Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha, but I do own LP!


A/N: Wow. This is the last chapter. Surprising. I wish there were more :(

Well even though it's August as I'm writing this, I just want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah, and Kwanza!

Date(s): August 20th, 2005

August 24th, 2005

August 31st, 2005

September 1st, 2005

Mood: Weirded out…December 22nd it will be posted… gosh!


I WiSH: Yakusoku no Hi

Kokia: Sora

Mika Nakashima: Hitori

You know what you guys could get me for an Xmas present?
A review!
Aww, c'mon... You have to. This is that last chapter!
This is the very end of LP!
It's the first thing on my Xmas list!


Love Pentagon episode II

Chapter 6

The very end of Love Pentagon…


Bastard. Fucking cop sent me to this psycho place. I was surrounded by psycho people left and right. Nurses who smiled too much seemed like they were always hovering over your shoulder. And when I was left alone, it was the walls that drove me crazy. Not a speck of dust was on them, and they stared at you with their… white-ness.

But the hours I spent in there, I did a lot of thinking…

First of all, was I crazy?

Was Inuyasha real? He had to be. That night was not in my mind! The way he touched me… it was too real to be a fantasy.

And my mind could not get off those feathers. Seriously, they were everywhere. I had to wonder…

If Inuyasha was dead, and then that day I thought he had angel wings… They matched perfectly! The feathers could've come from his wings, since they always appeared when Inuyasha was around. And…and…

…And maybe I was crazy.


"Kagome! How could you do this?" The cheery nurse scolded me. For what, I did not know. I sat up on my paper thin "bed" and attempted to wake up just by scratching my eyes. I looked at what she was "tsk"-ing about. It was a small note on one of the white walls. My first thought – the walls are talking to me!

I swear, maybe I should've been put in this place earlier. I was weird.

I walked over to the wall and knelt down to read what it said.

'I'm sorry…

I never wanted it to end up this way…'

…it was Inuyasha's hand writing. He was here…

"Is this a suicide note or something?" the nurse asked.

"No…I…" I didn't want to say I knew Inuyasha was here, or they'd think I was even more psychotic. Then I'd be put with all the other really crazy people… in the place I liked to call the psychommunity. (A/N: COPYRIGHT HIDETO MATSUMOTO … R.I.P. HIDE) "I don't know what I was thinking."

"Well… it's time you got your shot for the day."


'Hm…' I thought, because that's the only thing that I could do to keep me sane in this asylum. 'He was here last night, maybe he'll come tonight! I need to get things straightened out between us. I want to know if all of this is real or not.'


"Higurashi, we're going to move you to a room with a roommate so you can socialize."

'Uh oh! What if Inuyasha can't find me?' "No!" I protested.

"Why? I thought you hated your room?"

"No!... The walls!"

"You told me you hated those walls!"

"We made up. I love them! If I move, they won't be the same walls," I pouted.


And so I moved in to my new room. Fucking bitch. I told her I didn't want to be moved! God! Now Inuyasha wouldn't be able to find me! This sucked.

My roommate and I stared evilly at each other, and I had to wonder who would attack first. The nurse said her name was Kirei, but she wasn't very! (A/n: if you don't get the joke – here it is: kirei na is an adjective that means pretty (looking) And the character Kirei isn't very kirei…. So….her name doesn't fit her. Get it?)

She had scraggly hair and way bugged out eyes. She was really skinny, too. But the look she had in her eyes told me she was anything but weak.

"Hello…" she whispered after our little staring contest.

"Hi…" I said, giving her and odd look. I didn't want to talk to her… she was weird.

"Why are you here?"

"They changed my room."

"No. Why are you 'crazy'?"

"I'm not crazy, okay? They're saying I'm in here because… well… how do I say it? There's a guy I used to know and I saw him the other day. We did…things. And then he offered to pay for a meal, but he didn't. So the cops were looking for us. We out ran them. But the next day, they called and I told them about this guy, and they told me he was dead. But I said it couldn't be true because he and I made love! So now I'm here."

"Are the counselors teaching you anything?"

"What? No! I'll never believe what they tell me, because I know I'm not crazy!"

"Good for you," she smiled. "I'm here because I can make connections with the dead. They don't believe me, either. But, like you, I won't listen until I prove myself."

Kirei wasn't that freaky once you talked to her, actually! Maybe, if Inuyasha was dead, she could help me reach him and tell him my room changed! It was a brilliant idea! I didn't miss my walls after all…

"Hey Can you, um… connect with someone right now?"

"I guess so. Lemme guess, this guy, ne?"

