed that crunched under his weight. Surprisingly she allowed him to sit there and brush the bangs out of her eyes without doing him physical harm.

"It only takes one spell to make sure that it never happens again," Raven glanced down at his lap and he smirked unaffected by her statement. He had heard it all before through the morning sickness and back aches.

"Thanks for looking after her, Star."

"You are more than welcome. The doctors say that she cannot receive any sort of pain-reducing medicine until she is further along in her labor," The Tameranian sat in a chair next to the bed and straightened out the spread.

"Although my theory is that if I induce enough pain on these imbeciles that call themselves doctors, I will receive the treatment I ask…Oww! Damn it!"

"What? What's wrong?" Richard asked, placing a hand over the swell of her stomach.

"Contractions, I believe. She yells another obscenity every few minutes," Kori informed him. He nodded and grabbed her hand, almost immediately regretting it when her grip tightened immensely. Suddenly, it was over and Raven released his hand to run her own through her long, purple hair.

"When will this be over?" She whined uncharacteristically.

"In a few hours or so. I assume you're Mr. Grayson, correct?" A dark-haired man, not to much older than himself, had strolled in and was now holding out his hand to Richard.

"No shit, Sherlock. What tipped you off?" Raven mumbled but it was articulate enough for the doctor to understand. He cleared his throat, lowered his hand, and looked back at his clipboard. Richard nudged her gently and she rolled her eyes letting them land on the doctor's nametag.

"Forgive me, Dr…Stevens. I tend to get a bit irritable when a baby's playing kickball with my kidney," She said sarcastically, staring at the wall that was covered in oranges and pinks. After a few seconds, she turned up her nose in disgust. "Do you have a less colorful room?"

"All of the maternity rooms are the same, Mrs. Grayson. The colors seem to have a calming effect on our mother-to-be's."

"All it seems to have is a blinding and mildly nauseous effect."

"I will be performing your delivery. If you have any questions at all, now would be a good time. And no…we can't give you drugs, Mrs. Grayson," Dr. Stevens answered, predicting the question.

"Thank you, doctor." Richard said, signaling that it was time for him to depart. He nodded and strode back out, the creak of the door was the last thing they heard of him for the next few hours.

There was a three-foot hallway between the door and the actual room. Leaving a person's identity unknown until they walked completely inside. So when the door opened, it was a warning that someone was coming and Raven had plenty of time to prepare if it was Dr. Stevens again. She was hoping that it was him this time, but she smiled when she saw the hybrid man that she called big brother.

"What's up, Dark Girl? Still pregnant, I see." Cyborg came in bearing gifts of lilies and blue balloons. Kori was asleep, forcing his voice down to a whisper.

"I guess so, Stone." Raven pointed out that he was in his human form which was highly unusual since he now despised it.

"Yeah. Spike-Head said that I should keep it low. If the paparazzi spotted Cyborg walking into a hospital, they would catch a live performance of our little demon in action."

Richard smirked from his position behind Raven, his legs on either side of her.

"From what I've heard, you've already attempted to injure some male nurse."

"He had it coming, I assure you."

"You have a beautiful baby girl, Mr. and Mrs. Grayson." Dr. Stevens said, walking towards Richard to put the baby in his arms. Raven's forehead was drenched with strings of hair sticking to her countenance and she looked so very tired but he never thought that she looked more beautiful than in that moment. Their daughter had her amethyst eyes…his ebony hair…a mixture of their pale skin. They were both speechless as they stared down at the tiny form in his arms but then without pretense, Raven grunted in pain once again.

"What is it, Rae?" He was panicking now. It was over, at least it was supposed to be.

"Looks like you two are having a multiple birth," Dr. Stevens sat back down on his stool, ready to deliver the second child.

"Richard?" His wife whispered in a hoarse voice. He looked down at her in response. "Just to let you know, if I survive this, you will never touch me again."

Now it was definitely over with his wife looking deflated but so content. That small smile never left her face as she held their son and he their daughter. The vigilante wanted to sprint to the rooftop and shout that his wife had delivered two beautiful children that couldn't be more perfect in his eyes.

"Excuse me, sir, ma'am, your friends are wondering if they can visit now?" A shy nurse had entered meekly and they both nodded. She was gone again and in her place was their friends, their family.

"There are two little beings!" Starfire clapped and bounced on the balls of her feet. Cyborg followed and then Garfield.

"Aw man…first you get married and now you're popping out babies? We're getting old, dudes. I'm going to have to stop saying 'dudes'!" The green shape shifter moved closer and cooed at the babies.

"I have two godchildren! I'm taking him to his first strip-club. I'm buying…no, building her first car, alright? That's okay with you, married couple?" Cyborg was grinning like a maniac the whole while. Raven laughed and nodded. "It's okay, Cy. As long as I get to build it with you."

"What are their names?" Kori asked, so joyful that she had begun to float without realizing it.

"Nathan and Nora," Richard answered.

"What happened to Richard Jr.?"

"Nathan and Nora just fit better," He replied, never taking his eyes off the bundle he carried.

Richard sat beside the mother of his children, incapable of describing the feelings rolling through him.

"We shall leave you two alone," Starfire gathered the other two and shoved them out the door.

"Nathan and Nora, huh? When did you decide this?" Raven asked in a light tone, completely different from how she was mere hours ago.

"I thought you'd like them. They just came to mind."

"You should be happy that I do."

"I couldn't possibly be happier than I am now."

The End

Done! This is the second update I've completed today. I'm so proud of myself.

This chapter was mostly in Richard's point of view because I could mostly relate to a father in this situation. I was a little vague in the actual birthing for I don't really now much about it. Other than what I've witnessed on television.

This is a summary about a new story that I've been working on and I beg you to give me some sort of feedback on it. It's based on the book 'Blue is for Nightmares' and it's for Alena's challenge.

Title: Blue Silence

Length: About ten chapters

Pairings: Star/Rob to start with, Rae/Rob, Terra/BB

Genre: Mystery/Supernatural

Setting: Boarding school in upstate New York

Summary: AU. Raven Roth is having these dreams, frightening dreams. Last time she chose to ignore them and a little girl went missing, later found dead. But now, these violent dreams are focusing on her best friend and roommate. Are these dreams just a coincidence or is there much more to them? It no longer matters when a psycho stalker keeps calling and another girl is found dead on the school grounds. Something must be done. But who would listen to a practicing Wicca with the only proof being cryptic dreams?

What do you think? Is it worth posting? Please review and tell me.
