Kooky Bully Part 1: Prologue
by Martial Arts Master
Pokemon and all related characters copyrighted by Nintendo, Game Freak, Creatures Inc., Satoshi Tajiri, TV Tokyo, 4Kids, and Wizards of the Coast. Digimon and all related characters copyrighted by Bandai, Saban, TV Tokyo, Fox, and Fox Kids. I wrote this fic because I was inspired by Seth Turtle's "Pokemon Versus Digimon 01: The Experiment" fic, so some credit and some thanks must go to Seth Turtle. With that said, the story will start.


A teenager was at his labtop computer. He was 18 years old, and he was dressed up in biker gear. He had tattoos on his arms.
This guy hated anything that had to do with Pokemon and Digimon.
Simply put, this guy was a bully.
But that wasn't because he hated Pokemon and Digimon. After all, everyone has a right to their own opinions.
What made him a bully was that he tried to force his beliefs on others.
For example, he had just finished flooding a Pokemon chatroom. He had repeatedly typed the same message and generally annoyed everyone there to the point where they all left.
He did stuff like that many times, and in his opinion, it served them right for liking Pokemon.
When he wasn't flooding Pokemon and Digimon chatrooms, he went to Pokemon and Digimon sites, found out the e-mail addresses of the owners, created computer viruses, and sent them to the owners.
You see, this guy was a computer expert. One of his amazing computer feats was that he was able to do the nearly impossible: he was able to create an e-mail virus that did not have to be an attachment; indeed, that could be the very e-mail message itself.
In his opinion, anybody who liked those "gay-ass" (his words) Pokemon and Digimon deserved to be mistreated.
"Ah, another day, another Pokemon chatroom flooded," the bully said, smiling.
But he was a little bit discontent.
"No matter what I do," he said to himself, "Pokemon and Digimon still exist. I have to find a way to eradicate them from existence!"
"I can help you do that," a voice suddenly said to him. The voice did not come from one place but came from all around.
"Huh?!" the bully asked, surprised. "Who the hell is in my room?!"
"I am merely someone who can help you get what you desire," the voice said.
"You can help me eradicate Pokemon and Digimon from existence?" the bully asked hopefully.
"Yes," the voice replied.
Suddenly the labtop computer glowed orange for a minute. Then it stopped glowing.
"Type absolutely anything, and it will happen," the voice said.
"Kick-ass!" the bully said.
"All you have to do to erase Pokemon and Digimon from existence is to destroy the actual Pokemon and Digimon worlds," the voice said.
"Actual worlds?" the bully asked, confused.
"Yes, there are actual Pokemon and Digimon worlds," the voice said. "Destroy them, and the fictional Pokemon and Digimon in this world will disappear."
"But couldn't I just type in the computer that Pokemon and Digimon would disappear from this world?" the bully asked.
The voice then appealed to the bully's personality.
"But where's the fun in that? You'd still leave the Pokemon and Digimon in their actual worlds," the voice said. "Why don't you make them SUFFER before you DESTROY them?"
"Good idea!" the bully said.
"Excellent," the voice said.
"I'll get to work right away!" the bully said. He expected a response, but there was none.
Apparently the owner of the voice had left.
The bully typed something in the computer, and suddenly, on the screen, a globe of the Pokemon world and a map of the Digital World that was in the Digimon world appeared.
"Oh, this is going to be GOOD!" the bully said. "At last I'll be able to eradicate that gay Poke-crap and those Digi-freaks! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!"

To be continued...

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