"Yeah… his name's Inuyasha and he's a hanyou, if any of that helps."

"It does. Just… be quiet so I can concentrate."


I stared at Kirei as she connected. It was scary. I swear her skin turned really pale. Her body shook and a wind surrounded her, causing her hair and clothes to sway.

And it all stopped suddenly. A little too suddenly, if you asked me. I looked at her and she smiled and nodded. I sighed in relief. Inuyasha knew where I was moved to know.

Kirei whimpered a little, but I ignored it and figured it was because she was weak now. I looked at her and her eyes were wide. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, then I gasped when her eyes rolled back in her head. Her hands grabbed her throat and she started choking. Was she being…possessed?

It would make sense. She just got done with her connection, and I bet the portal was still open. A ghost could've come in contact with her and took over her body, knowing her guard was down.

The first thing I could think to do was buzz on the little red button sitting by my bed. Kirei was having convulsions on the floor! She was lying on her stomach and started slithering over towards me. I wanted to get up and run for the door, but god knew what this demon was capable of. Gurgling noises cam from Kirei, and I felt an immense battle aura coming from her. I was afraid she'd bite me and then I'd become possessed, too… Wait… that was zombies. But anyway, I had to get away from her!

I closed my eyes and got ready to kick the girl in the head. I opened my eyes to come face to face with blazing green eyes and hot breath in my face. With tears in my eyes, I drew back my leg,getting ready to kick, and–

The metal door opened and both Kirei and I averted our eyes to see the panicking nurse.

Kirei lunged at her. She struggled. I wanted to go and help her, but I was already practically pissing myself watching. I couldn't imagine trying to help the poor lady.

The nurse pushed Kirei some distance away and quickly dug in her pocket while Kirei shrieked. The nurse jabbed a vaccine, I was guessing it was a tranquilizer, and Kirei dropped to the ground.

"Nurse, I think-"

"She was possessed again. It happens every now and then."


"We'll have to move her to be exorcized. But we won't be moving you, hun. You're staying here whether you're scared of her or not!" she shouted and dragged poor Kirei out of there.


And the day passed by slowly as I waited for night to come. I justsung to myself to pass the time. "I had a dream, so… in my dream under the starlight, baby… I'll say goodbye to you… ok? Everything is just a dream so when I wake up, I loose you from my head, oh yeah…"


I just smiled when I noticed the moonrise. I knew Inuyasha would be coming to see me! But I couldn't be all smiles at a time like this. I think the only reason for all my happiness was because I'd been so lonely since I got here. And I felt so confused since I got put here. I already knew he was dead… Kirei connected with him. But how? How was I able to see him? Everything was like a messed up fairytale right now. And just thinking about how awful my situation was, I started loosing my smiles.


"Kagome… wake up…" a very gloomy voice whispered in my ear. I could already feel the tears forming as he crawled in the small, flat bed to face me. His golden eyes were filled with sorrow. "How did you get here?"

"Because of you. The cops wanted to know why I, one of the richest people in Tokyo, didn't pay for lunch. I told him about you, and he told me you died… he thought I was crazy for believing in you," I reached out my hand to touch his cheek. "But you're real…" I felt hot tears streak onto the small pillow. He wiped them away with his hand and pulled my closer to him.

"Kagome, I'm sorry it had to be like this…"

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"I knew something like this would happen…"

"Then why did you let it happen?"

"I didn't know it happened. You know I would never let you go." He wrapped his strong arms around me and kissed me passionately. How could he be dead if he made me feel so alive?

"I just lost everything," I sobbed as he held me, stoking my back. "I lost all my friends back when I left, I just lost my job, and I lost you…" he squeezed me at the last part.

"No, you still have me. I'll always be with you…" he leaned down and kissed me gently. "I love you."

"I love you, too!" I said and put my arms around his neck and swung myself on top of him.


I tried to keep my moans down to whispers. What would the nurses think if I was found having sex with someone they couldn't see? They'd probably think I was possessed, too.

Inuyasha picked up the pace and kissed me hard as I arched my back. His lips left mine to go straight to my chest, where he slowly sucked on the skin. I smirked at the thought of the nurses' faces when they'd see the hickey. They'd be so confused, since I couldn't put it there. I laughed at their idiocity.

Again he pushed into me faster and harder. My body shook with pleasure. We both started breathing irregularly and heavily. I wanted to just scream out his name! I wanted to just stay like this forever!


"Inuyasha, don't leave me… stay with me forever…" I whispered as we just layed together in each other's arms. He stiffened when I said it. I stopped playing with his ears and looked at him with curious eyes… worried eyes…

"Kagome, I love you. I'll love you forever. But… I'm not really here, you know? We aren't on the same level. I'm …dead. No matter how much it pains me to say it, it's true. You're alive, and I'm dead."

