A/N: Ok it's almost been a year. Words can't express how sorry I am. And there aren't any excuses that are good enough so how about we get along to the story? It's been awhile so I would suggest reading over the last few chapters to remember everything that happened. Anyways, thank you so much for those of you that have stayed with me since the beginning of this story. It is much appreciated. I know some people were wondering about what instrument I play. It's the flute. Enjoy the story!

Inuyasha stared blankly at his hotel ceiling as he laid on his king sized bed. It had been awhile since everything had gone to hell and back. He hadn't heard from Kikyo or Kouga. They supposedly got charged with attempted murder and were sentenced to 25 years in prison. Sesshomaru made sure that they wouldn't get any chance of parole.

Miroku and Inuyasha continued to work on promotions for his new movies and of course the new music video he was in, but it wasn't the same. Not without her.

Ever since that horrifying day in the manision and the hospital, Miroku and Inuyasha hadn't seen Sango or Kagome. What had it been? Almost a week? Inuyasha sighed and rolled over. He still remembered what had happened as if it were minutes ago.

"Kagome?" Inuyasha whispered. His hand stiffened as Kagome's hand squeezed his again. Inuyasha let out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding.

"Inuyasha?" Kagome slowly opened her eyes and started to look around to make sense of what was happening.

Inuyasha sighed in relief and gave her a gentle hug. He buried his head in her shoulder. "I'm so glad you're alright."

Kagome smiled. "Me too. What happened?"

Inuyasha slowly let go of Kagome and sat down on the side of her bed. "K-Kikyo shot you and then we ended up taking all of them down. I imagine Kikyo and Kouga are in prison right about now." Kagome visibly relaxed at the statement. "It's just…I'm sorry I couldn't help you in time. I took too long. I was so stupid!" Inuyasha tightened his fists into balls and tried to contain the onslaught of guilt that had suddenly overcome him again.

Kagome carefully sat up and instantly put a hand on his face and tried to soothe him. "Shh…it's ok. I'm fine, see? Everything is going to be fine. It wasn't your fault."

Inuyasha softened at her words and gently removed her hand from his face. Her touch had been so comforting, but the only thing he could think about was how close he had been to losing her forever.

"I can't," Inuyasha stated as he abruptly lifted himself from the bed and stood at his full height.

Kagome stared at him in confusion. "You can't what?"

Inuyasha hesitated for a moment before taking a deep breath. This was going to be one of the hardest things he had ever done in his life. "I can't be with you anymore. Even if it was just for pretend. I care about you too much. If I have to let you go so you won't be put in any danger then so be it. It hurts…God does it hurt, but I need to do this." Inuyasha silently glanced down at Kagome. Her beautiful eyes were full of pain and she had tears streaming down her porcelain face. Inuyasha couldn't take it. He had to get out before he changed his mind and gave in. Inuyasha turned to leave and made it all the way to the door before he was stopped by a tiny voice.

"Inuyasha, please don't go. Was it me? Did I do something wrong?"

Inuyasha felt his heart wrench at the thought of leaving her, but it had to be done. Inuyasha turned to look at Kagome one last time. "I'm sorry." Inuyasha walked out of the room leaving Kagome sobbing.

Inuyasha cringed at the memory. He hadn't seen Kagome since then. I wonder how she's doing?

"Ugh! Life sucks!" Kagome whined as she trudged into Sango's office late Friday morning.

Sango was busy typing up the hotel's new schedule when Kagome came in. When she noticed who it was she immediately put her work aside. "What are you doing here? Are you crazy? You've barely been out of the hospital and now what? You think you can just come back to work?"

Kagome smiled sheepishly. "Pleeeease Sango. I'm so bored at home and I've been feeling fine for days now. It's not like anything will happen to me."

Sango considered Kagome's statement. "You know, I really shouldn't, but only if you don't work too hard today."

Kagome smiled and hugged Sango. "Thank you."

Even though she was already exasperated at such an early hour, Sango smiled back. Kagome had the power to bring out the very best in her on her worst days. "Your welcome. And remember nothing too hard. And watch out for…" Kagome interrupted her before Sango could say his name.

"I know. Him. I'm finally starting to feel better and I will not let some stupid dog boy with weird ears bring me down." Sango observed Kagome and after a few moments of contemplation decided she would be fine.

"Go on then," Sango said.

Kagome walked out with a smile, but the truth was, just mentioning him began to dampen her spirits. I really love his ears. Kagome felt her smile begin to drop.Kagome sighed and started to find something to do in the busy hotel.

"Inuyasha! Stop your brooding and get your lazy ass in here!" Miroku yelled as he pounded on the door to Inuyasha's room.

Inuyasha growled at the intrusion. Couldn't a man think in peace? Inuyasha angrily jumped off of his bed with a grunt and went into the living room where Miroku was waiting and drinking coffee. Inuyasha stomped up to Miroku and glared. "What the hell do you want?"

