Hello, all. I'm branching out, and writing with new characters! Weee!

Reviews are welcome, along with constructive criticism.

And for the record, as you all should know, I don't own this wizarding world. Yet...

"All right, so I'll play Keeper, and Ron will play Keeper, Harry can be Seeker along with Ginny, and then Angelina, Alicia and Dean can be Chasers, and that leaves Fred and George as the two Beaters." Oliver decided, his thick Scottish accent not able to hide his glee. Despite having graduated years ago and playing quidditch professionally, Oliver Wood was still the Gryffindor captain at heart.

"Two problems with what you just said," Fred started, "Ginny keeps saying she won't play, and Katie isn't here." George finished.

"I never said I won't play, I said I can't!" Ginny shot in, a bit annoyed.

"Why can't you? Did you forget your broom?"
"Are you injured?"
"Did you forget how?"
"Do you suddenly hate it?"
"NO! I'm--"
"Ginny, I believe I speak for both my twin and myself when I say we're sick of your exscuces." Fred finally finished. He and George looked satisfied with the large amount of frustration they had brought upon their little sister.

"You know what, you tell them, I'm gonna go sit over there with Hermione." an exasperated Ginny instructed Harry. She then marched over to the seating where Hermione was currently perched, ready to watch the annual quidditch game.

The group had started meeting back at the familiar old quidditch pitch two years ago, after the war had finally ended. It was Oliver's old quidditch team, plus Dean, and they had been meeting the first Saturday of every month since. It wasn't the classic game, rules had to bend and no one, minus Oliver, seemed to take it especially seriously. Hermione had been coming to see Ron, which usually made him more nervous than he'd like to admit, despite their engagement.

Ron, Fred, and George all peered a curious eye over at the boy their baby sister had just spoken to.

"Harry," Ron started, his word dragging, "why can't Ginny fly?"

"Uh..." Harry started, taking a deep breath, "We're getting married." he finished in a rush. The twin's eyes went big.

"Why?" Ron demanded, while the rest of the goup sat back to watch what was about to happen.

"Because it seems that Ginny and I...are going to be parents."

"Ginny can't be pregnant! She's twelve!" Fred insisted.

"When did she turn twelve? I thought she was nine!" George shot back, while Ron kept getting paler and paler.

"I thought we were here to play quidditch!" Oliver finally hollored, sick of waiting for the big dramatic family moment to be over. It was an awkward game, since Oliver wasn't quite sure how he felt about Dean having never played with him against a real team and the Weasley's going through mood swings of having a sudden urge to harm Harry, which quickly changed to feeling the need to protect the father of their future niece or nephew.

The game was lopsided, since it had been decided that Harry would be his own team. If he got the snitch before one of the other teams had 150 points, he won. He won. Of course.

"Ginny, how old are you, anyways?" Alicia asked as the very exhausted quidditch players cooled down with Ginny and Hermione, who seemed quite happy just chatting.

"Twenty-one." she calmly answered, and the faces of just about everyone went into processing mode, trying to figure out if she was telling the truth by doing math on their fingers.

"That means Harry's twenty-two,"

"And so are Ron and Hermione."

"Which makes Alicia and Angelina twenty-four."

"Along with the twins,"

"And Oliver, that old man, is twenty-six!"

"And Katie's...twenty-four?"
"No, she's a year younger."

"I guess she is."

There was a moment of more thinking, while Dean tried to figure out how to graciously leave since he was in no need to talk about a girl he had only seen in passing or at the annual game.

"When was the last time any of you saw Katie?" Dean finally asked, trying to remember what the girl looked like.

"Well, she's missed the past three games." Oliver muttered under his breath.

"I suppose it's been three months." Alicia realized, surprised at this.

"Has it really been that long?" George asked, surprised that his girlfriend had gone so long since speaking to one of her best school friends. His twin eyed his girlfriend, the ever beautiful Angelina, sharing the same thing.

"Y'know, Lee asked about this a few days ago." Fred suddenly remembered.

"So, today we all decided that none of us have seen Katie for three months and we aren't sure how old she is. Wow, I'm glad I call you people friends." Hermione commented, which caused an awkward laughter afterwards.

"I suppose we should just go get cleaned up." Harry decided as he looked at his teammates. Most were mud covered, or just sweaty. They were at the school, after begging McGonagall for quite some time, they had gotten her to agree to let them use the quidditch pitch. The group began walking towards the familiar showers, making fun of Oliver for all the times it had been too painful to make it to the showers after one of his infamous practices.

The group passed one of the more deteriated walls that seemed to be neglected by Filch and all others who looked up on it, and for some reason this made Ginny laugh a bit.

"What's so funny?" Dean asked, happy that a conversation could be started that involved something other than memories he didn't have.

"It's just a strange little memory, and I never would have thought of it if Katie hadn't been brought up earlier," Ginny said, smiling a bit as she stopped and stared at one of the more unattractive walls. "When I was in my second year I had this really bad week, I mean terrible. And Katie noticed this one Saturday, and brought me to this wall to make feel better.""How'd she do that?" Oliver asked, a small smile on his face as he thought of the sweet girl who everyone had assured him had the biggest crush on him.

"She gave me some Fire Whiskey and taught me how to smoke."

That stopped the very air around them.

"Are you sure it was Katie?" Fred questioned.

"And not some other quidditch player?" George continued.

"Oh, positive. I remember because she was this cool older girl, a fourth year, and she drank about half the bottle without even getting tipsy. I was shocked." Ginny grinned.

"Are you sure?" Alicia questioned one more time.

"Still am. It was so strange. I mean, Filch caught us, and all he did was refill his flask and walk away. It seemed that he had set up a little deal with her."

"Why didn't you tell any of us before?" Harry asked. It was the question on everyone's mind.

"Would you believe me?" Ginny questioned back, wondering if her confession was the right thing to do.

"I still don't." Oliver decided, and he seemed to speak for the whole group judging by the group nod that followed.

Everyone except Alicia, who had the strangest feeling in the pit of her stomach that she believed Ginny.