50,000 Tears I've Cried:

2:45pm Los Angeles, California: FBI Offices

"David," Megan said as she approached his desk.
"Merrick says you're team leader until further notice, and that we have a new agent coming in from DC," she told him.
A saddened look flickered across David's face. This was Don's team, and he refused to take his place.
"Who's the new guy?" he asked.
"Girl, Agent Lake," Megan responded.
"Lake?" David repeated, "Terry Lake?"
"Yeah, I think that was her name. Merrick said she requested a transfer here."
"Then why isn't she the team leader? She's senior agent."
"She was the one who left, right?" Megan asked.
"Yeah, a couple of months ago." 'I'll bet she's here for Don,' David thought.
"This might explain why she's not team leader," Megan said, looking the sheet of paper in her hand, "She's been put on desk duty."
David didn't know what to say to that. Terry was an experienced field agent; she had taught him the ropes of the LA offices. "Charlie called about an hour ago?" he replied.
"What did he say?" there was a hint of fear in her voice.
"Don woke up."
"He did? He's awake?" she had been so sure he wasn't going to make it. Hearing otherwise was like a breath of fresh air.
"He was awake, but they have to keep him asleep because the doctors want to keep him on the ventilator for a little while longer," David explained.
"It's good that Don's improving. That family doesn't need anymore heartache," she responded.

8:15pm Los Angeles, California: County General

They had decided to eat in shifts. Charlie and Amita had insisted that Terry go and eat first. She was rather reluctant to leave Don's side, but after several minutes of arguing, Alan was finally able to usher her out of the room and towards the hospital's cafeteria.

"Would you like some coffee?" Mr. Eppes asked her, reaching for two Styrofoam cups from the stack.
"Yes please. Decaf," Terry replied.
"Since when do you drink decaf? You always had 'the strongest coffee you can find' when you were at the house," he questioned. Something was definitely going on, he just didn't quite know what. Ever since he'd gotten back to the hospital, his youngest son had been wearing this look on his face that just screamed 'I know something you don't know.'
"I just started to. I kind of had no choice," she responded. Just vague enough to peak his interest, then she'd drop the 'Your son got me pregnant,' bomb.

Terry began eating almost as soon as they sat down, She hadn't realized just how hungry she was until a plate full of food was placed in front of her.
They chatted idly, talking about random things like the weather, or how it was in Washington.
"Mr. Eppes," Terry started.
"Please, call me Alan. You've known me long enough," he corrected.
"Alan," she began again. "I have something to tell you. I think that you're going to be very happy about it, and I'm sure Don would want me to tell you," she paused, taking a deep breath, "Mr. Eppes, I'm pregnant."
"You're what?" he asked, bewildered.
"Pregnant. I'm-I mean-Don and I, we're having a baby. Together," she clarified.
"Oh you are?" he said, a glint of happiness in his eye. "So does that mean that I'm going to be a grandpa?"
"It sure does," Terry replied with a laugh.
"How far along are you?" Alan asked her, he was just curious.
Terry knew what he was getting at. "Three and a half months, and before you ask, it was just before I left for DC," she said, adding that last bit to avoid the awkward question.


Several hours later, Don felt himself begin to awaken. He opened his eyes and looked around the room. Charlie was sitting on the floor with his back against the wall, Amita curled up against him with her head on his chest. His dad was sitting stiffly in the chair by the window. Don's gaze at lest set on the one person he most wanted to see. Terry slept peacefully in the chair by his bed, one hand resting on her stomach and the other grasping his own hand.
He could feel the tube in his throat and the forced inflation of his lungs. It was an uncomfortable feeling. It made his feel increasingly helpless. Don started moving his hand, trying to get Terry to wake up. His wrist moved easily, so he attempted to move the rest of his arm. He tried to move a bit more as Terry began to stir. She mumbled something incoherent so he shook her hand gently again.

Terry opened her eyes blearily, blinking away the sleep. She felt someone shaking her hand and it took a minute for her to register that it was Don. He was awake again. She reached above his bed and pressed the call button.
"It's ok Don," she whispered, "I'm here, and I'm not going anywhere."
She turned away from the bed and called out to the other occupants of the room. Amita came to first and elbowed Charlie in the ribs. They both looked at her, confused looks on their faces.
"He woke up again!" Terry told them. Charlie stood up from his position on the floor and went to wake his father.
Minutes later a nurse and a doctor appeared and hurried Terry and the others out of the room.

They waited anxiously in the hall to find out what was going on. When Don's doctor joined them in the hallway, a small smile on his face, things finally started looking up.
"We've taken Agent Eppes off of life support, so he's no longer intubated. We're going to keep a close watch on him, just to make sure that he's breathing ok on his own. He'll have to stay here in the ICU for the next couple of days. With a gunshot wound that severe, it's a wonder he made it through surgery alive. Now his condition is still critical, but he's stable. As long as there are no complications, I expect to be able to move him upstairs to a private room sometime next week. Ok?" the doctor finished.
"Yes, thank you doctor. Thank you so much," Alan told him.
"Not at all," the doctor replied before excusing himself and continuing down the corridor.

They went back into the room in good spirits. Terry reclaimed her spot next to Don. She took his hand in hers and gave it a gentle squeeze.
He reached his hand out and lightly touched her stomach. "So," Don whispered softly, "We're really gonna have a baby?" It was more of a statement than a question, but he needed to hear it again.
"Yes Don, we're really having a baby," Terry confirmed with a smile. A tear rolled down Don's cheek as he too, began to smile.