I tried to blink back tears at the thought of he and I not being with each other. "But you could live in this room with me. They can't see you, so it wouldn't matter, right?"

He sighed and just looked at me with those beautiful, sad eyes. I always thought he was more handsome when sad.

"Right! Inuyasha, you said you'd stay with me forever! Do you want to leave me?"

"No! I never want to leave you! But… I can't stay on Earth forever. I don't belong here," he said and got out of the bed and got dressed.

"Where are you going? Inuyasha, please! I lose my way without you!" I was crying now.

"Kagome, don't worry," he smiled sadly. "I'll never really be leaving you. Just like you never left me. We'll never really be apart."

He grabbed my wrist and hugged me tighter than he ever did before. I knew this was goodbye. I felt myself sobbing in his arms. "Don't cry," he whispered. But he was one to talk. He had a few tears dropping down his cheek. He cupped my cheeks and gave me the most passionate and loving kiss he'd ever given me. And this one wasn't filled with lust, and it wasn't him being turned on, and it wasn't just to kiss me. It was to say he loved me with all his heart. It was to say he'd miss me. It was to say goodbye. I sobbed and clung to him. I felt so weak when he simply picked me up and placed me on the bed. "Don't make this harder than it already is…" he said, another tear sliding down his cheek. He brushed his lips to mine and smiled the saddest smile I'd ever seen.

I sobbed into my lifeless pillow, wishing it was his chest, as I heard the room's door close.

I wanted to die, to join him.


I woke up early that morning with tear stains on my face and pillow. And a song just kept running though my head.

'I had a dream, so… in my dream

Under the starlight, baby…

I'll say goodbye to you… ok?

Everything is just a dream

So…when I wake up

I loose you from my head

oh yeah'



Just go to my page and there's a link at the top that says "go to my forums" or something like that... Please comment on there, create a topic, whatever. JUST PLEASE GO!

A/N: that is the official end of Love Pentagon. Please review me with all of your thoughts on it. Did you cry? Was it bad? Was it awesome? Tell me, please!

Oh, and there are some songs to go along with the fic if you scroll down. Oh and the song Kagome had in her head is Tommy heavenly6 – Lost My Pieces. It's a great album, check it out on or something.


(ayumi hamasaki—memorial address—from enabba dot net)

went to sleep late that night feeling nervous

And had a very depressing dream.

The phone rung in the morning,

Breaking the silence

And this feeling became a reality

Leaving a permanent scar on my heart

You passed away and became a star…


You went to the place

Where we can never meet again

I can't accept the coldest of the eternal parting

I wish I can hear you say that you loved me

Only once, even if it is a lie…

The sorrow that I thought will be endless

Came to an end,

The season and I feel bitterly cold…

I will never forget the first day of summer

The sky kept on crying instead of me this year

I feel as if I am living in the dream

And I can't even cry now.


My last words do not reach you

I now realize that coldness of the eternal parting

I wish I can hear you say

That you never regretted the days we spent together

Only once, even if it is a lie…

Why did you do it this way?

Leaving memories only of the end?

Please tell me this is only a dream

And that I'm about to wake up…

(namie amuro – wishing on the same star – from corichan dot com)

love you with all of my heart

The path that we walked will remain guiding us

So that I won't give into the sadness,

I won't forget you at anytime

We'll never really be apart

We'll be wishing on the same star

Looking at the same moon

I reached out to the sky,

Which was beyond my fingers

I wanted to be joined into one

We are together

Wishing on the same star

Looking at the same moon

It will last forever, so let's go back together

To the continuation of a dream

Let's pray for the fierce rain that beats down to end

We wait for lovely clear sky

We'll be wishing on the same star

Looking at the same moon

I reached out to the sky,

Which was beyond my fingers

I wanted to be joined into one

We are together

Wishing on the same star

Looking at the same moon

Our hearts seek each other's heart, for each other's warmth

We go on walking, holding hands

We'll be wishing on the same star

Looking at the same moon

I reached out to the sky,

Which was beyond my fingers

We search for one thing

It's nice that we're together

Sitting on the same star

Talkin' 'bout the same dream

We'll be wishing on the same star

Looking at the same moon

We look up to the sky, remembering the sweet feelings, so

I want to be joined into one

Even then

we're wishing on the same star

Looking at the same moon

(aghh… I don't really think the last two songs describe the ending well… especially the last one X.X … yeah, well please review with your thoughts!)