Miroku smirked. "Morning to you too sunshine. Look, I know that you've been pretty down after what happened last week, but we still have our jobs. Even though I miss Sango I still do it. So why can't you?"

He had a point. Inuyasha hated it when Miroku had a point. "Keh. Fine, what is it?" Inuyasha slumped onto the couch next to Miroku and waited for his response.

"God she was hot," Miroku said as he dreamily stared into the wall across from him.

Inuyasha rolled his eyes and punched Miroku on the shoulder. "Get a grip man."

Mioku sighed. "Alright. Anyways, I came to talk to you about some publicity stuff. The media had a field day with what happened last week, but we never really told them if you and Kagome were still the hot couple America knows and loves. With the exception of your creepy fan girl club. Inuyasha shuddered at the thought of those girls. They always wanted to see him naked and he didn't know why. How disturbing. Inuyasha shook his head to clear his thoughts and glanced at Miroku. "I don't know. I told her it was over because I didn't want her to get hurt. Does that mean we have to tell the media as well?"

Miroku nodded. 'I'm afraid so. But hey, look on the bright side. At least you won't be chained down. I mean it's never worked out for me, but being single suits you somehow."

Inuyasha thought about what Miroku said. Do I really like being single? I guess I never really thought about being in a serious relationship until I met Kagome. We did have a lot of fun together, despite the drama. Now he really didn't know what to do.

Inuyasha put his focus back on Miroku and the subject at hand. "Ok yeah. Tell the media. Make it look like a clean break. I don't want them to know what really happened."

Miroku nodded sadly. "I'll get on that then. I'll meet you at your photo shoot."

"Yeah sure," Inuyasha responded. Miroku grabbed his coffee and left leaving Inuyasha to get ready to go downtown for his photo shoot. After much pruning and looking in the mirror Inuyasha finally thought he looked presentable to the outside world and phoned for his limo. At least this will be a good distraction.

Kagome walked through the lobby of the hotel exhausted. She had certainly worked all of her boredom out of herself. "Now time for a nice hot bath at home and some dinner." Kagome began walking faster at the prospect of eating when she noticed a flash of silver by the elevator. Oh no. She had spent all week avoiding him. Kagome tried to think of another possible route to take, but the only way out was the exact same direction Inuyasha was headed for. Before she could stop it they were both five feet apart and staring at each other awkwardly. Inuyasha hadn't seemed to notice Kagome until the last possible second or else he definitely would have gone back up the elevator, but now it was too late.

The silence was becoming unbearable so Inuyasha decided to act casual and say something. "So…um…how are you?"

Kagome resisted the urge to laugh. "I've been better, but you probably already know that."

Inuyasha looked down at his shoes for a moment out of guilt. "I'm sorry…"

"Don't. Ok? Just don't." Kagome spit back. "What I did for you was a favor and you treated me like dirt."

"Kagome it wasn't like that, I…"

Kagome's hand shot up in the air to silence him. "I knew I never should have trusted you. Here I thought we were starting to connect. I wanted it to be something more. You must have known that." Kagome's eyes were shimmering with unshed tears. "I was just the stupid girl who fell for the rich famous guy because I thought he was falling back too!" Kagome stopped to catch her breath. She was working herself up too much and if she didn't stop she would start to cry. She would never let Inuyasha see her cry again.

Inuyasha was for once speechless. His mind was telling him what he was doing was the right thing. It would never work between them. He would hurt her like he always did. Somehow he would manage to screw it up. His heart was telling him the exact opposite. So which one should he listen to?

'I really am sorry Kagome. I never meant to hurt you. I never pretended. I do like you a lot, it's just complicated."

Kagome rolled her eyes at his words. "It's not complicated. You're just a coward." Kagome started to walk past Inuyasha as she said these words, but Inuyasha was too quick. He quickly caught her elbow and swung Kagome back to face him.

Kagome was about to shout something about how rude he was, but all she could think about was how close they were. Oh my God, he smells so good.

Inuyasha was confused when Kagome didn't shout until he realized their closeness. His body betrayed his mind and his hand started to gently move from Kagome's elbow to her hair as he gently stroked it. Their faces were inches apart by now and they both could feel the electricity building between them. "Kagome..."


Inuyasha and Kagome pulled back at the sound of the car's horn.

Inuyasha sighed. Disappointed and defeated he lowered his hand from Kagome's hair. "That's my limo. I guess I'll see you around." Inuyasha turned and walked out of the lobby leaving a very confused and frustrated Kagome.

Maybe he was telling the truth.

Wow those two can be so frustrating to watch sometimes. So what do you think? Will Kagome and Inuyasha ever sort out their differences? Stay tuned and find out! Questions? Comments? Reviews? Don't be shy, send them in!

Until next time…