How Could You?

Disclaimer: Don't own nothing

Rey lay in bed to weak to move. He knew it was now time to call Dave and Eddie. He slowly picked up the phone and dialed Dave and Eddie's number.

It was 2:00AM when the call came. Dave was dead tired. Who in their right mind would be calling at this hour.

"Wha" Dave's voice slurred with sleep.

"Hey Dave, man" Rey's voice was hoarse.

"Rey man you ok?" Dave said with concern.

"I…." Rey started, the phone clattered and no answer. Dave was wide awake and out of bed in seconds. He woke Eddie, they got dressed, and ran to Rey's room.

They got to Rey's room and Eddie pulled out the key Rey had given him. He opened the door and they entered the darkened room.

Rey lay passed out on the bed, phone laying on the floor. Eddie ran to his side Dave followed him.

When he got a closer look at his friend he gasped. Rey was burning to the touch and soaked with sweat. Dave ran to the bathroom to get a thermometer and Eddie tried to shake Rey awake.

Rey groaned and opened his eyes.

"Come on Rey wake up" Eddie stuck the thermometer under his tongue and waited for the beep. When it did it read 102.4.

"Dave," Eddie said urgently " run a cloth under cool water, bring it to me, we need to get his fever down. And that was the last thing Rey heard for a long time as he slipped back into unconsciousness.